
High blood pressure can not eat braised meat? Cardiovascular experts refute rumors: high blood pressure is most afraid of eating the wrong three types of food

"Doctor, can you eat braised pork with high blood pressure?"

There are patient consultations in outpatient clinics, and during the Spring Festival, patients with hypertension face the temptation of food, and there are many similar consultations.

High blood pressure can not eat braised meat? Cardiovascular experts refute rumors: high blood pressure is most afraid of eating the wrong three types of food

Here may wish to go deep into the answer, all foods, as long as not too much, hypertensive patients are not contraindicated! Braised pork is mainly high in oil, but eating it in moderation will not lead to high blood lipids. If this can't be eaten, then it can't be eaten, can it still live a good life, but it will lead to an increase in blood pressure!

At the same time, cardiovascular experts remind that patients with hypertension eat these three types of foods wrongly, which are more harmful, namely salt, grains and fruits.

A survey of 195 countries and territories showed that the eating habits with the greatest health impact were high-salt diets, inadequate intake of whole grains and insufficient fruit intake, while the rest, such as braised and processed meats, high-sugar diets or trans fatty acids, ranked relatively low, indicating that the harm was relatively small. Today we're going to talk about these dietary mistakes that people with high blood pressure make that are easy to make and can be very harmful.

High blood pressure can not eat braised meat? Cardiovascular experts refute rumors: high blood pressure is most afraid of eating the wrong three types of food

High blood pressure is most afraid of eating the wrong three types of food

High-salt diet

Salt is an indispensable condiment for our daily life, we all know that the chemical component of salt is sodium chloride, salt will be absorbed into sodium ions and chloride ions after entering the body, these two ions are very important electrolytes in our body, missing no, but more is also harmful. Especially sodium ions, which are important substances for our blood vessels and heart to maintain normal function, if the concentration is too high, it will cause blood vessels to constrict and blood pressure to rise, which is one of the causes of hypertension, so patients with hypertension need to control the intake of salt.

High blood pressure can not eat braised meat? Cardiovascular experts refute rumors: high blood pressure is most afraid of eating the wrong three types of food

Normal people should consume < 6g of salt per person per day, patients with hypertension should < 5g, preferably 3g, and the average daily salt intake of mainland adults exceeds 8g. It should also be noted that the calculated daily intake of salt includes other condiments and salts contained in processed foods in addition to the salt itself.

Inadequate intake of whole grains

Most of the Chinese people use rice and pasta as the main food, but these are processed fine carbohydrates, which are easily absorbed by the body, and eating too much can easily cause obesity and blood sugar. Whole grains, on the other hand, not only provide satiety, but are also rich in B vitamins, enzymes and dietary fiber.

High blood pressure can not eat braised meat? Cardiovascular experts refute rumors: high blood pressure is most afraid of eating the wrong three types of food

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016) recommend that ordinary people need to consume 50-150g of whole grains and miscellaneous beans per day, but unfortunately the average daily intake of mainland residents is only about 30g, which is far from enough. For patients with high blood pressure, it is even more important to increase the proportion of whole grains in the daily diet. Whole grains mainly refer to corn, sorghum, buckwheat, as well as legumes and potatoes.

Inadequate fruit intake

Some people like to eat fruit very much, but some people rarely eat fruit. Fruits are also rich in fructose, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, and the fruit acids of some fruits, such as malic acid, also have the effect of lowering blood lipids and softening blood vessels, which is very helpful for blood pressure control in patients with hypertension. However, the average daily fruit intake of mainland residents is only about 80g, which is far from the daily intake of 200-350g recommended by the above guidelines.

High blood pressure can not eat braised meat? Cardiovascular experts refute rumors: high blood pressure is most afraid of eating the wrong three types of food

From the above 3 points of bad eating habits, it can be seen that mainland residents generally have dietary problems such as high-salt diet, insufficient intake of whole grains and insufficient intake of fruits, which is also one of the reasons for the rising incidence of chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes in the mainland today, so not only friends with hypertension should pay attention to this aspect, but also friends in good health should also pay attention to prevent problems before they occur. As for braised pork, it is true that the oil content is high, but it is still possible for patients with high blood pressure to eat some appropriately. In the same way, other foods, hypertensive patients, there is no absolute can not eat, pay attention to control the amount can be.


[1] Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016)

Ju Wenhao, Liu Jinbo, Zhao Hongwei, et al. The effect of high-salt diet on plasma vascular endothelial growth factor C level in healthy people and hypertensive patients and its correlation with blood pressure[J].Chinese Journal of Circulation,2018,33(4):346-350.

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