
OnePlus 10pro is going to flip the apple, really laugh to death!

Edit | Yu Bin

Produced by | Chaoqi Network "Yu see column"

At the beginning of the year, the OnePlus brand under the Green Factory Oppo has a new action, grandly releasing the OnePlus 10pro. "Yu see column" noted that in Baidu search one plus or even one plus 9 pro, what appeared was the promotional page of the new mobile phone one plus 10 pro, and the slogan said: the 10th generation performance flagship, 10 to the name. It can be seen that its new machine launch can be described as a high-flying hit.

At the same time, the internet about a plus 10pro overturning apple manuscript is overwhelming, and even crowned with "foreign media", "help Android crush apples" and other exaggerated words, people can't help but click to find out. Not to mention how much authority the so-called foreign media has, or the authenticity of the information source, it is just a one-sided overflowing word, directly with Apple in terms of marketing and public relations, and has the meaning of killing Apple, which really makes people a little stoic.

Will domestic mobile phones really raise their eyebrows and breathe and turn over salted fish because of the advent of one plus 10pro? Regardless of whether OnePlus has this qualification, even if the scope of comparison is expanded to the entire industry, it is obviously challenging the IQ of the public. Such marketing content is naturally eye-catching. So, what is the market feedback of one plus 10pro, and can it be compared with brands such as Apple? We can get a glimpse of it by stripping away the cocoon.

Under the fame of the performance flagship machine, it is actually difficult to match

Despite oppo's official prominent position, there is not much mention of keywords like gaming phones. However, whether at the press conference or in the feedback of netizens, this phone has been labeled as a game phone.

It has been observed that the reason why OnePlus will promote from this point is, on the one hand, that OnePlus has always been positioned as a high-end flagship mobile phone, and the past product configuration and price are also extraordinary. On the other hand, from the perspective of the promotion of game phones, even non-game enthusiasts can form the illusion of high-end quality and excellent performance.

OnePlus 10pro is going to flip the apple, really laugh to death!

However, the so-called high-end performance flagship machine of OnePlus is also frequently questioned by netizens. After the release of the OnePlus 10 Pro, there is also a lot of controversy. The bigger call is that the mobile phone that focuses on the flagship image has been talking about the game most of the time at the conference, but the actual performance is far from the official publicity.

For example, some netizens said that the actual performance of one plus 10pro, although very stable, but from the inside out, there are not too many surprises and excitement.

First of all, the appearance design of high-end mobile phones is naturally the focus of attention of netizens. But for the one plus 10 Pro design, there are countless complaints. For example, the camera area, the lens cover made of 3D ceramics, is regarded by many netizens as a big failure, and even the aesthetics of all users who want to start is a challenge.

Some netizens also said that its element arrangement was slightly too strong, and the "P2D50T" logo did not match the Hasselblad logo. More knowledgeable netizens said that it is really a long time since I have seen such an ugly mobile phone... Renderings and real machines are really hard to put into words. Obviously, the OnePlus 10pro has first been abandoned by many users who pursue aesthetics in terms of design, and OnePlus will even lose countless powders.

Secondly, returning to performance, the configuration and claimed performance of the OnePlus 10pro are powerful, but they do not seem to be fully released. Taking the performance and game experience repeatedly mentioned by 10 Pro in the official promotion as an example, its performance in the actual game game is also not satisfactory.

For example, although some netizens have commented that the running score of Antu Rabbit V9.2.8 is 930,000 points, the Wild Life Extreme test of 3DMark is 2607 points, and the corresponding stress test stability is 64.3%, which can reach the mainstream level of Snapdragon 8 platform mobile phones. However, it should be known that its fever problem is still difficult to avoid. Although the system detects a milder heat, it is also close to the edge of the 45°C red line that is not hot.

Mainstream games such as Pro-Test King Glory and Peace Elite found that one plus 10pro in this type of game, after opening 120 frames, gradually dropped to 80-90 frames as the fuselage heated up for a long time. However, compared with other Snapdragon 8 mobile phones, it is only average. Moreover, playing the game of the original god, it was found that the one plus 10pro was actually sacrificing high frames to exchange for a long period of stability.

And this kind of stability is only at the beginning of the game, stable at around 60 frames, and then enter the average line of 45 frames of continuous operation. Therefore, it is not particularly smooth and can only be regarded as stable operation. Therefore, for game enthusiasts, its top configuration and high-end price point, in exchange for only a long-term game performance is slightly stable, obviously there are some fly in the ointment.

Cost-effective as 1 plus 9pro, one plus in driving backwards?

The so-called no contrast is no harm. You know, there is more than 10 months until the end of March 2021, when it is released and the one plus 1 plus 9 is released and goes on sale. After the "pregnancy october", the one-plus 10pro did not bring too many surprises to the public.

On the contrary, for many old users of the OnePlus 9, the OnePlus 10pro is more like driving backwards, because of the comparison of its performance, price, design, etc. The new OnePlus 10pro is even less cost-effective than the OnePlus 9pro.

OnePlus 10pro is going to flip the apple, really laugh to death!

First of all, from the price comparison, now one plus 9pro Jingdong official self-operated store 4199 can start the 8+256GB version. However, the same core configuration of the OnePlus 10pro is priced at 4999 yuan. 800 yuan difference, one plus 10pro in the end where is it expensive? Savvy consumers will play such an abacus, if the product is upgraded, but the price increase is not increased, it is tantamount to harvesting leeks.

Secondly, in terms of the weight of the fuselage that users are more concerned about, the OnePlus 10 Pro also abandons the excellent feel of the OnePlus 9, and the fuselage has exceeded 200 grams. Although there are also reasons why the OnePlus 10 increases battery capacity compared to the OnePlus 9. However, the comparison found that the one plus 10, like the previous one plus 9, the battery life is very general, and there is no significant improvement.

