
Does putting your phone on the side of your pillow while sleeping hurt your brain?

author:Eth view

Nowadays, people are almost inseparable from mobile phones, whether it is before going to bed, or after getting up, many people's first reaction is to look at mobile phones. There are many more people who are looking at their phones when they eat, walk, take a car, cross the street, go to the toilet, drive, etc. I believe that the last thing many people do before going to bed is to put the mobile phone on the pillow to charge.

Does putting your phone on the side of your pillow while sleeping hurt your brain?

When you sleep, put your mobile phone on the pillow, does it radiate a lot to the brain?

First, is the pillow side of the mobile phone radiation to the brain?

Since people started using mobile phones, the debate about the problem of brain radiation from mobile phones has not stopped, especially with the popularity of smartphones. Some people say that the smarter and more powerful the mobile phone, the more intense the radiation. However, today we can tell you that as long as it is a smart phone that meets the national standards produced by regular manufacturers, the radiation intensity is within the safe range and will not cause human harm.

Does putting your phone on the side of your pillow while sleeping hurt your brain?

Causes human harm

As for the problems that can lead to brain tumor growth on the Internet, there is no direct, effective and scientific evidence to confirm that the damage caused by mobile phone radiation can be said to be minimal compared to the damage to the brain caused by long-term staying up late, insomnia, depression and other problems. If you are really not at ease, you can't get over the psychological hurdle, you can put your mobile phone on the table and other places far from the bed before going to bed, which may be more secure.

Does putting your phone on the side of your pillow while sleeping hurt your brain?

Does playing mobile phones for a long time hurt your brain?

Second, is it nerve-wracking to play mobile phones for a long time?

Playing with mobile phones too addicted will lead to loss of will, such as walking, driving to play mobile phones, may cause traffic accidents, affecting the safety of life and property. In addition, there are long-term stay-up mobile games that lead to sub-health, and sudden death in severe cases; Lack of communication between husband and wife playing mobile phones, estranged relationship; Children addicted to mobile phone playthings lost their minds... In this way, mobile phones will really indirectly "hurt the brain".

But if you think about it, you will soon find that the main reason for these phenomena lies in people themselves. The intelligent era is a double-edged sword, the production of mobile phones has changed people's way of life, bringing a lot of convenience to our eating, wearing, living and traveling, so that we have been inseparable from it, but at the same time it has also brought certain negative results.

The phone itself does not hurt our body, what hurts us is the way we use the phone. The function of the mobile phone is placed there, it all depends on how you use it, some people use it to learn, some people use it to make money, some people improve their lifestyles, some people open up their new lives... Using it well benefits us immensely, and vice versa will bring unimaginable harm.

Does putting your phone on the side of your pillow while sleeping hurt your brain?

Does kids playing with mobile phones affected?

Third, does children play mobile phones have a big impact?

There is a saying that if you want to destroy a child, give him a mobile phone is enough. Studies have confirmed that due to the imperfect development of children's brains, the absorption rate of radiation is significantly higher than that of adults, children often play mobile phones will affect the development of memory, the formation of sleep, and the child's judgment, cognitive ability has not yet matured, it is easy to blindly imitate the good and uneven information on mobile phones, which is misleading for children's mental health and thinking formation.

Does putting your phone on the side of your pillow while sleeping hurt your brain?

Good habits for using mobile phones

When children play mobile phones, parents should give correct guidance, let children play mobile phones within the specified time, and filter out content that is not suitable for children to see, and pay attention to teaching children to connect reality with the Internet, tell him which are virtual and which are real in reality, and help children form a good habit of using mobile phones.

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