
The 74-year-old raised pigs to 2600 pounds, and the story behind it is heartbreaking! It is better to raise sons than pigs

author:Mr. Drama Critic

It is said that raising children to prevent the elderly, but in a rural area in Hunan, Liu Laotai, she would rather raise pigs than live with her son, what is going on?

This white-haired and somewhat rickety old man is Mrs. Liu, who is more than 70 years old, and accompanied by a pig weighing more than two thousand kilograms, which has accompanied Mrs. Liu for many years.

The 74-year-old raised pigs to 2600 pounds, and the story behind it is heartbreaking! It is better to raise sons than pigs

Many people wonder why this pig is so big and heavy, after all, we have heard of pigs of up to a few hundred pounds, like this thousands of pounds, but it is really rare.

After all, a few thousand pounds is not a year or two to grow, the average farmer at most to a few hundred pounds will be sold, if it grows for many years, the taste of the meat is not good, naturally there is no market.

To talk about this pig, or Mrs. Liu bought in the market in 1997, just bought when the piglet bar boy was only more than twenty pounds, at that time perhaps she also wanted to subsidize the family through pig raising, who knows but slowly raised feelings, raised to several thousand pounds.

Mrs. Liu's son lives next door, but the son and daughter-in-law never interact with Mrs. Liu, according to neighbors, their family has a lot of contradictions, for a while and a half will not be clear, only know that the daughter-in-law is very bad for Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Liu's son can not alleviate the contradiction in the middle.

The 74-year-old raised pigs to 2600 pounds, and the story behind it is heartbreaking! It is better to raise sons than pigs

Since their son started a family, they have lived separately. And because there are contradictions, there is less and less communication. With the passage of time, the feelings have gradually faded, the son's own conditions are good, what is delicious and useful, will not think of Mrs. Liu, just take care of their own enjoyment. Over time, the family became two families, and there was almost no contact.

So where did Mrs. Liu's wife go? It turned out that as early as when Mrs. Liu was young, she also had several feelings, but her first two husbands died unexpectedly, and since then Mrs. Liu has not looked for it again, until now. Therefore, many times Mrs. Liu is at home by herself, after the death of her husband, Mrs. Liu can get some subsidies every month, but the subsidies are not much, only a few hundred yuan, in addition, it is her own income from picking up the rags.

Mrs. Liu took the piglets she bought home to raise, and unlike the outside farm, Mrs. Liu raised pigs very carefully, and sometimes it can be said that pigs eat better than people. Mrs. Liu's home is close to the county middle school, and she knows that the school has a canteen, so she often goes to the school at the meal point to see if she can pick up some leftovers.

The 74-year-old raised pigs to 2600 pounds, and the story behind it is heartbreaking! It is better to raise sons than pigs

She always brings some bags from home for food, whenever she sees someone eating before she has time to collect, she will go to pour the leftovers into her own bags, and sometimes she will take the initiative to ask some students, if the students have leftovers after eating, Mrs. Liu will let the students pour the leftovers to her. Because Mrs. Liu often goes, some students also know her, and the students are not disgusted when they see her, because the leftovers are originally used to feed the pigs, and it is also a waste.

I thought that Mrs. Liu would go home directly when she got the leftovers, who knows, before going home, Mrs. Liu would also take these meals to the river, wash them and then go back to feed the pigs.

It is no wonder that pigs eat fat and fat, and the meals brought back every day are less than a dozen pounds, not to mention pigs, people eat so much weight will soar, pigs naturally grow very well. Sometimes, Mrs. Liu would also go to the wet market and bring some rotten fruits that the vendors did not want to bring to the pigs. So what about the attitude of those vendors towards Mrs. Liu? Some reporters went to ask the vendors how to view Mrs. Liu's behavior of recycling rotten fruits, many vendors said that they could understand, and because Mrs. Liu came more often, they would also take the initiative to leave some unwanted fruits for Mrs. Liu, and sometimes they would give some fresh fruits for Mrs. Liu to eat by herself.

