
Nankai University: "Qingma" please fight to overcome the difficulties of the times

author:China Youth Network

Since January 8, a sudden epidemic has hit Tianjin, and the students of nankai university's "Qingma Project" training class have actively responded to the call, taken the initiative to "ask for war", and stepped forward to participate in volunteer services for epidemic prevention and control. Among the 15 trainees in the fourteenth phase, except for the students in school isolation, all signed up to participate in the youth commando team for epidemic prevention and control, and 25 of them returned to their hometowns for the first time to report to the territory, except for one person who was isolated at home and waiting for unified arrangements, 100% completed the first round of nucleic acid testing. They are busy at the scene of centralized nucleic acid testing, struggling in the computer room of information entry, tempering their loyal political character and strong feelings of home and country in the epidemic examination, and practicing the Zhengzheng oath of "please rest assured that the party is assured that the country has me" with practical actions.

Stick to the front line and help screen escort

At the scene of nucleic acid testing for all employees, the "Qingma Project" trainees "moved to the 'epidemic' at the behest of the order", and as volunteers to help with nucleic acid screening, each nucleic acid screening was several hours of perseverance.

They participated in the guidance and registration of nucleic acid screening, guided teachers and students on the spot to scan codes, confirm identity information, distribute test tubes and maintain on-site order. In the process of volunteer service, they patiently answered questions, helped fill in information, scan codes and other links, and calmed everyone's emotions. Under the warm reminders of the volunteers and the patient help of filling in time and again, the teachers and students participating in the on-site inspection cooperated more with the testing work, took the initiative to sample and test, and orderly dispersed the queue, and the on-site work efficiency was greatly improved.

Stay up all night to make sure the information is recorded

With the experience of the first round of nucleic acid screening on-site service, at 8 o'clock on January 10, student Wang Xiuwen and other backbone students who stayed in the school discussed the volunteer work arrangement of the second round of nucleic acid screening and began to prepare on standby. At 23:30, after receiving the notice, the student Jia Chengeng went to the playground to be responsible for the volunteer handover and post communication and coordination. When he opened WeChat at 5 o'clock the next day to check the number of steps, he saw that the "comrades-in-arms" who had already taken more than 10,000 steps stuck to their posts all night. In the face of the low temperature of minus seven or eight degrees Celsius outdoors, many volunteers who left work had their hands frozen red, their fingers were difficult to type, and they still refused to take off their protective clothing and requested to continue to check information on duty. At 6 o'clock, Wang Xiuwen, Jia Chengeng, and many volunteers who worked all night after the nucleic acid testing service went to the comprehensive laboratory building to join the data entry team. At 12:00, the second round of nucleic acid detection data entry was completed.

While ensuring the screening task of nankai university, the students of the "Qingma Project" have also joined the "epidemic" teams of various colleges through online and offline methods to assist counselors in online data statistics and volunteer recruitment.

Go deep into the community and be on call at any time

Lu Zhengyu, a student of the fifth batch of tianjin "Qingma Project", went to the government of Xiaozhan Town, Jinnan District, Tianjin on December 30 last year to report for practical training. Working in the grid center, he is mainly responsible for making mobile calls and understanding the specific situation of returnees in key areas. On January 8, an epidemic occurred in Jinnan District, Tianjin, and he was on standby for the first time. At 4 o'clock on the 9th, I received the order of nucleic acid testing from all staff, and immediately went to the nucleic acid testing point of the fourth primary school in Xiaozhan Town to assist in setting up a tent and quickly carry out work, responsible for entering information and maintaining order on the spot. Until 2 o'clock the next day, the outdoor nucleic acid testing work was basically completed, and I went to the Longjuyuan Community in Yingxin Village to test nucleic acid for the elderly with limited mobility. At 5:30 on the 10th, the first round of nucleic acid testing was basically completed, and thousands of pieces of information were entered. At noon on the 12th, he rushed to the scene of the second round of nucleic acid testing in Yingxin Village, Xiaozhan Town.

"Being on the frontline of the fight against the epidemic, I truly feel the hardships and hardships of the government, medical workers and community volunteers. The work is hard, but the purpose of 'serving the people' provides an inexhaustible source of motivation for everyone. Fighting the epidemic is inseparable from the efforts of all workers, but also inseparable from the active cooperation of the masses, the whole people to build the Great Wall of epidemic prevention, victory over the epidemic is just around the corner! After the first round of nucleic acid testing, Lu Zhengyu recorded his feelings in the circle of friends.

The hard battle of epidemic prevention and control is still continuing, and these Qingma students will continue to fight, and they will never be absent at every moment when they should show the responsibility of the times and the historical mission of young people.

Correspondent Liu Yu Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily

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