
February 2022 luck is coming, come and see which constellation is the luckiest to start the year!

Unconsciously, the new year has begun. Want to know which constellations will have better fortunes after the start of the Year of the Tiger? Take a look at the founder of "StarChat", astrology expert Wang Zhen, to reveal the horoscope of this month!

February 2022 luck is coming, come and see which constellation is the luckiest to start the year!


In early February, you may want to toss and turn between your friends, re-networking, organizing your circle of friends, seeing who is "more useful" to you or seeing who can help you.

On February 4th Mercury is in the Honorary Career Palace, which will help Aries to commit to their future development goals and plans, and after some tossing and turning, you are about to enter a new role in the workplace. This new role is a new state that distinguishes it from the past.

For example, if in the past you were a sincere, honest person, then now many people see your integrity and will support your career development and bring new income.

If you have been doing games, lying, and fooling around in the past, then now you are also clearly seen by everyone, and there will be many people who will pay attention to you, and may come to you to settle the account. Whether this account is real money, or various love debts. Personalities that include the family sphere also need to be re-evaluated.

In terms of love, the pink bubbles you had before in the water retrograde should also be broken by now, and you may have lost interest in an ambiguous object, or after a brief repair brought by an ex, it will still be separated.

On February 15, your attention is on eating, drinking, loving relationships, and children. This period of time is a good time for you to fall in love, or it is a moment that is suitable for advancing the current relationship, and it is suitable for pregnancy and childbirth. This is the time when new relationships are established, and if you're single, you can see if there's any attractive opposite sex coming up around this week.

In the last week of the end of the month, the sun shifts, you want to rest and be alone, to think about future plans, it is not possible to make money at the moment, and rebuilding the foundation is the most important.

It may be uncomfortable and need to go to the hospital, if you have children or because of the health of your children needs your attention.

The end of the month in love is not a time of romantic happiness, work is a mess, your love relationship is also a mess, you may really need to peel back the past history to find a new direction of feelings instead of a new person.

February 2022 luck is coming, come and see which constellation is the luckiest to start the year!


At the beginning of February, the distant affairs were nearing the end, and the disturbances were about to pass. But after this water retrograde, your life has changed a lot, all depending on whether the foundation is stable enough.

So in the next month, you should think about it, are you going to develop in other places? Perhaps as your mindset shifts, you'll focus on longer-term matters. Whether it's feelings or something else, you're going to think, what if it goes on like this? What does the future hold? Involuntarily examine the current conditions.

On February 15th, the Lantern Festival, you may have to change your residence, or change your office environment, or even go to a foreign country, your financial luck may not be very good, and your sense of security is the problem you care about at the moment.

At the end of February, until the end of the month, you may receive frequent contacts from past people at this stage, or meet a lot of old friends, meet together, eat, chat.

Nobles in the workplace also have the opportunity to appear, including the career transformation mentioned, and at this time, they may also achieve career advancement with the help of nobles. Your attention will be on dealing with various relationships and it may be difficult to care about your own intimate relationships.

Because from the end of February, you will gradually realize the problems caused by interpersonal relationships, whether it is the collapse of human design, or the explosion of popularity, which will be slowly reflected in the future.

February 2022 luck is coming, come and see which constellation is the luckiest to start the year!


In early February, your guardian planet Mercury is on the way, and the money-related chaos will gradually come to an end. If the previous operation is appropriate, you have the opportunity to get more money, or other forms of return, such as equity, real estate, stocks, cars, or cash. If the previous operation is not very appropriate, then you will also get money, but it is the money lent to you by others, which needs to be repaid.

We must also pay attention to the body of the elders, may inherit the inheritance during this period, or bequest, and the difference between the two is that the inheritance is the first heir, the bequest is the next generation, and the inheritance will not have so many twists and turns, but the bequest may conflict with the father's generation, improper handling may take legal procedures, and you need to properly resolve it.

On February 15th, you may have to travel at this time, but you will not go too far, it may be near the city, visit relatives and friends, or do not go home for the New Year, go home during the Lantern Festival and reunite with your family.

Or maybe there is good news from afar, and you need to go to negotiate. But it looks like you have an important contract waiting to land, or an important job offer, and the answer to this matter will be revealed at this time. The results depend on your true abilities and your resume.

But the love horoscope is not bad, you may be in a different place.

At the end of February, until the end of March, your career field will usher in the peak of the first phase of 2022, different Gemini, different career returns. But it can be expected that you will get a lot of attention, whether it is people in the same industry, or others, is a period of great attention, as long as you deal with it well, you will easily get a lot of cooperative relations. This is very important for the gemini babies of entrepreneurs, seize the opportunity to cooperate more. But if you're a part-time worker, it means more customers and sales.

