
The sense of technology is full! Yutong takes advantage of the "meta-universe" to open up a new channel for manufacturing brands

author:China Bus Network

  With the Spring Festival approaching, all brands have begun to be like "eight immortals crossing the sea", striving to break through in the new year-end theme short film. Every time at this time, it is like the Cannes Festival of the advertising industry, where all kinds of brain-opening ideas and heart-wrenching stories appear together.

  Among the homogeneous Chinese New Year theme short films, the most surprising thing is Yutong Bus's New Year micro-film "AI Together". With the help of AI, meta-universe and other elements to focus on the Chinese Year under high technology: the son who is a cloud-controlled traffic dispatcher cannot go home to reunite with his parents because of his busy work...

The sense of technology is full! Yutong takes advantage of the "meta-universe" to open up a new channel for manufacturing brands

  The sense of science and technology is full of family affection years Yutong Bus defines the expression of love

  To say that the most popular concept at the moment, not the "meta-universe", in the "AI Together" micro-film, there are virtual Chinese New Year's Eve meals, intelligent food machines and other meta-universe elements, and more intelligent Yutong bus escort mothers to send dumplings for their sons, but also allow sons to monitor the mother's travel conditions in real time. Through the blessing of the meta-universe concept, it fully cuts to the user's interest points, refreshes the user's brand cognition of Yutong, and then realizes the circle of fans.

The sense of technology is full! Yutong takes advantage of the "meta-universe" to open up a new channel for manufacturing brands

  As one of the components of the metaverse, VR intelligent technology has gradually entered people's lives and realized in-depth application in urban, tourism, film and television industries. The intelligent VR technology has also been fully interpreted in Yutong's science fiction micro-film: mothers, sons and relatives who have not seen each other for many years have achieved family reunion by wearing VR glasses.

The sense of technology is full! Yutong takes advantage of the "meta-universe" to open up a new channel for manufacturing brands

  As a traditional manufacturing brand, Yutong Bus uses the elements of the current trend to communicate with users, which can be described as a pioneer. The micro-film also let everyone see the deep cultivation of Yutong Bus for creativity and brand, and also made Yutong's warm image of helping family reunion for a better trip be revealed.

  Play a good combination of communication fists to form a layer of progressive communication chain

  An excellent idea also needs a good communication link to really detonate the topic of the event. While innovating content, Yutong Bus builds a complete communication link to achieve the continuous diffusion of brand sound.

  1. Warm up the topic of dissemination, which will arouse the continuous attention of users

  In order to let the explosive point be excavated in advance, Yutong Bus released a warm-up poster and video on the eve of the New Year micro-movie to arouse the curiosity of users. On the other hand, with the help of interview videos of three vegetarians: rebellious youths who do not want to go home, anti-epidemic nurses who cannot go home, and silver-haired elderly people who are homeless, through their true stories, they establish emotional links with users, create a sense of resonance, and then seize the user's mind; While maximizing the release of the voice of the Yutong bus brand, the brand events continue to arouse the attention of users.

  2. Linkage of resources inside and outside the station to continuously build a brand traffic field

  When the warm-up activity triggered the discussion of the whole network, Yutong Bus seized the opportunity to link the official platform of the station to release sci-fi micro-movies one after another, and there were more interactive movie-watching and interactive praise and gift activities. At the same time, the WeChat platform issued the theme Of The New Year red envelope cover, and the Douyin platform launched the Challenge with the topic of shooting the reunion moment, undertaking the traffic of warm-up activities and continuously building a ripple effect of communication.

The sense of technology is full! Yutong takes advantage of the "meta-universe" to open up a new channel for manufacturing brands
The sense of technology is full! Yutong takes advantage of the "meta-universe" to open up a new channel for manufacturing brands

  Off-site platform, linkage of the major video platforms of the whole network synchronously present Yutong's science fiction micro-films, while forty authoritative media report all-round, but also 21 partners, 37 cooperative customers full support, fully use of Yutong bus channel advantages, to achieve a breakthrough in the circle layer, the formation of a climax of communication. In order to further spread the activity, Yutong customized the Changzhou bus theme bus, carried out operational publicity with creative body color stickers, completely detonated the topic degree, so that the brand voice volume was greatly improved, and the brand traffic pool was accumulated.

