
Life of a small employee in a state-owned enterprise (1)

author:Black Technology Today

#职场真实故事计划 #

"Do you want to change jobs?" I often think this way in my mind.

  It has been five years since graduation, just to the point where the contract expires, looking back at these five years, it seems that I have learned a lot in the company, as if I have learned nothing. Boss Direct Hire also opens every day to see, which has been reminding you to submit your resume. My resume? What should I write about.

Life of a small employee in a state-owned enterprise (1)

  Then start from scratch, my master's degree is to learn material molding, belongs to everyone often say that one of the four sinkholes (biochemical ring materials), to say that the pit probably refers to the money is relatively slow, often deal with is casting forging welding, the basis of traditional manufacturing, but absorbed a group of workers.

Life of a small employee in a state-owned enterprise (1)

  It is not very easy to find a job after graduation, like this place in Beijing, the role of staying in the hukou is still very large, so it was to go to the company with the hukou (now think about it, there is no money and no use in having an account). Beijing's household registration indicators, some enterprises are many, like the central enterprises directly under the State Council, the indicators of the central enterprises into Beijing indicators, not under the control of Beijing Municipality, so the flexibility is very large, many central enterprises have come in through this channel.

Life of a small employee in a state-owned enterprise (1)
Life of a small employee in a state-owned enterprise (1)

Let's write here today and talk about it tomorrow.

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