February 2022 luck is coming, come and see which constellation is the luckiest to start the year!


At the beginning of February, for baby Cancer, on the one hand, it will highlight its financial difficulties, and on the other hand, it will also bring new opportunities to make money. You'll have a sizable income coming out of nowhere, allowing you to weather the financial crisis with ease. A large amount of silver will enter your pocket through bonuses, commissions, inheritance, insurance payments, bank loans, child support, divorce compensation or other means to help you solve your current financial difficulties.

The question asked is, is your intimacy still there? If it is still the same as before? Are you the one who achieves the final triumph of an emotional relationship through patience? Or is it Cancer, who lost his life partner after getting something similar to a property?

Different Cancers, different answers.

On February 15, the issue of money becomes your concern, and you will know in which direction money will come from. And there will be a lot of complicated communication. You'll all have the opportunity to meet the big guys, and the big guys are asked about money.

At the end of February, the matters handled are still related to the field, or with new media, the Internet, education, etc., and at this time you will find that the decision at this time is your future development direction, and will travel soon, I hope you are all right.

February 2022 luck is coming, come and see which constellation is the luckiest to start the year!


For Leo in early February, pay attention to the previously determined partnership, although it is still the New Year, it may still be due to the occurrence of what moths will lead to the miscarriage of the upcoming cooperation, you may need to wait until after the middle of February to meet a wave of noble luck in your career, to help you solve the misunderstandings and contradictions in your past work.

But in early February you will change your inner view of many things, so you may choose those who are capable and professional enough when choosing who to work with, rather than the vague relationship of background, network, and power.

So after Mercury's anterograde, whether it was a career partnership or the direction of an intimate relationship, you will get a clear conclusion about whether it is suitable for continued development. It seems that the transfer and adjustment of the previous year's work will usher in the results at this time, you may change jobs, or there is a promotion and salary increase.

If you have any new ambiguous behavior during the water retrograde, it seems unlikely to last long, and the last three months are a test period.

On February 15, the full moon is in honmei, and it seems that something influential to you is nearing the end. Or maybe what you've been brewing is coming to an end, and you may get a promotion and a raise and get a good review. And it seems to be an opportunity to get with the help of a heterosexual person in the field of work who holds the resources of power.

At the end of February, good luck strikes, not only do you have your own fortune, but it is also possible to help your other half get luck and achieve a win-win situation. But it's also possible that your significant other needs your guarantee to withdraw money from the bank, which is also a kind of luck. In short, it is not cash in the conventional sense. It is also possible to face divorce to share the property, or dividends from a past investment.

February 2022 luck is coming, come and see which constellation is the luckiest to start the year!


At the beginning of February, there will be a relatively good fortune in the business field, and it is also a period of renewal of the relationship. But it's the New Year, and you can look forward to your career performance after returning to work.

On February 4, when the spring is established, Mercury is going forward, and at work, the plan determined by the previous water retrograde may be pushed over and restarted, or cancelled directly, and may need to give yourself more patience. But other creative-related matters will gradually go smoothly, and the guardian star will get attention as long as you execute your creative event.

Around the middle of February, physical health needs to be paid more attention at this stage, especially in chronic diseases. Especially in the position related to the foot, pay attention not to get hurt when exercising. Everyone is practicing skiing and paying attention to safety.

At the end of February, until the beginning of March, it will help you to run into your relationship field, whether it is an intimate relationship or a working relationship, as long as you can reflect on yourself more and compromise with your own needs, so as to meet each other's needs, stand on each other's position and consider, there will be no problem with you getting along.

There will also be relatively good fortunes in the field of business, and it is also the kind of cooperation with someone who, after a period of time, feels that it is not suitable, and may end the relationship with a partner at this time, so as to usher in a new cooperative relationship from the end of February to March, or a new cooperation model with the old relationship.

February 2022 luck is coming, come and see which constellation is the luckiest to start the year!


At the beginning of February, the relationship will improve, the relationship between the people you like will ease, and they will also stand by your side to help you, support you, make you feel physically and mentally happy, and it is a day to reunite with your family.

After February 4, on the one hand, the matters you communicate with will be related to the property, such as buying and selling, or re-establishing. Or maybe your area of work, such as an offline entity, may change residences or change settings. Those burst pipes, leaks, and related matters that occur in your home environment will gradually find a good solution.

