
Is the first "script killing movie" in Chinese theaters unique or caters to gimmicks?

author:Quan Kan accompanies you to kan dashan

"Fame and Fame" is the first "script killing movie" in the Chinese cinema line under the current script killing boom, starring Actors with comedy experience such as Yin Zheng, Deng Jiajia, Yu Entai, Qin Xiaoxian, etc., which combines the two elements of "suspense" and "comedy" to contribute to a well-completed "script killing movie".

Is the first "script killing movie" in Chinese theaters unique or caters to gimmicks?

The film shows the commercial investors, bad film directors, Geng Zhi screenwriters, glamorous female stars, past male actors, and martial arts actors in the Republic of China film circle gathered at the scene of the "Three Old Murders" to explore the truth of the case and create a movie, but most people just want to use this as a gimmick to make up a rotten story that is either beautiful or bloody to achieve their utilitarian pursuit of "fame and fame".

Is the first "script killing movie" in Chinese theaters unique or caters to gimmicks?

The dialogue between several filmmakers in the villa seems to have become a wonderful satire of certain phenomena in the current film and television circle, quite a sense of irony: filming only finds gimmicks, does not care to polish the script, the producer only wants to circle money to make a profit from art; everyone will have the identity of bragging and packaging, there will be people who play big names and do not respect others, but they will enjoy the mutual praise of people who are raised by flowers and palanquins; girls want to stand out in this circle to be more vigorous and be more critically judged. Some of the habits of the Republic of China film circle in the film seem to be born out of our time, and the lines of the screenwriter are too dare to write!

Is the first "script killing movie" in Chinese theaters unique or caters to gimmicks?
Is the first "script killing movie" in Chinese theaters unique or caters to gimmicks?
Is the first "script killing movie" in Chinese theaters unique or caters to gimmicks?

At a time when everyone wants to use gimmicks to complete a hot movie, only Geng Zhi's screenwriters are not afraid to explore the truth of the case. Through the continuous investigation of the crime scene, the murderer seems to have to tell the whole process of the case. In this version of the "truth" told by the murderer, some people protect the people they want to protect, some people fulfill their long-cherished wishes, and some people get what they want in another way. The tragic death of the dream girl, the three big tycoons who covered the sky with one hand and destroyed humanity, and the retired lieutenant who sacrificed himself to save the reputation of his sweetheart, the above elements can definitely constitute a good story that is both warm and critical, but is this the real situation? Maybe the truth is not so important, and the "truth" created by the adjutant who has worked hard and sacrificed himself is his greatest love for the undead.

As stated in A Brief History of Mankind, storytelling is the most important human ability, and a murder case has produced various versions of the story, and people from each side want to tell a story that is beneficial to their own interests, and perhaps a good story can play a better role than the truth.

As the first "script killing movie" in Chinese cinemas, this film may be able to create a new film genre, and it has not lived up to its own name of "Fame and Fame", which is still very worth watching!

Is the first "script killing movie" in Chinese theaters unique or caters to gimmicks?

There are all kinds of discussions about the real ending on the Internet, about faith, about love, about use, about factions, the process of deciphering people leaving unlimited room for reverie, perhaps this is the biggest charm of open suspense films, what do you think the truth is? Please leave your answer.

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