
20-year-old naturalized Zhu Yi figure skating mistakes, 2 consecutive days of tears! Comments were closed by the Internet storm, and the father was a scientist

On February 7, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games continued, first congratulations to the "Frog Princess" Gu Ailing, broke into the final of the freestyle ski women's big jump, Gu Ailing although there were some mistakes, but still advanced with 161.25 points. Gu Ailing is a gold medalist, and in skiing, she has won several world championships.

20-year-old naturalized Zhu Yi figure skating mistakes, 2 consecutive days of tears! Comments were closed by the Internet storm, and the father was a scientist

In the women's singles free skating competition of the figure skating team competition, Zhu Yi, a 20-year-old naturalized teenager in China, appeared. In yesterday's game, Zhu Yi made a major mistake, ranking first from the bottom, only getting 1 point, the performance did not meet expectations, may be the first time to participate in such a major event, nervous.

20-year-old naturalized Zhu Yi figure skating mistakes, 2 consecutive days of tears! Comments were closed by the Internet storm, and the father was a scientist

In today's game, Zhu Yi continued to play, but she made mistakes again this time, fell down continuously, and made many mistakes, and after the score came out, it was completely shocking. Zhu Yi only scored 91.41 points, while the players in the front row were at least above 130 points, and the gap was too big.

20-year-old naturalized Zhu Yi figure skating mistakes, 2 consecutive days of tears! Comments were closed by the Internet storm, and the father was a scientist

The Chinese team eventually finished fifth, although it did not reach the top three, but this is already the best result in the history of the Chinese team in the history of participating in the Figure Skating Team Competition at the Winter Olympics. However, Zhu Yi is under great pressure, she has been subjected to online violence, and even shut down comments on social media.

20-year-old naturalized Zhu Yi figure skating mistakes, 2 consecutive days of tears! Comments were closed by the Internet storm, and the father was a scientist

Some netizens joked that Zhu Yi is the Chinese men's soccer team in the figure skating world, and some people believe that Zhu Yi previously refused to accept an interview with CCTV, which is difficult to understand. And Zhu Yi's social media comment area has also been closed, it can be seen how much pressure Zhu Yi has had in the past two days, mistakes in the game, which is very common, Zhu Yi should also calm down, after all, she is only 20 years old.

20-year-old naturalized Zhu Yi figure skating mistakes, 2 consecutive days of tears! Comments were closed by the Internet storm, and the father was a scientist

On February 1, Zhu Yi released a social media dynamic, to everyone to bid farewell to the New Year, "the Year of the Tiger arrived, send blessings, today is the first day of the New Year, Zhu Yi is here to give everyone a New Year's greeting, I wish everyone the Year of the Tiger The comment area can no longer leave a message, however, other earlier dynamics, the comment area is still open, it is clear that Zhu Yi took the initiative to close the comments.

The domestic reporter also issued a letter to encourage Zhu Yi, calling on everyone to give her more encouragement. "Competitive sports, the dish is the original sin, whether it is the national football team or Zhu Yi, sprayed by some netizens, very normal." Judging from the score, there is indeed room for improvement. Little children, give more encouragement."

Zhu Yi was born in California, USA in 2002. This year is 20 years old, and in 2019, Zhu Yi officially joined the Chinese nationality and played for the Chinese team. Zhu Yi's father is very powerful, he is a scientific and technological expert in the field of artificial intelligence, but also a very well-known scientist, graduated from the China University of Science and Technology, received a doctorate from Harvard University. In the field of science and technology, Zhu Yi's father has achieved great achievements.

20-year-old naturalized Zhu Yi figure skating mistakes, 2 consecutive days of tears! Comments were closed by the Internet storm, and the father was a scientist

Zhu Yi's last two days of game status and emotions are not too good, 2 consecutive days in the field of tears, the mentality completely collapsed, I hope she will continue to work hard in the future, there is indeed a lot of room for improvement, come on.

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