
The American service is soft! The front foot also interferes in internal affairs, the back foot abides by the convention, and the US empire is really a paper tiger

author:Indifferent Xiaosi

With the expulsion order issued by Turkish President Erdogan on the 21st, the ambassadors of 10 Western countries, including the United States and Germany, were listed as "the most undesirable" and asked them to leave the country within a time limit. This has also brought the eyes of the whole world to the confrontation between Turkey and the Western world. However, it was thought that the Western world would collectively besiege this "flat-headed brother", but he did not expect that the flat-headed brother still exerted the spirit of not dying and directly expelled the ambassadors of these ten Western countries. Turkey's approach has been surprising, but I did not expect that the practice of the big brother taking the lead in the United States was even more surprising, and the United States actually took the lead in serving softly!

The American service is soft! The front foot also interferes in internal affairs, the back foot abides by the convention, and the US empire is really a paper tiger

President Of Turkey Erdogan

On October 25, under the leadership of the first United States, the embassies of Canada, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark in Turkey issued statements saying that they would abide by Article 41 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and "non-interference in internal affairs." Article 41 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations clearly states that "without prejudice to diplomatic privileges and immunities, all persons enjoying such privileges and immunities shall be obliged to respect the laws and regulations of the receiving State."" Such persons shall not be obliged not to interfere in the internal affairs of such Persons. This means that the United States was the first to be soft, and what is the reason for this?

The American service is soft! The front foot also interferes in internal affairs, the back foot abides by the convention, and the US empire is really a paper tiger

It turned out that the 10 Western countries led by the United States jointly issued a statement on the 18th, asking the Turkish authorities to speed up the trial of the detained Osman Kavala, and also tried to interfere in the work of the Turkish government and the judicial system procedures in pursuit of "fairness and justice". Osman Kavala, a so-called "arts philanthropist," was arrested and jailed in July 2016 for his involvement in an "attempted coup" and has been detained and not tried by Turkish authorities. The 10 Western countries led by the United States have regained the banner of human rights and freedom, incited public opinion, increased pressure on the Turkish government, and interfered in the country's internal affairs, so they imposed certain sanctions on Turkey under the pretext of the Kavala incident.

The American service is soft! The front foot also interferes in internal affairs, the back foot abides by the convention, and the US empire is really a paper tiger

Osman Kavala

It is precisely because of such interference from the United States that the Turkish president is furious, and the small universe directly erupts. In 2016, a military coup broke out in Turkey, which was clearly backed by the United States, which made Erdogan resent the United States. Subsequently, Turkey chose to invest in Russia, and even purchased the Russian S400 air defense missile system, which also made the United States very angry at Turkey's approach, and even directly kicked Turkey out of the F35 fighter project. It is precisely because of the multiple contradictions between the two sides that Turkey and the United States have been fighting endlessly in recent years. Obviously, this time the United States wants to use human rights as an excuse to besiege and sanction Turkey in the international community, but it did not expect that Erdogan, who was barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes, directly came to a cruel move.

The American service is soft! The front foot also interferes in internal affairs, the back foot abides by the convention, and the US empire is really a paper tiger

Since the United States wants to use this excuse to interfere in Turkey's internal affairs, Erdogan will obviously not let the United States shake its dominance, and a counterattack is an inevitable choice. It's just that the whole world did not expect that Erdogan's temper was really not small, and he directly expelled the ambassadors of the ten Western countries led by the United States. This has also made the eyes of the entire West and even the whole world wide-eyed, and there are countries that do this, is this not a move before the severance of diplomatic relations? Seeing such a furious Turkey, the United States was the first to soften. How does the great American Empire say that it is kneeling? What exactly is the United States afraid of Turkey?

The American service is soft! The front foot also interferes in internal affairs, the back foot abides by the convention, and the US empire is really a paper tiger

First, the United States does not want to break diplomatic relations with Turkey, which involves the geopolitics of the entire Middle East region.

The United States does not dare to offend Turkey deeply, after all, Turkey's influence in the Middle East cannot be underestimated. In addition to being the most powerful country in the Middle East, Turkey is also an important country in the Islamic world, which will greatly affect U.S. policy in the Middle East. If Turkey calls on the entire Islamic world not to cooperate with U.S. Policy in the Middle East, then it will be very difficult for the United States to contain Syria in the Middle East. In order not to affect the threat posed by the geopolitics of the entire Middle East to the US strategy, we can only submit to Turkey and cannot sever diplomatic relations with Turkey.

Second, the United States does not want Turkey to fall into Russia's arms, which is not in the strategic interest of the United States to contain and contain Russia.

What the United States values most is Turkey's strategic position, which holds the entire Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea shipping lanes, which is also the only way for the Russian Black Sea Fleet. If Turkey does not allow the Russian Black Sea Fleet to pass, it means that Russia's southern gate will be completely closed. If Turkey is pushed too tightly and Erdogan is completely thrown into Putin's arms, then the southern gate of the United States to encircle Russia will be completely opened. Of course, the United States does not want to lose Turkey as a natural barrier, so it cannot be too stiff with Turkey, and naturally the two countries should not reach the level of severing diplomatic relations.

Third, because of this small matter, the United States cannot influence its main goal.

The United States clearly wants to put pressure on the Turkish government through the Ottoman Kavala incident to make Turkey act according to the intentions of the United States. The United States is also just looking for a human rights excuse to knock Turkey so that Erdogan can be obedient in the future. I just didn't expect Erdogan's temper to be too grumpy and actually wanted to fight back by expelling the ambassador. And the United States cannot be entangled with Turkey because of this small matter, because now the United States has focused almost all its energy on the eastern powers, and obviously the United States cannot change its important containment goals because of small things.

The American service is soft! The front foot also interferes in internal affairs, the back foot abides by the convention, and the US empire is really a paper tiger

Therefore, we see that the United States is the first to take the lead in showing softness, so the other little brothers naturally have to listen to the attitude of the big brother. Doesn't the fact that the United States has said that it will not interfere in Turkey's internal affairs mean that the Western countries led by the United States have failed again? The US imperialists are just a paper tiger, and when they encounter a country like the flat-headed brother, they also make the United States lose its temper. Erdogan's "eviction order" is a complete removal of the bottoms of the Western countries led by the United States, and it turns out that the United States will kneel so fast, which is not just a French tradition. (The picture in this article comes from the network)

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