
The God-Killing Wolf – Fenrir

author:White Night Red Moon

Fenrir,000 fenrir, also known as Fenris, Fenrisulfr. Legend has it that it is the son of Loki and the female giant Inglebora, the god of fire and mischief in Norse mythology, and the brother of Hel, queen of the underworld, and Jormungand, the serpent of the world. Legend has it that when it opens its mouth, its upper and lower jaws can withstand the heavens and the earth, and its eyes and nose can spew flames.

The God-Killing Wolf – Fenrir

When Loki and Angela gave birth to these three children, Odin saw everything on his supreme throne, and he knew from the witch's prophecy how powerful these three guys were, so he sent Hela to the underworld, and Yemengard was thrown into the sea of the world, although Fenrir was still as cute as a small milk dog at that time, but the witch predicted that it was related to Odin's death, so he was taken to heaven to watch. As time passed, Fenrir grew up rapidly, and became more and more vicious with the awakening of the wild. The gods did not want to easily harm its life, but decided to trap it anyway, they took it to a small island called Lyngvi, tried to tie it with chains, and first used a chain called Leyding forged by Thor, but it was easily broken by Fenrir, and then tied it to Dromi, a chain that Thor forged for nine days and nine nights. This iron training is very heavy, and the gods will move left and right when they lift it. But Fenrir struggled to break free.

The God-Killing Wolf – Fenrir

The gods had no choice but to resort to the dwarfs of Nidaville, the land of gnomes. The dwarf used six rare things---- the footsteps of cats, the beard of a woman, the roots of stones, the breath of a fish, the feeling of a bear and the saliva of a bird to make a cursed lock Gleipnir, and its texture was soft and smooth like silk.

When the gods came to Fenrir with Gleipnir, he was so suspicious of the chain that he refused to be captured. Because the chain looks beautiful, but there seems to be a magic. The gods tried their best to coax and provoke it, saying to it, "We just want to use this chain to test your invincible strange power, haven't you already broken free of those two chains before, are you still afraid of this thin chain?" Finally Fenrir agreed, but it demanded that one of the gods put a hand in his mouth to keep it safe. The gods looked at the two rows of sword-like teeth in Fenrir's mouth, and they were silent. The gods looked at each other, and finally Tyre, the god of war, broke the deadlock and took a step forward, putting his strong fist into Freer's mouth.

The God-Killing Wolf – Fenrir

In the end Fenrir was forever bound to a boulder by Gleipnir, and he was terrified, but he could not break free from the curse in any case. Desperate, Fenrir finally gave up the struggle, grimaced, and bit Tyre's hand. Although Tyre lost a hand, he exchanged the security of the gods and the peace of the kingdom of the gods. When the gods understood that Fenrir had been completely bound and further bound him with the god Gelgia, Fenrir reacted violently, opening his mouth wide and trying to attack the gods. When the great mouth that could touch the heavens and the earth opened, the gods took the opportunity to put a sword in its mouth, the tip of the sword pointed at the upper jaw, the hilt of the sword against the jaw, it could never close its mouth, and at the same time the river that kept flowing out of the mouth formed a poisonous river.

At dusk for the gods, Fenrir is released by his father Loki, and together with his brother, the Serpent of the World, Yemengard, joins the ranks against the gods, destroying the world, Fenrir sends himself and the two sons of the Nameless Female Giant, Hattie and Scul, to chase and eat the sun and moon. Fenrir, on the other hand, killed and devoured the King of the Norse gods in a battle with Odin, and after killing Odin, he was stabbed by a gun by Vidal, the son of Odin, the god of forest and peace, who witnessed his father's killing.

The God-Killing Wolf – Fenrir

And when it comes to Fenrir's film and television image, the first thing that can be thought of is the big black wolf of Hela in "Thor 3", here I have to say that the character relationship between "Thor 3" and mythology is a little different, everyone who has seen it should know that the female villain Hela is Odin's eldest daughter, and Loki is the third son, our Thor is the second oldest, poor Fenrir has become Hela's mount, but this is marvel for Loki to make a change, Hela and Odin really have nothing to do with each other, but Loki's daughter.

The God-Killing Wolf – Fenrir

There is another picture that may be more familiar to the post-80s, the wolf head ornament of Claude in "Final Fantasy Son", that is Fenrir, and his motorcycle is also called Fenrir, and his set of combination knives is called Fenrir Six, it is estimated that Claude is Fenrir control...

The God-Killing Wolf – Fenrir
The God-Killing Wolf – Fenrir

The last thing that White Night could think of should be the fifth star Fariru that appeared in the more revealing age of saint Seiya Nordics, the image of this god suit is the wolf, that is, the imitation of Fenrir, it is worth mentioning that the big man of the third star, Delru, his god suit is a snake, imitating Fenrir's brother, the serpent of the world, Yemenggad.

The God-Killing Wolf – Fenrir

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