
Competitive sports expert Cao Yaqi: Beijing Winter Olympics, which international stars deserve attention?

Beijing, February 4 (Xinhua) -- On February 4, Cao Yaqi, deputy editor-in-chief of Sports Weekly, said in a large-scale global all-media broadcast of the "24 Hours of the Winter Olympics" jointly launched by China News Network and hundreds of Chinese-language media around the world that in the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics, world famous players such as Yusheng Jiexian, Shaun White, and Chloe Jin are worthy of attention.

As the top skater in figure skating men's singles and a two-time champion of the Winter Olympics, Japan's Yusuke Habu has a transcendent popularity. Cao Yaqi said that in the figure skating arena of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Yusheng Yuxin was the first international superstar. "The Feather String is indeed a figure skating circle phenomenon, and there are more fans around the world who like it."

Competitive sports expert Cao Yaqi: Beijing Winter Olympics, which international stars deserve attention?

The picture shows Yu Yu tied the strings in the game.

The participation of American star Shaun White also made the Beijing Winter Olympic SnowboardIng Stadium star-studded. "We know that Sean White spans both summer and winter and can achieve very good results, and is definitely a god of the veneers. I think his arrival gives us more opportunities to enjoy the great game. ”

In addition, Korean-American athlete Chloe Kim, who will compete in the women's U-shaped pool of snowboarding with Chinese players Cai Xuetong and Liu Jiayu, is also a superstar in the event. "Her difficulty in this project is world-leading and I think her performance will attract us to watch." Cao Yaqi said.

Competitive sports expert Cao Yaqi: Beijing Winter Olympics, which international stars deserve attention?

Data chart: The Pyeongchang Winter Olympics held the women's snowboard U-shaped pool final, and finally the American player Chloe King won the championship, and China's Liu Jiayu won the silver. The picture shows the scene of the award ceremony. Photo by Cui Nan, a reporter from China News Service

Cao Yaqi said that there are also many international superstars in alpine skiing, cross-country skiing and other projects, but compared with Chinese sports fans, athletes are not well understood. For example, the alpine skier Shiffrin is also very powerful.

She was not yet 19 years old when she won the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi and was hailed as the first woman to return on alpine skiing. I think she's on track to hit multiple gold medals at this year's Beijing Winter Olympics. Cao Yaqi said. (End)

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