
Do you have to do three generations of test tubes at an advanced age?

All along, everyone knows that the childbearing age should be early, so that the better the recovery, because advanced age is not suitable for childbearing. And IVF technology has made some elderly mothers see the hope of childbearing, but many elderly mothers have a doubt, must the elderly IVF do three generations? For this reason, in fact, there are many, the final result is actually more important to help mothers efficiently produce a healthy baby, let's take a look at it.

Do you have to do three generations of test tubes at an advanced age?

Test tubes for elderly mothers

As the woman's age increases, the eggs age gradually, and the percentage of egg cells with normal genes is gradually reduced. Therefore, with the addition of age, the fertility rate of women will decrease, the yield rate of | will be very high, and the probability of birth defects such as Down's induction syndrome will increase. The third generation of IVF PGD/PGS can screen for these abnormalities, allowing expectant mothers to transfer healthy embryos into the body and give birth to healthy babies as much as possible.

Third generation IVF PGD/PGS

The purpose of preimplantation genetic testing is to determine whether a particular egg and/or embryo is affected by certain genetic disorders. Preimplantation genetic testing can be used in conjunction with in vitro fertilization (IVF) and contains two clinical techniques: preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and preimplantation genetic screening (PGS).

Do you have to do three generations of test tubes at an advanced age?

In order to undergo preimplantation genetic testing, embryos must be examined. Embryo biopsies are usually performed with microneedles of trophoblast cells except for a few at 5 days or 6 of embryonic development. These cells are then genetically analyzed to detect abnormalities. During the screening process, the embryos will be frozen until the results are available. The risks and benefits of preimplantation genetic testing vary from person to person. Testing procedures and techniques are tailored to the mother-to-be and her needs.

In IVF, next-generation sequencing (NGS) is specifically designed to screen 23 pairs of chromosomes. First, whole genome amplification from biopsy specimens. Each specimen has a magnified specimen library. DNA sequence determination in NGS machines. The data is then imported and the known good controls are evaluated with advanced analysis software. NGS has the ability to detect entire chromosome aneuploidy as well as large fragments of chromosomes that are duplicated and missing.

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