
Macron saw Putin, but was robbed of the camera by the table! After Merkel left office, Macron became the boss of the European Union?

author:Kong Fan in Paris

In order to ease the Crisis in Ukraine and downgrade the Contradictions between Russia and Ukraine, French President Macron went to Moscow on the 7th to meet with Russian President Putin, becoming the first Western head of state to visit Russia after the escalation of Russian-Ukrainian contradictions in December last year.

Macron saw Putin, but was robbed of the camera by the table! After Merkel left office, Macron became the boss of the European Union?

Macron arrives in Moscow. (Screenshot of RT France report)

01 Macron and Putin face-to-face talks Over the table caused heated discussion

Macron and Putin meet face-to-face in Moscow on Feb. 7. For a time, the super-large table between the two became the focus of French netizens.

Macron saw Putin, but was robbed of the camera by the table! After Merkel left office, Macron became the boss of the European Union?

The scene of Macron's talks with Putin. The extra-long table between the two has aroused heated discussion among French netizens. (Screenshot of RT France report)

Some netizens said that the on-site translation is a bit bitter. Some netizens joked that Putin put up such a large table to prevent Macron from lifting the table.

To this end, the French media also specially clarified that the arrangement of Macron to sit so far is not Russia's intention to embarrass Macron, but to prevent the epidemic. Just last week, when Putin met with Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán, it was that far away.

Macron saw Putin, but was robbed of the camera by the table! After Merkel left office, Macron became the boss of the European Union?

▲ The scene of the talks between Putin and Orban. (Twitter screenshot)

Macron saw Putin, but was robbed of the camera by the table! After Merkel left office, Macron became the boss of the European Union?

▲ French media pointed out that Putin and Orban toasted each other 7 meters apart last week. (Twitter screenshot)

Back to the point, let's take a look at what Macron and Putin mainly talked about in the talks.

According to Agence France-Presse, Macron said at the talks on the same day that he hoped that the contradictions between Russia and Western countries over the Ukraine issue could be alleviated. "Talks could open up crisis de-escalation," Macron said, hoping to "begin to build a common response that will be beneficial to Russia and the rest of Europe."

Macron said the "beneficial response" was aimed at avoiding a war between Russia and Ukraine and "rebuilding trust, stability and predictability for all parties."

Macron believes that the current situation in Europe is "very critical" and must have a "high sense of responsibility". He again stressed the importance of dialogue with Russia, which is "the only way to establish a genuine new security and stable order on the European continent".

Macron saw Putin, but was robbed of the camera by the table! After Merkel left office, Macron became the boss of the European Union?

▲ The scene of Macron's meeting with Putin. (Screenshot of RT France report)

Russian President Putin said on the 7th that Russia and France "have common concerns about European security issues." He paid tribute to Paris' efforts to address European security issues, particularly in the search for a solution to the Ukraine crisis.

Macron saw Putin, but was robbed of the camera by the table! After Merkel left office, Macron became the boss of the European Union?

▲ When Putin spoke, Macron frequently smiled and nodded. (Screenshot of RT France report)

Macron saw Putin, but was robbed of the camera by the table! After Merkel left office, Macron became the boss of the European Union?

▲ Putin smiled more subtly. (Screenshot of RT France report)

02 Macron became Russia's "number one" interlocutor in the European Union

Before Macron's visit to Russia, the heads of state of France and Russia spoke on three occasions in just one week. People around Macron revealed that Putin once said to Macron in a call on the 3rd: "You are a high-quality interlocutor, I am waiting for you to come, we will take a moment to carry out in-depth discussions." ”

"Le Figaro" pointed out that in the face of the United States, which vigorously exaggerates the imminent "aggression" of Russia against Ukraine and the "silent" European Union, Moscow, from a pragmatic point of view, regards Macron as one of the few weighty interlocutors at this stage.

"In this Russian-Ukrainian crisis, some countries have a 'tough attitude', but other countries may be able to help Russia downgrade the contradiction without losing face." Analyst Sergueï Mikhaïlov noted on Russian independent television Station Dojd last week: "Macron may be able to accomplish this task." He argues that while Macron cannot guarantee that the West will accept the security assurance agreement submitted by Moscow, it can at least "commit not to deploy strategic weapons in Eastern Europe, or reiterate that neither NATO nor the EU has discussed Ukraine's accession to NATO."

Moscow observers point out that former German Chancellor Angela Merkel was putin's priority conversation partner in the European Union. Last year, Germany and France called for an EU-Russia summit, but it was not possible due to opposition from 10 member states. After Merkel stepped down, the new chancellor Scholz, as a newcomer in the international political arena, had little less weight to talk to Moscow.

Macron saw Putin, but was robbed of the camera by the table! After Merkel left office, Macron became the boss of the European Union?