The appearance problems mentioned above will not be repeated, and the old users of OnePlus have directly expressed their dissatisfaction with a piece of scolding under the evaluation of its posts.

In particular, the ceramic cover plate of the lens module, although the texture has nothing to say, also makes the one plus 10 look different, very recognizable, and can also assist the Snapdragon 8 to dissipate heat, but its design aesthetics are really not acceptable to users of general aesthetics.

Carefully compare the configuration of the two, the core parameters have not changed much, one plus 10 Pro relative to one plus 9 Pro, only upgraded: front lens, processor, battery; but castrated: ultra-wide angle, IP68. Almost the same configuration, the new model is more expensive, so how to choose for savvy users?

It is not difficult to understand why so many technology digital bloggers have not pushed new machines after the release of the OnePlus 10 Pro. The emergence of the OnePlus 10 Pro is more ironic, as if it is to highlight the more cost-effective OnePlus 9 Pro.

Is the product broken or lost positioning?

All along, OnePlus has been a high-end flagship mobile phone, "small and beautiful" is its brand label to the outside world. However, in recent years, OnePlus mobile phones have been marketing with the concept of game phones, so consumers' perception of its positioning is very vague.

Just as apple phones are recognized as high-end phones, but not because of how smooth they play games. Obviously, gaming phones and high-end mobile phones are not equated. And one plus uses the concept of game phones to market, and it must also have its wishful thinking.

OnePlus 10pro is going to flip the apple, really laugh to death!

First, a plus mobile phone to do game mobile phone is fake, do high-end mobile phone is true. You know, in the early years of game phones did exist, such as Nokia's N-Gage and 2011 Sony (the department that issued the phone was actually called Sony Ericsson, Soai) released Xperia Play, but their design concept, in fact, is completely different from the mobile phone, more like a game handheld.

Helplessly, there are too few classic games to support such a niche market as them, and they have to withdraw from the historical stage. This can be seen from the fact that many traditional manufacturers specializing in game phones have finally fallen to the point of being acquired, and OnePlus obviously will not follow in the footsteps of others.

Therefore, rather than saying that the positioning of a oneplus mobile phone is a game phone, it is better to say that it is rubbing the attention of game phone users. Cutting into the high-end market through the concept of game phones and making users who do not know the truth pay for their high prices may be its real intention.

Of course, this is due to the homogenization of Android mobile phone hardware, one plus as a latecomer in the industry, even if the game mobile phone is the entry point, it is also to make the mobile phone do better, more reflect the high-end characteristics, and there is nothing wrong with it. But one plus does gaming phones, almost impossible.

Second, as a sub-brand of oppo, how can OnePlus achieve a big leap forward in the improvement of brand power? Its limitations are obvious.

It should be known that OnePlus has also experienced the stage of independent operation before, and tries to draw a clear line with oppo's other main "cost-effective" models through product differentiation positioning. However, it is difficult to become a forest alone, and later with Liu Zuohu's return to oppo, OnePlus has also become one of oppo's sub-brands.

This also means that one plus, which is "absorbed" by OPPO, to truly achieve the breaking of the circle, not only needs to break through the obstacle that the product itself is too niche, but also needs to break through under the long-term brand "shadow" of OPPO. As we all know, although oppo is a rare survivor of the era of smart phone waves, its brand power has always been far from other domestic and international brands.

Even if OPPO has been sponsoring various TV station variety shows for many years and inviting top-notch celebrities to endorse it, the stereotypical brand image that it has formed for many years to advocate the "cost-effective" strategy has always been like a shadow that lingers. Although OnePlus is a sub-brand, it not only lacks popularity and influence, but also lacks appeal and presence. Under such a double influence, it is easy to talk about one plus breaking the circle, and even like a desolate night talk. Therefore, there are also pessimistic voices that one plus eventually merged with the oppo brand, which may be its doomed fate.

Because whether in terms of product innovation or brand building, OnePlus has obviously not yet formed enough thickness, and only through its development history of less than 10 years of establishment, it can also be seen that it is young and immature among a number of brands. Therefore, it is often compared with the head brand of smart phones such as Apple, and even wrenched with it in the marketing battlefield, which is a bit ridiculous and generous.

Third, while breaking the circle, the products of OnePlus mobile phones are also vaguely positioning, and the so-called high prices are not bought. It is observed that oppo itself is also constantly impacting high-end mobile phones, and under the premise that its own brand power and product strength do not have too many highlights and competitiveness, the price is close to Apple and Samsung, so it is not satisfactory in terms of sales.

Take the OnePlus 8 released in 2020 as an example. At that time, due to the impact of the epidemic, the price of smart phones generally rose, the price of one plus 8/Pro was 3999 yuan and 5999 yuan (top version), the ordinary version and the main cost-effective millet, the highest pro version has been close to 6000 yuan, you can buy an Apple 11. OnePlus 9 and 9pro don't seem to break such a sales curse. It is foreseeable that the OnePlus 10 will not be reversed because of its simple marketing fuss.

OnePlus 10pro is going to flip the apple, really laugh to death!


Although the OnePlus 10pro is menacing, it claims to break the 100 million sales mark in 1 second. However, after the market has calmed down, it is not difficult to foresee that it may face the embarrassment of applause or not. After all, the underlying logic of opening the market has not changed, oppo and the clichéd brand power and product power problems of OnePlus have not been solved, and I am afraid that all the prosperity will eventually be an illusion, or even more short-lived.

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