
A Norwegian study: eating more nuts and beans can live for 10 years

If you want to live longer, you may try to eat more legumes. A Norwegian study found that if humans started eating more nuts, legumes and grains from age 20, they could live up to 10 years longer than eating red meat and processed foods. Even if you start doing this from the age of 60, you can extend your life by 8 years.

A Norwegian study: eating more nuts and beans can live for 10 years

According to the British "Times" reported on the 9th, researchers at the University of Bergen in Norway analyzed the relationship between food intake and life expectancy and came up with a healthy recipe: 225 grams of whole grains, 200 grams of fish, 200 grams of beans and 400 grams of vegetables per day. In addition, the researchers said try not to eat red meat, processed meat or drink sugary drinks.

Researcher Fadnes says food is the foundation of health, and the risks associated with diet cause about 11 million deaths and 255 million people disabled globally each year. "Very few people can completely change their eating habits," he says, but there are substantial benefits from trying something.

Fadnes also advises people to swap out some junk food, such as eating a bean burger is healthier than a meat burger.

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