In the family field, it is actually recommended at this stage to solve the invisible conflicts between the old and the family, especially with your lover, (if you still want to be together).

You may also meet someone who borrows money from you in the second week of February, and the other party's ability to repay the loan needs to be re-evaluated, if you think it is worth it, do it, and if it does not work, it is recommended not to borrow.

When the full moon in the middle of the month is your highlight moment, you may be beautifully dressed up, go to some important occasions, or be invited, of course, it may be that after the resumption of work, everyone will have a meeting together to discuss the work of the next year, and you are the main speaker, which is also a state of social and attention, which can help Libra's future career development. People will want to listen to your opinions, to see what you think, and you are important in your career field. And you may also get money through your own efforts, so fortune is also good.

In the last week of February, the workload is coming, your work requires you to pay more effort, and it is likely that you are the one who pays the most, your career trend is developing in a positive direction, and the work that was previously delayed will be well promoted at the end of the month to the beginning of next month. Come on!

February 2022 luck is coming, come and see which constellation is the luckiest to start the year!


In early February, all you do is prepare to move, re-rent, or deal with property-related matters. At the family level, it may be the turmoil of personal identity and family relations at this time, promoting intimate relationships. (Nguyen Ching Tien seems to have announced his girlfriend's identity during this period) This is one way to promote intimacy, that is, to take responsibility.

After February 4, until the end of February, your life may have a vague relationship with the power struggles behind it, the reshaping of the structure, and the invisible money-related life issues.

Or maybe you'll have to think about how to get more money, and you'll use your instinct to weigh the pros and cons and get the terms that are best for you.

Mercury has gone downhill, the previously delayed work has now been fully launched, and the down-to-earth and rigorous Scorpio baby, you will be the one who gets it at this time.

In the middle of February, the important thing is to pay attention to your reputation in the work environment, before saying not to involve office romance, do not do things that are harmful to the company, if you happen to be in charge of the company's finances, then you need to detail the company's current financial situation, otherwise the time point of the rampage is in these two days.

Of course, you may have experienced the entanglement of family relations in this month, and in mid-February there will be a result that involves your future direction, and the whole life needs to take on more responsibility, responsibility about the fate of others.

At the end of February, the sun changes positions, and the single baby Scorpio will continue to promote your love or pregnancy horoscope. If you are married and have children, you will only focus on the children during this time, the whole winter vacation children absolutely make you feel bad, how to accept now, the new planning of future children is your focus.

And at work, it is to help the Scorpion friends to integrate creditor's rights, debt matters, you may be because of the past self is very hard, and because of the bigger and bigger, will meet more people who want to go in and out with you during this period to come to your field, assist you, work with you, or directly pay money to help you, just a detailed plan, at this time it is very important, if you are operating similar events, seize the opportunity.

February 2022 luck is coming, come and see which constellation is the luckiest to start the year!


In early February, it looks like you might have a Spring Festival trip, start your post-Spring Festival showtime, and see what new opportunities there will be about job advancement, or who you meet. And how much money you make in the future at work and how to make money have become your biggest concerns at the moment, so it seems that you are secretly planning a new option for making money in the future. But it's just an option, and whether it can be put into action depends on personal motivation, which seems to me to be a bit underpowered.

In addition, the partner you want at the moment must not only give you a steady stream of love, but also have enough financial resources, but the other party does not show such a good economic foundation, you may mentally re-evaluate. This may be because in the new relationship, you are a little financially deprived, and it is not excluded that there may be the idea that you may hope that your other half will help you through the financial crisis, but the other party may not be too capable at the moment, which will lead to a re-evaluation of your relationship.

In fact, you don't have to worry, because in the middle of the month, there will be good news at work, and it is still possible to go to a foreign country and have the opportunity to get new opportunities with the help of your people.

But it's possible to do the opposite, but instead there are power relationships at work to vet your financial problems, such as past expenses, expenses, investments, and so on. But whether it's reviewing or introducing new people, it's enough to show that you've been seen, or that the project you've done has been seen by everyone.

At the end of February, the baby shooter needs to deal with buying and selling real estate, or moving and re-renting. There may also be a change in the working environment, and at this time there is absolutely no good luck, that is, what God gives you, is what. If the past financial audit is not good, you have to subsidize the past financial loopholes from the end of the month to the beginning of next month.

February 2022 luck is coming, come and see which constellation is the luckiest to start the year!


In early February, during the Spring Festival, you may receive good luck such as red envelopes or gifts. It may seem like a new birth to a relationship, but it may also be prompting you to make some changes to the relationship.

