
Matter can be converted into energy, so can energy also be converted into matter?

Speaking of Einstein, we all know that he was the greatest scientist after Newton and Galileo. In 1905, he published an epoch-making paper that ushered in a new era in physics. This paper is the well-known special theory of relativity

Matter can be converted into energy, so can energy also be converted into matter?

In special relativity, the most famous is the mass-energy equation, which explains to us the equivalence relationship between mass and energy, which is expressed as the square of E = Mc, where E stands for energy, M stands for mass, and C stands for the speed of light in a vacuum.

Matter can be converted into energy, so can energy also be converted into matter?

From the equations we can know that matter can be converted into energy, and energy can also be converted into matter, which are equally exchanged with each other. This shows that a tiny substance also contains a huge amount of energy!

Matter can be converted into energy, so can energy also be converted into matter?

For example, the atomic bomb or hydrogen bomb that human beings are making today, although one of his manufacturing principles is through fission reaction, and the other is through fusion reaction, which is not made by using intelligent equations, but in fact, they all have the shadow of the mass-energy equation! Because intelligent equations can explain the problem of quality loss before and after nuclear reactions, we can know why nuclear weapons are so powerful

From the mass-energy equation, it can be calculated that the mass-energy conversion rate of nuclear fission is about 0.13 percent, and the conversion rate of nuclear fusion is about 0.7 percent.

Matter can be converted into energy, so can energy also be converted into matter?

The sun is 150 million kilometers away is a huge nuclear energy plant, its interior is happening all the time thermonuclear reactions, there are about 600 million tons of hydrogen per second fusion into 596 million tons of helium, of which about 4 million tons of hydrogen converted into energy release, it is also with the energy brought by mass loss, in order to provide light and heat to the earth, so that life can reproduce!

Matter can be converted into energy, so can energy also be converted into matter?

Speaking of which, many people may have questions, since matter can be converted into energy, is there any example of energy being converted into matter?

Matter can be converted into energy, so can energy also be converted into matter?

The answer is yes, according to the current mainstream theory in the scientific community, all the matter in our universe is actually 13.8 billion years ago, from an infinitely dense and hot pure energy singularity.

Matter can be converted into energy, so can energy also be converted into matter?

After the Big Bang, as the universe expanded and the temperature dropped, energy began to be converted into various particles, initially only neutrons, protons, electrons, photons and other elementary particle forms. Then as the temperature continued to drop, atoms, nuclei, and molecules were formed, and coalesced into clouds of gas, so that these primitive clouds of gas began to collapse due to gravity, forming stars, planets, and galaxies, and finally after more than 10 billion years of evolution, it became the appearance of the universe we see today.

Matter can be converted into energy, so can energy also be converted into matter?

In reality, scientists also through the large hadron collider, after accelerating multiple particles to nearly the speed of light, colliding with each other to produce new particles and antimatter particles, which is a typical example of energy conversion into mass in a high-energy state, but the converted antimatter particles will immediately annihilate into energy with ordinary matter.

Matter can be converted into energy, so can energy also be converted into matter?

Therefore, we can be sure that mass and energy are indeed equivalent interchangeable relations, that is, energy can be converted into matter, and matter can also be converted into energy!

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