
Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

author:Tao Ge Assessment

Prime 1 studio officially launched the Batman and Fenrir armor for the batman endgame version of the comic book. So how well this product is doing, let's take a look!

Batman monolithic version

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

This Batman is Prime 1 studio and

Co-launched by artist Josh Nizzi

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

This product reproduces Batman's outfit

The handsome styling of the Advanced Suit

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

But there is no clear proportion of this product

The overall height is about 50 .8cm and weighs 5.8 kg

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man
Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

The cape part is made of real materials, and the texture is very good

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

Players can adjust the shape of the cape to their liking

At the same time, the edge of the cape was also treated with some mud stains

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

Of course, the cape part can also be removed

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

After disassembly, the mechanical spine structure on the inside can be seen

The mechanical details in this section are well handled

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

The iconic bat logo is also restored

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

At the same time, the bat LOGO also has a corresponding luminous site in the middle

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

The other armored parts are not particularly easy to say

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

The surface has also been treated with some battle damage effects

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

The head sculpture reproduces the shape of the old man wearing a mask

The surface of the mask also has some realistic wrinkle detailing

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man
Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

The platform section adopts the theme of ruins

The surface has some gravel blocks as well as details of the reinforcement

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

That's what this Batman looks at

Let's take a look at the super handsome Fenrir armor

Fenrir armor monolithic version

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

Fenrir armor also impressed us in the comics

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

And this Fenrir armor is in the same proportion as the previous Batman

It is approximately 88cm tall and weighs 51.3kg

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

In terms of size, it can be said that it is quite impressive

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man
Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

This product is equipped with a rich luminous mechanism

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

The effect after lighting up the light is still quite good

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

In addition to the replacement armor of the chest and rear wing

This time, batman's replacement head eagle was also attached

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

After the replacement, it can reproduce the look of Batman driving

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

It is worth noting that from this point of view

The inside of the cockpit also has a certain luminous spot

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

The surface of this Fenrir armor was also made

Rich battle damage aging effect processing

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

The sheer amount of scratch detail realises realism

At the same time, there are some mud stains on the feet

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man
Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

The floor part is definitely a big attraction of this product

The overall theme of ruins is the same as that of Batman

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

Incidentally, since Batman used to wear this armor in the comics

Fought against the Justice League crowd

So a lot of elements of Justice League members have also been added to the platform

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

Kryptonite and Superman's cape

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

Aquaman's Pentagram

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

The Flash's mask

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

The Green Lantern of the Green Lantern

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

Wonder Woman's Shield

The addition of these elements does add a lot of selling points to this product

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man
Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

So that's what this Fenrir armor looks at

Let's take a look at the last set version

Ultimate Bundle Edition

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

This time there will also be Fenrir armor and Batman

The Ultimate Ultimate Package Edition packaged and sold together

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

Compared to the previous two single-pack normal versions

The UT Set Edition will be accompanied by two more Replacement Head Eagles of Batman

They are in the shape of a transparent mask and a black hood

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

These two replacement head eagles can be used not only for Batman subjects

It can also be replaced to show on Fenrir armor

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

In addition, the Batman main body can also be installed

Fenrir's armor was displayed on that platform

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

The combination is very good

Especially after the combination of light-emitting mechanisms, it is full of display

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

However, this product is handsome, and the price is indeed not cheap

Batman monocosk $649, Fenrir armored monocosm $2499

The UT package is priced at $2999

Fenrir is armored and handsome, and P1s launches the Batman Endgame version of the old man

But if your financial strength allows

You can still consider starting to collect a wave

As for me, it is better to look at the official map and drool

Product information

Product name: Prime 1 studio

Batman Endgame Batman/Fenrir armor

Single Version of Batman Offer Price: $649

Fenrir Armor Monocoal Release Price: $2499

Ultimate Package Offer Price: $2,999

Shipping date: April-July 2022

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