▲ In August 2021, on Merkel's last visit to Russia before leaving office, Putin sent a bouquet of flowers to Merkel. (AFP photo)

In this case, Macron, who has presided over the "Normandy model" quadripartite talks (France, Germany, Russia, Ukraine) and is the president of the EU presidency, is clearly the best person to talk to Putin.

"Besides Macron, who else in the EU can afford this burden?" Fiodor Loukianov, a Russian political analyst, asked questions in kommersant. "In a way, the President of France is the current boss of the European Union." Nikolaï Topornin, a co-professor at the Moscow Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), points out.

Macron saw Putin, but was robbed of the camera by the table! After Merkel left office, Macron became the boss of the European Union?

▲ European Commission President von der Leyen

03 Macron work harder, why not Biden say a word?

According to French media analysis, Moscow is also very aware of Macron's situation in France. "Although [Macron] has not officially announced his candidacy for the presidency, he is always the first in the polls," Professor Topornin stressed, "and it is important for Macron to prove that he is still a very important EU leader in international affairs." ”

Still, the vast majority of Moscow analysts agree that no matter how hard the French president tries to talk to Russia, it will ultimately not be able to change the EU's position on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, because in their view, the EU is just a "follower" of Washington – the only ultimate interlocutor for Americans.

Macron saw Putin, but was robbed of the camera by the table! After Merkel left office, Macron became the boss of the European Union?

Washington has made it clear that the United States will not send troops to defend Ukraine

To avoid going it alone, Macron has previously mobilized his various diplomatic relations in the EUROPEAN Union. However, Russian political analyst Lukoyanov pointed out in the "Business Daily": "It is surprising that the EU seems to be invisible in this conflict, because the core issue of the conflict is the EU security." "Despite the efforts of France, Germany, and britain to use diplomacy, in reality, only Washington is the key to breaking through the impasse in the EU's security crisis." ”

04 Macron's mediation task is not simple

In fact, as early as 2008, when then-French President Nicolas Sarkozy successfully mediated the conflict between Russia and Georgia over the South Ossetia region during the French presidency of the European Union. However, Le Figaro pointed out that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is more difficult: Russia has gathered 100,000 military forces on the Russian-Ukrainian border, and THE US national security adviser Jake Sullivan is more "predicted" that Russia will launch an attack on Ukraine on the day of Macron's visit to Russia...

Macron saw Putin, but was robbed of the camera by the table! After Merkel left office, Macron became the boss of the European Union?

▲ U.S. White House National Security Adviser Sullivan

Macron pointed out that the main purpose of the French president's visit to Russia is to reach an agreement on alleviating tensions in the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine and further promote the "Normandy model" quadripartite talks to implement the "New Minsk Agreement".

On Tuesday 8, the French president will also meet with Ukrainian President Zelenskiy in Kiev, and then to Berlin to meet with German Chancellor Scholz and Polish President Duda. The Elysee Palace said that macron went to Russia first because "the main problem is Putin, not Zelenskiy, so the Moscow problem must be solved first."

It is reported that macron will once again emphasize the firm attitude of the Western camp on the issue of "respecting Ukraine's sovereignty" and the free choice of allies by EU countries during his visit to Russia.

The Elysee Palace revealed that Macron "will take care of the interests of all parties". In an interview with the Daily Des Desj (JDD), the French president said Russia's goal "is not Ukraine, it is to determine ... Rules of agreement with NATO and the European Union. Macron warned that he did not expect Moscow to take "unilateral measures" to ease tensions. He also reiterated that the sovereignty of Ukraine and any other EU country is not to be discussed, but at the same time said that Russia has the right to raise its own security concerns, saying that it can understand "the trauma suffered by this great country and great people".

Le Figaro pointed out that Macron met with the Russian president at versailles in May 2017 to try to revise Franco-Russian relations, and later received Putin at fort de Brégançon, the president's summer residence, in 2019, hoping to start a "strategic dialogue" with the Kremlin, but Macron's efforts had little effect.

Macron saw Putin, but was robbed of the camera by the table! After Merkel left office, Macron became the boss of the European Union?

Macron received Putin at Breganson Castle, the president's summer residence, in 2019.

In fact, the contradictions between France and Russia have risen one after another: the French have accused Russia of not cooperating with the allied anti-terrorism efforts in Syria; they have also accused the Russian government of supporting the "deployment" of the Russian mercenary organization Wagner Group in Mali behind the scenes, which is "incompatible" with the French troops remaining in Mali; and the recent decision of the Malian government to expel the French ambassador to Mali has also greatly angered France. All this has made Macron's attitude toward Russia gradually harden from trying to rehabilitate in the early days of his presidency.

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