
Barkley talks about the Joe James controversy: Friends who do radio say that it is to raise the topic for fools to argue

Barkley talks about the Joe James controversy: Friends who do radio say that it is to raise the topic for fools to argue

Live Bar Feb. 9 Today, NBA star Barkley talked about the jordan vs James discussion on "The Sessions with Renee Paquette" show.

Barkley said: "It's a very lazy comparison, Jordan has been retired for about 100 years, why should people worry about his comparison with an active player. I have a friend whose radio show is famous and he says to me, 'My job is to get these idiots to sort this every day, man, that's all there is to it.' I'm going to do 4 hours of radio every day, and I'm just going to bring up a topic and then let these idiots argue with me for 4 hours. It's funny, some older people will support Jordan, some young kids will support LeBron, sometimes Kobe Bryant, older people will support Abdul-Jabbar. ”

"Jordan is the greatest player I've ever played against, I have a lot of love and respect for LeBron, he's a very great player and he's a good guy. I just think it's a lazy discussion, these players have never played each other and the game is completely different. ”

(Pig of 95)

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