
No matter how much antihypertensive drugs are taken, blood pressure cannot be stabilized, only because these 5 points are not paid attention to

With the development of society, hypertension is no longer a disease that the elderly will get, and it is more and more common among young people, and hypertension often brings people dizziness, headaches and other symptoms.

If the fluctuation of blood pressure is very large, it will cause problems in the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and other organs, and serious will also threaten life and health, and basically take antihypertensive drugs after getting high blood pressure.

No matter how much antihypertensive drugs are taken, blood pressure cannot be stabilized, only because these 5 points are not paid attention to

But some people, take more antihypertensive drugs, blood pressure can not be stable, because do not pay attention to these 5 points.

1, do not pay attention to diet

Many people will think that blood pressure is high, as long as they take medicine on time, and their diet has nothing to do with it, which will also lead to their blood pressure can not go down, after all, some high sodium foods will cause arteriole spasm, making blood pressure rise, and sodium salt will also absorb water, causing water and sodium to stay in the body and thus increase the burden on the heart.

Therefore, in the daily diet, we need to pay attention to eating less high-sodium, greasy, spicy and stimulating foods, eat more vegetables and fruits, and achieve a balanced diet.

No matter how much antihypertensive drugs are taken, blood pressure cannot be stabilized, only because these 5 points are not paid attention to

2. Take medicine by feeling

In daily life, there will be some people who take antihypertensive drugs completely on their own feelings, take some antihypertensive drugs when they feel uncomfortable with high blood pressure, and feel that their blood pressure is normal and do not eat, in fact, this practice is very incorrect.

After all, their feelings will often have a big gap with their own real situation, do not eat when they should take medicine, eat blindly when they should not take medicine, it is very dangerous, and when their blood pressure is high, the doctor allows himself to take antihypertensive drugs, regardless of whether there are symptoms, he needs to take drugs, unless the doctor tells himself that he can not eat.

No matter how much antihypertensive drugs are taken, blood pressure cannot be stabilized, only because these 5 points are not paid attention to

3. Decide how much medicine to take

Many patients with high blood pressure will have such an experience, when they insist on taking antihypertensive drugs for a period of time, their blood pressure will drop, at this time many people will choose to stop the drug, after a period of time, blood pressure is high and continue to eat;

There are also people will be after their own blood pressure is normal, reduce their own medication, and then take medicine according to their own ideas, these practices are very harmful to the body, after a period of time after stopping the drug, blood pressure rises again, blood pressure fluctuates greatly, while using medicine in their own way, sometimes completely unable to achieve the effect of lowering blood pressure, it will also cause blood pressure fluctuations, so we need to follow the doctor's advice to take drugs, do not change themselves.

No matter how much antihypertensive drugs are taken, blood pressure cannot be stabilized, only because these 5 points are not paid attention to

4. Do not exercise

Many patients with high blood pressure will think that their blood pressure is high, not suitable for exercise, and need to rest, in fact, this is the wrong idea, rest will only increase their fat and cholesterol content, making the cardiovascular burden worse.

For patients with high blood pressure, moderate exercise is very important, not only to promote blood circulation in the human body, but also to help control their blood pressure;

In the process of exercise, you need to pay attention to the amount of exercise, step by step, not too intense, if in the process of exercise, there is discomfort in your body, you need to stop the movement immediately.

No matter how much antihypertensive drugs are taken, blood pressure cannot be stabilized, only because these 5 points are not paid attention to

5, mood changes greatly

The body's emotional changes will affect blood pressure, for example, when people are extremely nervous, anxious, or happy, the nerve center of the brain is extremely sensitive, so that the vasoactive substances in the blood increase, which will lead to arteriolar spasm contraction, blood pressure will rise instantly, so for hypertensive patients, it is very important to control their emotions.

No matter how much antihypertensive drugs are taken, blood pressure cannot be stabilized, only because these 5 points are not paid attention to

When you suffer from the symptoms of high blood pressure, you can not rely only on drugs to lower blood pressure, the above 5 things need to be paid attention to, so as to achieve a good antihypertensive effect, but also need to measure blood pressure regularly, adjust their medication according to the doctor's advice, usually pay more attention to rest, work and leisure combination to make their body healthier.

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