The 74-year-old raised pigs to 2600 pounds, and the story behind it is heartbreaking! It is better to raise sons than pigs

So what did Mrs. Liu eat herself? Mrs. Liu carefully takes care of her pigs every day, but she eats very simple, more or less is some porridge, green vegetables or whatever, and the daily expenses are very small. Mrs. Liu rarely buys new clothes and shoes, but for the pig she raised, she loves it, and the pig seems to understand Mrs. Liu's words, Mrs. Liu calls it, and it should be very spiritual.

Under Mrs. Liu's care, the pig grew bigger and bigger, and by 2002, the pig had grown to 1.2 tons, and even broke the Guinness Book of Records. Mrs. Liu got the guinness certificate and was very happy. Because the pigs are so fat, many people come to see how such a heavy pig is fed.

Many people want to take a photo with the pig, and some reporters come to interview Mrs. Liu, hoping to report this news, Mrs. Liu also said that she was very happy, and slowly told this story with the reporter.

The 74-year-old raised pigs to 2600 pounds, and the story behind it is heartbreaking! It is better to raise sons than pigs

She said that she also found a butcher who wanted to sell the pig, the butcher asked for 20,000, Mrs. Liu felt that 20,000 was too little, at least 100,000, and she would use the money from the sale of the pig to arrange the aftermath for herself in the future. 100,000 yuan, Mrs. Liu wants to buy herself a crystal coffin, and then when the time comes, she will invite the neighbors to eat for free, and said that Hanako can also come, and she will also use the money to build a road at the door, and the road is repaired and the car is good to go, which is also beneficial to future generations. According to mrs. Liu's meaning, she did not want her son to handle the aftermath for herself. Instead, he wanted to use this pig to solve his problems a hundred years later.

Maybe it is to recall the previous bits and pieces, their own and son are not harmonious, over time, the relationship is getting weaker and weaker, the son is not in touch with himself, some things have no way to explain the two sides of the same word, Mrs. Liu is not willing to spend too much time on these boring things, compared to these, raise a pig, as long as they are good to it, the pig will know how to be grateful, day and night companionship, the pig also has a dependence on Mrs. Liu.

The 74-year-old raised pigs to 2600 pounds, and the story behind it is heartbreaking! It is better to raise sons than pigs

However, after all, Mrs. Liu is old, and in 2003, Mrs. Liu's physical strength was not as good as before, and she used to go to middle school and vegetable market every day, and now she felt that the road was too far away, and she even needed to take a crutch. Mrs. Liu herself was infected with rheumatism, and when it rained, Mrs. Liu's joints were faintly painful. Therefore, Mrs. Liu felt that she alone had no strength to raise pigs again, and if she could sell them now, it would be easier. She found the butcher who had been asked that year, and asked the butcher if he would like to buy the pig, and the butcher said that the pig was already very old, the meat would be old, and it was no longer worth much.

After Mrs. Liu listened, she had to give up the idea of selling pigs and could only raise them first. But the pig is actually quite old, with Mrs. Liu for so many years, the pig's body is not as strong as before, Mrs. Liu did not go to the vegetable market and middle school every day, the amount of food of the pig has also decreased, and naturally the pig has also lost weight.

The 74-year-old raised pigs to 2600 pounds, and the story behind it is heartbreaking! It is better to raise sons than pigs

In the eyes of outsiders, Mrs. Liu can raise such a weight of pigs seems to be very powerful, but when people understand the reasons behind it, they all feel sorry and helpless. If her son can fulfill his filial piety, how can Mrs. Liu raise a pig? For so many years, Mrs. Liu grew up with the pig, and the pig also accompanied Mrs. Liu through every difficult night. If it is not the pig raising that needs to feed the pig food, clean the pigsty and other work, can make the old man fuller, then Mrs. Liu just sits on the bench every day in a daze is more painful. In fact, everyone has the day of getting old, sometimes the old man needs not money, sometimes just need companionship, Mrs. Liu is finally disappointed in her son's family, there will be a pig life, this helplessness and bitterness Who can understand? We don't know the rest of the story, but what we can know is that if we still have the opportunity and courage to support our parents, then we must do it, and don't wait until we don't even have the opportunity to do anything to regret it, what do you think?

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