
Marlon Mancini gives children three life tips

Malone · Mancini's three life tips for children:

It's like a fantasy exercise because our lives are so rich and the needs of our children are so rich that it's hard to find the three best pieces of advice we can give our children.

I think the first piece of advice might be to try to happily do what you want to do with others, rather than just do it yourself. The point is that you don't just obey your parents, but also enjoy doing something with your parents. I think that's a good piece of advice.

Second, don't be afraid to be sincere. Sincerity means, first of all, that you are the real you; secondly, you have to be able to see which people who really love you and accept you, and who do not love you and do not accept you, which is better than fantasizing about being accepted and loved by everyone, because reality is not impossible; and this also means that the people who love you will begin to love you more, maybe not 100%, but in the long run it is true. As for those who don't love you or don't accept you, at least for a while they'll start respecting you.

The third advice is not to take everything for yourself. Try to have what you really need, and then try to share what you have with other people when it's possible.

I think there are probably three good pieces of advice.

Marlon Mancini gives children three life tips

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