
The opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics was praised by foreign media: 5 miracles were released, full of science and technology, and encouraged China

The Winter Olympics have officially begun, and we have made a lot of preparations for this event. Whether it is human, material or financial resources, a lot has been paid. What is more critical is that in the case that the epidemic has not been completely controlled, we actually have some pressure to hold it normally. But because our safeguards are in place, so far nothing has been wrong. The long-awaited Winter Olympics have finally opened, so what is so special about this opening ceremony? You know, this opening ceremony is also directed by Director Zhang Yimou.

The opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics was praised by foreign media: 5 miracles were released, full of science and technology, and encouraged China

Whether it is the Olympic Games in 2008 or this year's Winter Olympics, we have combined many sports elements, and what is more powerful is that we have also integrated various ethnic elements and traditional cultural styles in China. After the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics, foreign media directly praised our picture: 8 miracles were released, full of science and technology, and encouraged China. According to the news revealed by the British media "Guardian", the 8 wonders of the opening of the Winter Olympics were counted. What is a miracle? It means the first appearance and is an act that is difficult to transcend.

The opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics was praised by foreign media: 5 miracles were released, full of science and technology, and encouraged China

Maybe in years, other countries will do better than we do, but for now, we are the first country in the world to do this, so it can be called a miracle. The first is an absolutely unique and spectacular sacred flame lighting ceremony! This is a ceremony with super creativity, the snowflake element is filled in with the names of each country, and the sacred fire in the middle is very domineering. The second is a super sense of high technology, the combination of human voice and light is very in place, plus it is a multi-person playing together, which requires a particularly strong sense of rhythm and teamwork, this form of presentation, no country can do so perfect.

The opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics was praised by foreign media: 5 miracles were released, full of science and technology, and encouraged China

The third is haiti and Saudi Arabia making their debuts! They are all participating in the Winter Olympics for the first time, which is enough to see how much they attach to the Beijing Winter Olympics. The fourth is IOC President Thomas Bach praising the diversity of the Winter Olympics, and the fifth is a moment of tribute, which goes back to the host of the first Winter Olympics in 1924. It can be said that these 5 miracles have not been achieved by other Olympic events.

The opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics was praised by foreign media: 5 miracles were released, full of science and technology, and encouraged China

In fact, from the opening ceremony of the entire Winter Olympic Games, it is very beautiful, and the opening ceremony is also very successful. Fraternity, peace, health, upward mobility and high technology, this is the opening ceremony of this Winter Olympic Games to show the world the real picture of China. China's progress is everywhere, China's friendship broadcasts the world! The perfect combination of art and technology, the common interpretation of modern and historical. This is true both from the details of the costumes and the musical accompaniment to listen.

The opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics was praised by foreign media: 5 miracles were released, full of science and technology, and encouraged China

I hope that in the later competitions, the athletes of the Chinese team can play beyond the norm and play their own personality and achievements. Many netizens commented: "Aesthetic, sci-fi, novelty, shock, super like!" "The countdown alone feels beautiful." Every frame is a proper screensaver, poetic and beautiful." What do you think?

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