
【Spring Festival I am at the post】The wind and snow are coming! Traffic police prompt you: driving on snow days, remember "safety first"

According to the Dingxi Public Security Traffic Police:


Today is the fifth day of the Chinese New Year

The Spring Festival holiday has entered the countdown

This day and tomorrow will usher in the peak of the return journey


Influenced by a combination of cold air in the north and warm and humid air in the southwest

This day and tomorrow there will be cooling and snowfall in our city

While doing a good job of self-protection and timely clothing and warmth, please also pay attention to the prevention of rain and snow weather on the adverse impact of traffic travel, and pay attention to traffic safety when driving.

1. Hot car and car cleaning

When you go out in the morning, you find that the car has been covered by a large area of snow, and it is recommended to heat the car first, mainly to make the oil better lubricated, so that the engine can enter the best state; secondly, let the water temperature rise to ensure that the heating system can be better used in the car for a while. At the same time, take out the cleaning equipment to sweep away the floating snow as much as possible, especially the position of the front and rear lights, windows and rearview mirrors must be as clean as possible. If necessary, you need to turn on the running lights and fog lights while driving.

2. Slow down

The most important thing to drive on snow days is to slow down, especially on the road where the snow is icy, be sure to slow down, steadily pass the frozen road, do not brake sharply, it is easy to cause skidding or rear-end, you can also follow the trajectory of the front car, to avoid straying into potholes or waterlogged sections.

3. Do not panic when the vehicle is slipping

The most dangerous thing about snow is that the road is slippery, and the steering wheel should be gently rotated in the direction of slippage when driving, and then gently press the brakes after the vehicle returns to the right. Vehicles equipped with ABS brake system and body stability control system must be stepped on to the end once when stepping on the brakes, and the steering wheel must be controlled at the same time, and the "point brake" method cannot be used, otherwise it is more dangerous. It is relatively safe to add snow chains to the tires or use snow tires.

4. Maintain a safe distance

Driving on the ice and snow road, the probability of rear-end accidents is much greater than usual, the driving distance should be reserved for a larger distance than usual, and it will be difficult to control the distance of the brakes if it is too close to the car, once the correct measures are not taken, it is easy to lead to accidents.

5. Keep the line of sight clear in the car

The temperature difference between the inside and outside of the snow car is very large, the glass of the car is easy to fog, resulting in blurred vision, to open the window defogging function in time or turn on the air conditioning, dry with a towel, etc., to ensure that the driving vision is clear in order to be safe on the road.

6. Turn on the lights in time to give warnings

Generally, the visibility is low on snow days, and attention should be paid to the correct use of lights. One is to turn on the fog lights and low beam lights to help the driver look at the situation ahead, so that the driver can see the road conditions in front of him clearly; the second is to turn on the contour lights and front and rear position lights to indicate the position of their vehicles, so that the vehicles driving in front and behind can easily take corresponding measures.

7. Parking

When you need to park on ice and snow roads, it is best to choose a sunny, sheltered, flat and dry place, and not close to buildings, utility poles or other vehicles to prevent collisions when skidding. If you must stop on the ramp, you should put a gear in the direction of "uphill". On snow days, you should try to lift the wiper blade in advance to avoid the wiper freezing together with the car glass and damaging the wiper blade.

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