
There are signs of lung cancer in the early stages, and 4 symptoms should be vigilant! Advise you to do a good job of 3 points of prevention

The full name of lung cancer is primary bronchial lung cancer, which is also the malignant tumor with the highest incidence in men, and hundreds of thousands of men on the mainland die of lung cancer every year.

For lung cancer, everyone will be afraid, but lung cancer is not incurable, if it can be detected early, diagnosed early, and treated early, then there is a high probability of curing it.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand the early symptoms of lung cancer, and take this opportunity to understand what are the early symptoms of lung cancer.

There are signs of lung cancer in the early stages, and 4 symptoms should be vigilant! Advise you to do a good job of 3 points of prevention

1. Cough

Cough is a very common symptom in our daily life, and there are many causes of cough, such as bronchial disease, lung disease, systemic disease and so on.

Among them, lung cancer in the early stage will also cause patients to cough phenomenon, the reason why it will cause cough, and tumor compression to the airway or cancer cells invading the pleura is related, the specific manifestation of cough is no sputum or less sputum paroxysmal dry cough.

There are signs of lung cancer in the early stages, and 4 symptoms should be vigilant! Advise you to do a good job of 3 points of prevention

2. Hemoptysis or blood in sputum

If there is blood in the sputum or hemoptysis, it should be paid attention to and go to the hospital in time, because this phenomenon is likely to be caused by lung cancer.

Because cancer cells may invade the capillaries around the lungs, causing blood vessel damage and bleeding, the patient may have blood in the sputum or hemoptysis.

There are signs of lung cancer in the early stages, and 4 symptoms should be vigilant! Advise you to do a good job of 3 points of prevention

3. Chest pain

Some lung cancer patients have the first symptom of chest pain, which is manifested by a sudden unexplained feeling of hidden pain or dull pain in the chest, and if there is a cough, it will also feel a stronger sense of pain. The cause of chest pain is because cancer cells invade the tissues of the chest wall and gradually spread around.

4. Difficulty breathing

Once you have difficulty breathing, you should be alert to the possibility of lung cancer, because the lungs are an important respiratory organ of our human body, and if there is a problem in the lungs, it will affect our normal breathing.

Lung cancer has difficulty breathing because tumors in the lungs compress the lung space, causing lung ventilation disorders, resulting in symptoms of shortness of breath, stridor, wheezing and other breathing difficulties.

There are signs of lung cancer in the early stages, and 4 symptoms should be vigilant! Advise you to do a good job of 3 points of prevention

How to treat lung cancer?

Once the above four symptoms appear, you should go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment in time, and if you are diagnosed with lung cancer, you can also take measures to deal with it as soon as possible.

For the treatment of lung cancer, surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy can be used, surgery is the first choice and the most important method for the treatment of lung cancer, and radiation therapy and chemotherapy are mainly used to cooperate with the treatment, so as to better restore health.

How to prevent lung cancer in life?

For normal people, it is very important to do a good job in the prevention of lung cancer, how to prevent lung cancer? You can start from the following three aspects.

1. Quit smoking

Smoking is one of the main causes of lung cancer, smoking will inhale a variety of toxic substances, thereby damaging lung health, smokers if you want to reduce the incidence of lung cancer, you should quit smoking as soon as possible.

There are signs of lung cancer in the early stages, and 4 symptoms should be vigilant! Advise you to do a good job of 3 points of prevention

2. Stay away from dangerous environments

Air pollution is very serious in some places, and a large amount of industrial exhaust and car exhaust fill the air, and if you live in this environment, it will increase the risk of lung cancer.

3. Regular inspection

Everyone should go to the hospital regularly for relevant examinations, especially some high-risk groups should do lung examinations on time, including those with a history of lung cancer, oil workers, coal miners and asbestos workers.

There are signs of lung cancer in the early stages, and 4 symptoms should be vigilant! Advise you to do a good job of 3 points of prevention

From this introduction, we know that lung cancer may have cough, hemoptysis or sputum in the early stage of the symptoms, chest pain, breathing difficulties and other symptoms, but also understand the treatment and prevention of lung cancer, I hope you can remember it.

For early-stage lung cancer patients, in addition to actively cooperating with doctors for treatment, it is also necessary to maintain an optimistic and positive attitude in order to better control the disease and cure it.

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