Whether you're getting married or divorced, you don't expect someone in your family to support you. It seems that there are a lot of opposing voices, and these objections, it seems, have not considered whether you are happy, the reason against you may be that you want a divorce, your family does not agree, or your past year is a secret relationship and want to really be together, and your family does not accept it.

Or maybe it's your opinion that your idea isn't being supported by your family.

Don't worry, we're on our own! Around the Lantern Festival in the middle of the month, what stands out is the money problem and the desire behind it, and at work, you will know where your money comes from. But remember to abide by discipline and the law, must abide by the law, must abide by the law. Because this position also represents that if you take money that you should not take, such as the state of getting money through speculation and abduction, it will come and lose quickly, because this position also represents the future of official wrongs. Therefore, we must abide by the law and operate properly.

At this time, money will also become a touchstone for intimate relationships, and can also witness human nature.

At the end of the month, it seems that the long-distance fortune is better, so it is not excluded to go to a distant place. But inside it is a little sad, it is that anxiety, the pain caused by the polyamorous relationship, the feeling that you can't get out, and it still needs time.

February 2022 luck is coming, come and see which constellation is the luckiest to start the year!


At the beginning of February, you will feel a kind of power, the kind of state that prompts you to say goodbye to your past self, some relationships from the past, and start a new step in life. And it seems to be helping you open up the road to the future, so it is not excluded that you will re-choose who will continue to walk this path with you in the circle of friends, but it is not the road that you actually get, but a kind of ideological improvement, or the improvement of creativity.

After Mercury travels, it seems that there is a higher vision in addition to what it is trying to do at the moment, but it is only a vision, and it is difficult to be realized. So it is recommended that you try not to explain your vision to too many people at the moment, although at the moment you may really be saying that it is similar to change, change is not suitable, and in the long run, you can only lay a good foundation step by step. What you think won't come to fruition easily.

At this time, it is more taboo to be high and far-sighted and low-handed, to bow your head to earn money that you could not see before to be beneficial to you, at this time, you should say less and do more.

The people you see whose lives are open and hung up are behind the hard accumulation. No one thinks it will take two years to see results directly. It must be from 10,000 hours to see the harvest.

In mid-February, if you decide what cooperation project to sign, whether you are satisfied or not, don't hesitate to sign it directly. Because if you delay until the end of the month, the variables are very large, and you may not have better opportunities.

Starting at the end of February, there is a good fortune in money until March. Previously stalled projects reopened. Overall, your fortunes are still good.

In addition, the older Aquarius baby, if you want to buy a house, hurry to operate at the end of February, because if your credit value is not very poor, the bank is easy to approve money for you, you want to open an offline store, you get back the investment of partners, as long as you are related to real estate, you can try at this time.

February 2022 luck is coming, come and see which constellation is the luckiest to start the year!


At the beginning of February, you need to recuperate and recuperate, this is not a time when you can get rid of it again, the physical side also needs to pay attention, especially the gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver and lungs, if you feel uncomfortable, go to the hospital as soon as possible.

In the field of work, although it seems that you have a higher vision in addition to what you are working on in the moment, it is only a vision, and it is difficult to achieve at this time. For example, what are you going to do in 2022? If you are still pregnant, your "what to do" will not have the opportunity to do it until after giving birth, so it is difficult to achieve it in the moment.

If you're not pregnant, don't think about it, your 2022 is destined to usher in a big change. The universe has activated your life palette for you, and this palette will exert greater power in that year based on the accumulation of your past years. The test is your own past efforts and how you treat others.

In mid-February, Baby Pisces, it looks like you're going to recalibrate your career, or your current work environment will face reform. What better to do?

For some Pisces babies, there will be money in the bag at this time, which is the settlement period after a period of work, although it is not much, but it is enough to solve the urgent need.

On February 20th, the sun enters the Honmei Palace, and the Baby Pisces will usher in its own birthday month, Happy Birthday! After that, until March, you will have to be taken care of by noble people, and the power relations will pay attention to you and promote your cooperation fortunes. And you also have a lot of business trips, go to other places to express yourself, or inexplicably, just in the eyes of the public or the media, just in the eyes of the public or the media, to promote the cause of thinking of higher and faster directions to advance. At this time Mercury has also gone along, and the work that was previously delayed should have been gradually unfolded, congratulations!

February 2022 luck is coming, come and see which constellation is the luckiest to start the year!
February 2022 luck is coming, come and see which constellation is the luckiest to start the year!

Honorary Publisher: Peng Guorong

New Media Editor: Xiaoyun

New Media Designer: SHA

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