
Poetry spring 丨 finally has a beginning, vientiane renewed

"The east wind brings rain to the west wind, the earth is sunny and the heat is born." On February 4, Beijing time, we ushered in the first of the twenty-four solar terms - Lichun. After the dormancy of winter, everything will be rejuvenated, and all beauty will gradually bloom.

"The Seventy-Two Waiting Explanations of the Moon Order": "Li Chun, the First Moon Festival; Li, Jianshi Ye; the Five Elements Qi past those who come here; and the Spring Wood Qi begins to arrive, so it is called Li Ye." ”

After the spring, the day gradually grows, the most severe cold period basically passes, the weather begins to gradually warm up, and everything gradually recovers. In the south, the breath of early spring has come to the fore, in the north, lichun, more can only be said to be the prelude to spring, the prelude to spring has not really opened, and even some areas have snowflakes flying.

Poetry spring 丨 finally has a beginning, vientiane renewed

Spring is approaching, and the melon seedlings of a nursery farm in Gaoqing County have broken through the ground.

Lichun has three waits: "one waits for the east wind to thaw, the second waits for the stings to start vibrating, and the third waits for the fish to be negative ice", which means that the east wind warms up and the earth begins to thaw. The stinging insects slowly awaken in the cave, the ice in the river begins to melt, the fish begin to swim to the surface of the water, and there are still fragments of ice on the surface of the water that have not been completely dissolved, as if they are carried by fish.

Since ancient times, Lichun has been highly valued in China, paying attention to "welcoming spring". Welcoming spring is an important activity of Lichun, with the purpose of bringing back spring and the god of Jurman. In the past, every year on the imperial calendar, there were mangshen gods, spring cow charts, as well as "turtle primrose" and "copper drum exorcism", which were important activities for the Spring Festival at that time. There are also many celebrations in the folk, such as sending spring cattle pictures, whipping spring cattle, traveling in the green, worshiping ancestors and so on. Either form of activity represents a beautiful expectation of spring.

Poetry spring 丨 finally has a beginning, vientiane renewed

In the Spring Festival, the Beijing Ancient Observatory held the "Whipping Spring Cow" spring festival activity. (Infographic)

In terms of diet, the folk have the custom of "biting spring", spring cake is a typical seasonal food of Spring Day, from the Wei and Jin Southern Dynasties era, people greeted the spring to eat spring cake. The "Chronicle of the JingChu Years" says: "On the day of the establishment of spring, relatives and friends will feast, eat Qin cakes, lettuce, and paste the word 'Yichun'. "Spring cake is a kind of thin dough cake, take lettuce, fruit, cake, sugar, etc. on the plate, take the meaning of welcome, then called "spring plate", can also be given to relatives and friends to taste.

Poetry spring 丨 finally has a beginning, vientiane renewed

In the Spring Festival, folk have customs such as eating spring rolls or eating turnips to "bite spring". (Infographic)

Spring is warm and cold, from time to time there is a spring cold, it is recommended not to rush to reduce clothes, otherwise it is easy to make the wind and evil cold into the body, causing cold and other diseases. In terms of diet, we should consider the initial birth of Yang Qi, and conform to the physiological characteristics of the liver, choose products that nourish the liver and tender liver, thin the liver, save acid and increase sweetness, such as yam, honey, red dates, etc.

Today, in addition to Lichun, it will also usher in the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. The hospitable Chinese will use a feast of ice and snow to let visitors from all over the world feel the vitality of athletes.

The years are not living, the seasons are like a stream, and a new reincarnation is about to begin! The grass and trees are growing, the spring mountains can be expected, may we always maintain the passion of life and bravely rush to the future!

(Public Network poster news editor Qu Xinping comprehensive Xinhua net, China News Network, Baidu Encyclopedia, etc.)

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