
The first report | @ young people! These leaders' messages warmed our youth


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"You young people are full of vigor and are thriving, like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning. Hope is in you. ”

On November 17, 1957, in the auditorium of Moscow University on Lenin Hill in Russia, a full hall of energetic Chinese students listened excitedly to Chairman Mao Zedong's affectionate message. Time flies, and this famous phrase is recited repeatedly, haunting the ears of generations of young people.

On December 30, 2017, Chinese students at Moscow University received a special reply letter in which they revisited Chairman Mao Zedong's sincere message 60 years ago and read President Xi Jinping's earnest expectations.

"If the younger generation has ideals, skills, and responsibilities, the country will have a future and the nation will have hope."

"Dedicate the skills learned to the motherland and the people, and let the light of youth shine on the road of striving for dreams."


Spanning 60 years, the words of the leaders are full of affection, inspiring generations of young people to move forward.

"To be a confidant of young friends", President Xi Jinping has always cared about the growth and development of young people in various countries, encouraged them to work hard and work together, and contribute to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Fly your dreams and live up to Shaohua

"Youth always goes hand in hand with dreams." In President Xi Jinping's heart-to-heart dialogue with young people, the word "dream" appears frequently. He encouraged young people to cherish Shaohua, display their ambitions, combine their personal ideals with the development of the motherland and the future of the nation, and contribute the strength of youth to the progress of mankind and the prosperity of the world.

The first report | @ young people! These leaders' messages warmed our youth

In a speech at Nazarbayev University in September 2013, President Xi Jinping mentioned the importance of learning for young people: "Knowledge is power. Youth is a golden age for learning knowledge, cultivating sentiments, and growing skills. ”

In November 2018, during his visit to Papua New Guinea, President Xi Jinping made a special trip to inaugurate the China-Papua New Guinea Friendship School Butuka Academy, which was built with Chinese assistance.

"President Xi told me that he was willing to help us realize our Olympic dream, and my friends said I was lucky." Jeffrey, a local youth who was present and a PNG table tennis player, recalled.

From the construction of primary and secondary schools in Nepal, Armenia, Mozambique and other countries, to the establishment of "Luban Workshop" for Djibouti, Egypt and other countries, to the construction of higher education institutions such as the University of the South Pacific in Vanuatu, the Emmaù University of Technology, Malawi University of Technology, etc.; from funding thousands of people from developing countries to study for master's and doctoral degrees in China, to carrying out the "20+20" cooperation program between Chinese and African universities, to setting up the "Atomic Energy Scholarship" project...

In recent years, China has helped other developing countries improve their education level by helping to build schools, train teachers, and expand the scale of scholarships, and help local youth continue to learn and achieve their dreams.

Know each other and pass on friendship

"'The friendship of the country lies in the affinity of the people,' and the 'affinity of the people' must start with the youth."

President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to promoting communication and exchanges between Chinese and foreign youth. Whether it is a speech or a reply to a letter, he always encourages Chinese and foreign young people to strengthen communication and enhance understanding, hoping that friendship will be carried forward among the young generation.

The first report | @ young people! These leaders' messages warmed our youth

Young people are the future of the nation and the new force of friendship among the people. President Xi Jinping said, "Young people have similar interests and similar intentions, they are the most talkative, and it is easiest to form innocent friendships." ”

Daichi Nakajima, a Young Japanese Who won the 2019 "Panda Cup" Essay Contest and received a reply from President Xi Jinping, said: "President Xi has high hopes for our young generation. The future of Japan-China friendship is in our hands. I hope to do my best to live up to this expectation. ”

Under the strong impetus of President Xi Jinping, cultural exchange activities such as the Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development, the Asian-African Youth Festival, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Youth Exchange Camp, the China-ASEAN Elite Scholarship, and the China-Arab States Young Politicians Forum have become more and more abundant, providing a stage for Chinese and foreign youth to make friends and deepen friendship.

Leonid Pastnak, a student of the Department of Journalism at the Russian Friendship University, said: "President Xi Jinping said that young people are the future of Russian-Chinese friendship. As a member of the youth community, we want to contribute to strengthening friendly relations between Russia and China. ”

Create a better future

"Young people are the most energetic, the most dreamy, and the leaders and builders of the future."

He is a confidant and a guide. Facing the future, President Xi Jinping pins his hopes on the contemporary youth and encourages them to work together to contribute to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

The first report | @ young people! These leaders' messages warmed our youth

Whether it is face-to-face exchanges or letter exchanges, President Xi Jinping's wise and profound ideas and sincere and friendly words have made young people at home and abroad feel admired.

"President Xi Jinping is a great leader who has led China out of poverty to prosperity and let the sunshine of the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind shine on the world." Ali, a Pakistani student, said.

"President Xi has high expectations for us, and I feel that the heavy responsibility is on my shoulders. I will strive to contribute to China-Africa cultural exchanges and the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. Mohammed Aliani Abdullah, a young member of Tanzania's ruling Revolutionary Party, said.

"The future of the world belongs to the younger generation. If young people around the world have ideals and responsibilities, mankind will have hope, and the noble cause of promoting peace and development of mankind will have a steady stream of powerful forces. ”

On the fourth of May, everything grows and youth is just right.

Producer: Zhou Zongmin

Planners: Ban Wei, Chen Zhen, Yan Tao

Producer: Feng Junyang

Coordinator: Xie Peng, Xin Jianqiang, Zhang Songhong, Wang Lu, Yan Junyan

Reporters: Li Dongxu, Deng Min, Li Sibo, Gao Zhu, Jiang Chao, Li Dexin, Wang Pu, Wei Mengjia

Text: Luo Chen

Voiced by: Qiu Hao

Video: Wang Yukun, Liu Heng

Editors: Wang Yachen, Chen Shan, Dang Qi, Wang Shen, Liu Yang

Visual Effects: Onion Painting

Jointly produced by the International Department of Xinhua News Agency and China Xinhua News Television Network (CNC).

Produced by Xinhua News Agency's International Communication Integration Platform

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