The sense of technology is full! Yutong takes advantage of the "meta-universe" to open up a new channel for manufacturing brands
The sense of technology is full! Yutong takes advantage of the "meta-universe" to open up a new channel for manufacturing brands

  In short, in this transmission, Yutong Bus can be said to have successfully brushed a wave of existence. From the preheating of communication to the landing of official announcements, and then to the release of diversified activities for brand drainage in combination with its own channel advantages, Yutong Bus can be said to have formed a layer of progressive communication links, prompting the topic communication to reach the effect of MAX level.

  Technology and humanities coexist, innovative marketing becomes the "growth engine" of the brand

  Traditional manufacturing brands pay more attention to communication with the B-end, resulting in a long distance from consumers, unable to make consumers visualize the advantages of the brand. Looking back on the Spring Festival War of Yutong Bus, we not only pay attention to high-quality content, but also base ourselves on the long-term development path of the brand, and deepen the scientific and technological strength of the brand while taking cultural feelings as the core.

  1. Play with the "new tricks" of marketing and build a new brand ecology

  In the post-traffic era, brands also need to keep up with the development trend of the times and empower brands to innovate and develop paths. From the general trend of "local New Year" in 2019 to the national hot flashes in 2021 to the era outlet of this year's meta-universe, each Lunar New Year micro-film of Yutong Bus has grasped the trend of the times and integrated the current creative ideas into marketing. As a traditional manufacturing brand, Yutong can be described as having advanced vision and strategy, and building a new ecology of the brand with the brand attitude of "daring to cross the level".

  2. Multi-content communication with users and interpretation of brand humanistic concepts

  Traditional manufacturing brands often ignore the cognitive shaping of C-end users, and truly intelligent brands will pay more attention to the deep cultivation of the content level, focus on reflecting the humanistic care of the brand, and establish a deep emotional link with the user. Just like Yutong Bus continues to build the "Life Bus" micro-theater, focusing on the heart-warming stories in daily life, and then spreading positive values for users and gaining users' favorability; At the same time, it has been doing children's traffic safety public welfare for three consecutive years and popularizing children's traffic safety education, which also reflects the brand's continuous deep cultivation of the "Humanistic Yutong" brand strategy, breaking the cold scientific and technological impression of the bus manufacturing brand, and deeply interpreting the brand's humanistic feelings.

  3. Multi-content communication with users and interpretation of brand humanistic concepts

  Humanities and science and technology are complementary to each other, yutong in the development of humanistic concepts at the same time do not forget to continue to cultivate product strength. For example, the ice and snow challenge held by Yutong Bus, under extremely cold conditions, through the trial scene of new energy vehicles, highlights the top level and leading technology of Yutong Bus manufacturing, and helps users travel safely; The columns such as Douyin Beauty Say Car and YuGe Say Car are all-round interpretations of Yutong's deep cultivation of core technologies, bringing more comfortable and convenient enjoyment to users. It is worth mentioning that the smart bus Yutong Xiaoyu won the 2021 Red Dot Award, using technology to protect every mile of user travel and enhance the added value of the brand.

The sense of technology is full! Yutong takes advantage of the "meta-universe" to open up a new channel for manufacturing brands
The sense of technology is full! Yutong takes advantage of the "meta-universe" to open up a new channel for manufacturing brands

  It can be seen that the marketing done by Yutong Bus is based on humanistic care and supported by the strength of scientific and technological manufacturing to empower the long-term development of the brand. What kind of surprises will the manufacturing brand of Yutong Bus bring to us in the future? We look forward to it together!

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