
The fetal head came out but could not be born, and the delivery process made the midwifery nurse almost have a weak leg, which was not easy

author:Fuwa talks about parenting

Usually, during the delivery process, if the fetal head comes out, then the next delivery process will be relatively smooth, because the fetal baby of about 40 weeks, the whole body brain dimension is the largest, so as long as the fetal head comes out, the part below the head is easy to come out, but in fact, there are some exceptions.

The fetal head came out but could not be born, and the delivery process made the midwifery nurse almost have a weak leg, which was not easy

01 The fetal head came out but could not be born, and the delivery process made the midwifery nurse almost have a weak leg, which was not easy

Some time ago, while chatting with a friend, I heard a more surprising thing, the friend is a midwifery nurse, she said that she was in charge of midwifery for nearly ten years, has never seen such a critical situation. At that time, the mother's condition belonged to the narrow pelvis, and the fetus was a little overweight, and it was almost 9 pounds at birth.

The delivery process is very difficult, the original doctors are going to let her go through the section, but she insisted on trying again, and then after the fetal head came out, everyone was relieved, originally thought that the next step would be smooth, but what the doctors and nurses present did not expect was that the fetal head gave birth, and the baby's shoulder was stuck in the pubic joint, which is the so-called "shoulder dystocia".

The fetal head came out but could not be born, and the delivery process made the midwifery nurse almost have a weak leg, which was not easy

Doctors tried many ways, but they could not make the fetus give birth successfully, and little by little time passed, the face of the fetus began to turn purple, and the situation could no longer be turned into a caesarean section, and the mother's productivity began to become insufficient. At that time, my friend saw the baby's purple face, and his legs were almost soft, and he was afraid of accidents.

Fortunately, after arriving at a doctor who specialized in handling shoulder dystocia, under the adjustment, it was not easy to give birth to the baby, the baby cried very loudly, and everyone really relaxed, after all, the whole process was too critical.

The fetal head came out but could not be born, and the delivery process made the midwifery nurse almost have a weak leg, which was not easy

02 What is "shoulder dystocia"? What are the triggers?

The so-called "shoulder dystocia", in fact, is that the mother in the delivery process, it is difficult to give birth to the head of the fetus, the result of the fetal head stuck in the pubic joint site, then the fetal head can not be retracted, the doctor using conventional midwifery methods can not be the fetus out of the smooth delivery.

It should be known that with the duration of "shoulder dystocia", the risk to the fetus and the mother will become greater and greater, the fetus may appear hypoxia or asphyxia, and the mother will have symptoms of physical failure, and in severe cases, there may be symptoms such as flatulence and metabolic abnormalities.

The fetal head came out but could not be born, and the delivery process made the midwifery nurse almost have a weak leg, which was not easy

In general, if the fetus weighs heavier, the higher the probability of shoulder dystocia. Medical statistics online pointed out that the probability of shoulder dystocia in 5 to 8 kg fetuses is 0.3% to 1%, while the probability of shoulder dystocia for fetuses of 8 kg to 9 kg is more than 15%, and the probability of shoulder dystocia for fetuses over 10 kg is more than 20%. It can be seen that for the giant child, the danger is still very large.

Of course, if the mother herself is too obese, or too short, or the pelvic conditions are not good, narrow, and some ultra-old women, then they are more likely to have shoulder dystocia. There are also external factors, such as improper operation by the midwife, or the anesthesiologist's anesthesia operation error, etc., which may also cause this situation.

The fetal head came out but could not be born, and the delivery process made the midwifery nurse almost have a weak leg, which was not easy

03 How should pregnant women prevent shoulder dystocia?

For pregnant women, the best way to prevent shoulder dystocia is to control weight gain during pregnancy, because if the weight increase of pregnant women is larger, then the weight of the baby in the belly will increase relatively quickly, and it is easy to become a huge child, which also increases the probability of shoulder dystocia.

In addition, pregnant mothers should also arrange exercise appropriately during pregnancy, and the most reasonable arrangement is about three to five times a week, and the time of each exercise is maintained at about 30 minutes to an hour.

In terms of diet, we also need to pay more attention, under the premise of ensuring the nutritional intake of the fetus, appropriately consume more high-protein, high-fiber foods, it is best not to eat too much high-fat, high-calorie, high-sugar foods, otherwise it is easy to gain weight in a short period of time.

The fetal head came out but could not be born, and the delivery process made the midwifery nurse almost have a weak leg, which was not easy

In addition, we must also pay attention to regular obstetric examinations, only regular obstetric examinations can know the situation of the baby in the belly, if it is found that the baby grows too fast in a certain stage, then it needs to be properly controlled.

At the same time, there is also a problem that needs special attention, that is, if the prenatal doctor evaluates the best way to choose caesarean section, then it is not recommended that pregnant mothers insist on choosing a smooth delivery, because this situation is more likely to occur in the case of shoulder dystocia, and the case of shoulder dystocia is very critical, and can no longer be turned into caesarean section, although there are some surgical methods, but it is indeed more extreme, easy to bring irreversible harm to the pregnant woman herself, may be at the cost of the health of the pregnant woman in the second half of her life, so do not risk trying.

Finally, it is also necessary to remind pregnant mothers of a problem, if the pregnant woman has her own diabetes, and the baby in the belly is larger, then it is best to consider caesarean section, because the probability of shoulder dystocia is greater and the risk is higher.

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