
China in the solar terms 丨 li spring day, together to the future!

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 4, 2016 Title: Spring Day, Together to the Future!

Opening remarks:

"The spring rain shocks the spring valley days, and the summer is full of mango and summer and summer are connected. Autumn dew autumn frost falls, winter snow snow winter small cold. "A festival song contains rich traditional Chinese culture.

The twenty-four solar terms are Chinese unique time knowledge system, guiding people to spring planting, summer yun, autumn harvest, winter Tibet, influencing the way of thinking and production and life of Chinese, and containing profound Chinese wisdom. As early as 2016, the "Twenty-Four Solar Terms" were approved for inclusion on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Since February 4, Xinhua News Agency has set up a column entitled "China in the Solar Terms", showing the beauty of China's nature, humanities, labor and the times.

Xinhua News Agency

China in the solar terms 丨 li spring day, together to the future!

On February 4, the Year of the Tiger springs, the grass sprouts back, and the day grows obliquely.

Lichun is the first of the "twenty-four solar terms", "Li" has the meaning of beginning, and "spring" represents warmth and vitality. Spring indicates that the cold winter has ended, spring has returned to the earth, and since then everything has been renewed and full of vitality.

Li Chun, the excitement has just begun

Every year from February 3 to 5, when the sun reaches 315° ecliptic longitude, it is a spring. This year's Lichun is the first day of "Six Nine", and it is also often said that "Spring hits six or nine heads".

"Five-nine-six-nine, look at the willows along the river". The ground is getting warmer, and the footsteps of spring are getting closer and closer.

The plums fell off the snow and bloomed quietly, the waist of the willow branches by the river seemed to be softer, and the buds of the spring and magnolias were accumulating energy for the blooms... The cold in the north is still thick, but in the south, the grass is already green, and everything has begun to quietly recover.

But at this time, the cold spring can not be ignored. From February 5 to 7, rain and snow will occur in the central and eastern regions.

China in the solar terms 丨 li spring day, together to the future!

In the spring, the rape blossoms bloom. On February 3, an EMU train traveled in the Guizhou Congjiang section of the Guizhou-Guangzhou high-speed railway. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Wu Dejun)

Wind and rain, farming, are always closely related to the season. The "Twenty-Four Solar Terms" is a knowledge system and social practice formed by observing the annual movement of the sun and recognizing the laws of change in the seasons, climate, phenology and other aspects of the year, and its formation and development are closely linked to the development of agricultural production, and have played a major practical significance in guiding the production and life of the mainland.

On the day of spring, from "welcoming spring in the suburbs" and "tianzi from the fields" to "sacrificing the first farmers", in ancient times, a solemn sacrifice was made, full of expectations for the wind and rain.

In the folk, a wooden plough, a cow, people in the sound of firecrackers while ploughing and dancing, the hope of a good harvest has been integrated into the lively folk custom "playing spring cattle".

On the day of spring, eating spring cakes or spring rolls, chewing turnips, and stir-frying vegetables is people's good wishes for spring. "Gradually feel the east wind material steep and cold, artemisia annua yellow leek try spring plate", the early spring leeks are tender and juicy, the spicy fragrance is slightly sweet, and it is a delicious taste that can be obtained at your fingertips.

Five days is one wait, three days are one breath. The same is true of Li Chun.

"Poof" a sound, the east wind thawed. The frozen snow grinned, revealing the green of the mountain.

"Twitter", the sting worm begins to vibrate. The worms wake up from their slumber and join the song of spring.

"Flutter and flutter", Yu Zhi negative ice. Schools of fish swim between ice cubes and flakes that have not yet completely melted, and the tail of the fish swings in waves.

Everything is surging in the dark, and the excitement has just begun.

China in the solar terms 丨 li spring day, together to the future!

During the Spring Festival, people go out of their homes to visit, exercise and entertainment, experience folk customs, and spend their holidays in a colorful way. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Zhang Chi)

Li Chun, let's move towards the future together

This spring in 2022 is destined to be different.

Spring Day is the opening day of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. During the Spring Festival holiday, the red blessing characters and red lanterns in the streets and alleys of Beijing convey chinese style. This spring, China has shown the world the posture of "moving together to the future".

Beijing, the "City of The Two Olympics", is the first city in the world to host both the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games. In 2008, China, which hosted the Olympic Games for the first time, told the world "who I am", and today, 14 years later, the slogan of the Winter Olympics "Together to the Future" is an attitude and an action plan.

Ice and snow have incredible magic. We look forward to spring and fall in love with snow and ice. In China, the number of participants in ice and snow sports has exceeded 300 million.

In the village of Shanli in Zunhua City, Hebei Province, a small ski resort has been transformed into a small ski resort in the village's remaining tailings, and the once isolated countryside is on the same frequency as the Winter Olympics, and ice and snow sports have added more bright colors to the amateur life of the villagers. In Nanning, where there is little snow, children can also dance on the "ice feast".

From February 2nd to 4th, the Beijing Winter Olympic Torch Relay was held in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou, traveling through time and space and connecting the future.

As a torchbearer of the Winter Olympics, Liu Boqiang transformed from a steel roller in Shougang to a professional icemaker on the track.

"I have always dreamed of appearing at the scene of the Winter Olympics as a Chinese ice craftsman, and now, my dream is about to come true!" He said: Lichun symbolizes hope and vitality, and he wishes that Chinese Olympic athletes will achieve more achievements and add glory to the country this spring.

China in the solar terms 丨 li spring day, together to the future!

On February 3, parents and their children played in the sea of flowers in the Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone in Sanya City, Hainan Province. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Chen Wenwu)

Li Chun, there are new expectations for everyone

On the first day of spring, the wind becomes warm overnight, and the spring breeze evokes everyone's expectations for the new year.

People are looking forward to a bumper harvest. Before the Spring Festival is over, Li Fuqiang, chairman of the Revolutionary Modern Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative in Bei'an City, Heilongjiang Province, is already planning this year's planting plan.

Last year, the cooperative operated 200,000 mu of arable land, of which 58,000 mu was soybeans. "The state advocates the expansion of soybeans, we are here in the main soybean producing area, and this year we are preparing a variety of soybeans." Li Fuqiang said.

Talking about the expectations of the New Year, his words are simple: "If we can enjoy the pilot policy of crop rotation subsidies, our cooperative can have 70% of the arable land to grow soybeans." ”

People expect to thrive. The fireworks in the world are the most soothing to the hearts of mortals. During the festival, Huishang Hometown Group was busy in nearly 20 branches across the country, and "take home" and "quality New Year" became the keywords for consumers to eat here.

"Li Chun symbolizes a new hope." Li Liang of the group's administrative department said that the catering industry has experienced a severe test in the past two years. He hopes that the opening of stores will continue to recover steadily, and the projects under construction will accelerate and inherit the development emblem culture with more flexible and modern innovative means.

Forge ahead at the beginning of spring, meet tomorrow with your footsteps, and move towards the future together! (Reporters Gao Jing, Wang Yueyang, Zou Duowei, Wang Jian)

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