
Huawei's 2021 dividend is released, and Ren Zheng's non-personal shareholding is downgraded again!

On February 6, the reporter learned from Huawei's internal forum that Huawei released dividend data at the end of January, and will continue to implement stock dividends in 2021, which is expected to be 1.58 yuan per share.

Huawei's 2021 dividend is released, and Ren Zheng's non-personal shareholding is downgraded again!

Shareholding dividends are an important part of Huawei's employee income, and at present, Huawei employee compensation mainly includes three parts: salary, bonus, and dividend. Huawei internal employees said that under the extreme pressure of the United States, the current pre-tax dividend ratio is already good. However, some employees said that they were lower than expected, but they could understand the company's situation in the current environment.

Huawei's 2021 dividend is released, and Ren Zheng's non-personal shareholding is downgraded again!
Huawei's 2021 dividend is released, and Ren Zheng's non-personal shareholding is downgraded again!

There are two details here, one is that all Huawei employees participating in the dividend have increased to more than 120,000; the other is that the proportion of Ren Zhengfei's personal participation in the shareholding as the founder has been reduced again to 0.9%, which was originally about 1%.

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