
I've never played curling, but I haven't experienced the pain of curlers, and the reason is...

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is about to kick off. Tonight, China's Ling Zhi and Fan Suyuan competed in the first round of mixed doubles curling, shouldering the heavy responsibility of starting the first cannon for the Chinese Winter Olympic delegation.

I've never played curling, but I haven't experienced the pain of curlers, and the reason is...

Curling | Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee

Curling, known as "chess on ice", is a sport that combines skill and wisdom, individual and collective. In curling, there is no confrontational physical contact between athletes, and it is generally believed that this sport is not easy to cause sports injuries.

However, day-to-day training, tens of thousands of potting and ice sweeping movements, curlers due to relatively fixed body posture and overuse of body-related parts, the possibility of chronic labor injuries, such as lower back muscle fasciitis, rotator cuff injuries.

Common injuries in curling

In curling, curling and sweeping ice require tacit cooperation.

The athlete in charge of throwing the pot, the body squats forward, kneels forward, while holding about 20 kg of curling, until the avant-garde line before letting go of the curling, so that it slides to the center of the camp on its own.

The athletes responsible for sweeping the ice, under the command of the main general, need to sweep the ice vigorously in a short period of time to change the sliding distance and travel curvature of the curling.

A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) showed that 79% of those involved in curling suffered from musculoskeletal-related pain. Knee pain (54%), back (33%) and shoulder pain (20%) were the most common symptoms.

Pot throwing (Figures A and B), ice sweeping (Figure C) | References[2]

Curling has not been promoted in the mainland for a long time and is considered an unpopular niche sport, but the related injuries of curling are very close to us. In fact, people who do housework are like curlers who train day in and day out.

And do and cherish the "knee"

Curling involves long pedaling and sliding and repeated flexion and extension of the joints, which leads to a high risk of knee injury. When throwing the pot, the knee joint is flexed and rotated outward, and the joint is under a lot of pressure. Curling knee pain has been reported to be reported to be 62% of patients with knee flexion, and 31% complain of knee discomfort.

Similarly, when doing housework, we have been doing a lot of knee-hurting movements, such as squatting for a long time to wipe the floor, squatting for a long time and suddenly standing up.

Studies have shown that when squatting with extreme flexion, the knee joint bears about 7 to 8 times the weight of the human body. The high load of the knee joint for a long time can easily induce knee pain and joint cartilage wear. Suddenly standing up after a long squat may cause the cushion "meniscus" in the knee joint to jam or even tear.

How do I check myself? Remember these five words – "pain, swelling, card, ringing, soft".

If there is pain and swelling of the knee joint that cannot be relieved for a long time, repeated stuttering and accompanied by pain when flexing and extending, and walking and leg instability, it is recommended to go to the sports medicine department as soon as possible.

How to prevent it? Avoid knee joint stress such as squatting for a long time, and at the same time practice "static squat" and "leg lifting". These two movements can help strengthen the muscles around the knee joint.

I've never played curling, but I haven't experienced the pain of curlers, and the reason is...

Crouch against the wall

I've never played curling, but I haven't experienced the pain of curlers, and the reason is...

Straight legs elevated

The "shoulders" are stronger

In curling, because the weight of curling is close to 20kg, the traditional throwing technique is to lift the curler back and forth after swinging, with the help of inertia to place the curling on the ice surface, while pushing forward to make it slide; when sweeping the ice, athletes need to rub the ice repeatedly in a short period of time.

These movement techniques require high shoulder strength. Shoulder pain was reported in 20% of curling enthusiasts and 12.5% of athletes with rotator cuff injuries.

There are also many similar shoulder injuries in housework, such as mopping the floor too hard, rubbing glass with the upper limbs raised, and pulling the shoulders when using the clothes pole. "Rotator cuffs" is the "tendons" on the shoulder joint, when doing shoulder movements and too much force, it will repeatedly impact and rub with the shoulder peak in the narrow space of the shoulder joint, and repeat such actions for a long time, which can easily induce rotator cuff injury. As we age, the rotator cuffs become fragile. Middle-aged and elderly people may break the "tendons" due to improper movements in housework.

How do I check myself? When you raise your hand – be wary of "90 degree pain".

If there is pain and swelling in the shoulder joint that cannot be relieved for a long time, especially when it is lifted up to 90 degrees to 120 degrees, it is recommended to go to the sports medicine department as soon as possible.

How to prevent it? Practice two movements – "Pinching the Back" and "Side Lifting". While avoiding repeated elevations of the upper limbs for long periods of time, these two movements help to strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and neck.

I've never played curling, but I haven't experienced the pain of curlers, and the reason is...

Chest clamp back, feel the squeezing and soreness of the shoulder blades on both sides,

Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times.

I've never played curling, but I haven't experienced the pain of curlers, and the reason is...

With the help of dumbbells or mineral water, slowly lift forward sideways, no more than 90 degrees,

Hold for 3-5 seconds, then slowly lower.

Straighten up the waist bar

In the curling movement, the four technical elements of balance, timing, direction and release are indispensable. In order to maintain stability, it is necessary to tense the waist and abdomen muscles so that the upper body leans forward slightly to maintain a straight and straight line, but a long time of leaning over to maintain a balanced posture can easily lead to chronic injuries to the lower back.

It has been reported that 33% of curling enthusiasts experience low back pain and 13.8% of athletes develop myofasciitis in the lower back.

There are also many similar waist injuries in housework, such as long-term bowing down and bending down to mop the floor, and the kitchen countertop is too low to bend down to cook. Long-term bending action will lead to fatigue contractions of muscles, resulting in problems such as stiffness and pain in the lower back. In severe cases, it may cause the physiological curvature of the spinal segment to disappear, aggravate the pressure of the intervertebral discs, herniate the discs, affect the nervous system, induce low back pain, numbness of the lower limbs, etc.

How to check yourself - straight legs are raised and painful.

Lie flat, straighten your legs, and ask your family to help slowly raise your legs. Generally speaking, when the leg is raised < 45 degrees, if the waist discomfort worsens, or even has a numbness in the leg, it is recommended to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

How to prevent it – "cat stretching". While avoiding long-term bowing and bending over, use this movement to help relax and stretch the lower back.

I've never played curling, but I haven't experienced the pain of curlers, and the reason is...

Although it is a good habit to do housework diligently, it is also necessary to pay attention to scientific moderation, such as pain and discomfort, and should rest in time. If the above conditions occur on simple self-examination or if long-term recurrent discomfort occurs, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. At the same time, pay attention to the combination of work and leisure, and watching the Winter Olympics during rest is a good choice.

Although continental curling started late, it grew rapidly, making significant progress and achievements in a very short period of time, and won the bronze medal at the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010. The Chinese curling team is mostly new to the Winter Olympics, and I wish the young players full of infinite possibilities to win at home.


Yu Liang,Shang Jiuhua,Tan Weidong. Investigation and analysis of sports trauma of curling athletes[J].Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine,2009,28(01):76-78.DOI:10.16038/j.1000-6710.2009.01.021.

[2] Reeser JC, Berg RL. Self reported injury patterns among competitive curlers in the United States: a preliminary investigation into the epidemiology of curling injuries. Br J Sports Med. 2004 Oct;38(5):E29. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2003.010298.

Liu Yue. Protection of curling sports injuries[J].Science and Technology Information,2019,17(32):221+223.DOI:10.16661/j.cnki.1672-3791.2019.32.221.

Author: Lin Jinrong

Editors: Cloud, You Zhiyou, Dai Tian doctor

I've never played curling, but I haven't experienced the pain of curlers, and the reason is...

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