
What is the cause of uneven follicles in three generations of IVF

In the process of doing IVF, the link of ovulation induction is very important, but some female friends in this link on the follicle development is uneven, so delay the IVF process, their own heart is also more worried, BeiLai Fertility Center answered the three generations of IVF follicle uneven what is the reason, what to do?

What is the cause of uneven follicles in three generations of IVF

What is the cause of the uneven follicles of IVF

IVF follicle inhomogeny is mainly divided into two cases:

1. Some women may not seem to grow a bubble in the last month, but at present, they are not very concerned about whether the follicle is round or not, and they are more concerned about the average diameter;

2. Some female IVF follicles are uneven, which means that there are many follicles growing at the same time during the process of ovulation induction, and then it is found that some of the follicles are large and small, and they are not neat enough.

IVF follicle unevenness is affected by many factors, on the one hand, it is related to the follicle situation at the beginning stage of medication, if the follicle size in the initial stage is not enough, it is easy to have the phenomenon of follicle size stratification after medication, that is, the size of the large size is small. Although the size and uniformity of the follicles at the beginning are still satisfactory, different follicles do not respond well enough to drugs or the response is inconsistent, so there will also be uneven IVF follicles.

What is the cause of uneven follicles in three generations of IVF

What to do if the IVF follicles are uneven

The uneven follicles of IVF also indicate that the follicles are immature, so in the face of this situation, it is recommended that you go to the local regular hospital and take some drugs under the guidance of a doctor to improve the situation. Or you can also go to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital for treatment, the general regular TEST tube hospital has a lot of clinical experience in the treatment of infertility, the doctor will also be based on each person's physical condition, as well as the phenomenon of uneven tube follicles for professional medication treatment.

Normally, IVF will be downgraded before induction medication, which will inhibit or reduce the appearance of spontaneous LH peaks, and when the IVF follicles are uneven, it is likely that the deregulation has not played its due role, and there may be problems such as follicles growing rapidly.

In general, there are many reasons for the uneven follicles of IVF, which should be analyzed in combination with the actual situation of the individual, at this time, if you want to retrieve the eggs, you need to choose the doctor's choice, and when the eggs are retrieved, the target follicle group can choose which batch of follicles to maximize the benefits of the patient. If the IVF follicles are uneven this time and the outcome is not ideal, the next time the IVF is done, the doctor may help the follicles to achieve a uniform follicle growth rate as much as possible and synchronize the follicle as much as possible through drug pretreatment and ovulation stimulation program adjustment.

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