
New Year Answering Questions| Shu Huang is testing you again! How many questions can you do correctly today?

Distance to our traffic safety

There are still two days left for the knowledge quiz lottery

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The flag in the image above indicates ____?

A. Large-scale livestock farms

B. Wildlife sanctuaries

C. Pay attention to livestock

D. Notice that there is a cow in front

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The yellow card sign indicates a warning, and the cow indicates attention to the livestock, that is, the sign indicates the livestock


The flag above indicates ____?

A. Cliff Road

B. My family lives on the side of the mountain, next to the sea

C. Rocky road

D. Dangerous road in the mountains

A very vivid mountain, indicating the sign of the dangerous road of the mountain. It is used to remind the driver of the vehicle to drive carefully, often in the appropriate position before the dangerous road section of the mountain.


The light on the gauge (as shown in the figure) in the car indicates ____?

A. The engine temperature is too high

B, the thermometer is about to explode, stop quickly and turn off

C. Engine cooling system failure

D, the engine temperature is too low, need to heat!

This sign illuminates to indicate that the engine water temperature is too high, which may be caused by insufficient coolant.


As shown in the figure, what device does this symbol's switch control?

A. Rear windshield glass wiper and scrubber

B. The window glass should be cleaned

C. Front windshield glass wiper and scrubber

D. Defrost or defogging of the windshield glass of the whole car

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