
47-year-old Lin Chiling gave birth at an advanced age, what should advanced mothers pay attention to

This news is still relatively shocking, after all, in the entertainment industry, under the situation of huge environmental pressure, it is not easy to maintain physical condition and maintain health.

47-year-old Lin Chiling gave birth at an advanced age, what should advanced mothers pay attention to
47-year-old Lin Chiling gave birth at an advanced age, what should advanced mothers pay attention to
47-year-old Lin Chiling gave birth at an advanced age, what should advanced mothers pay attention to

In this regard, Xiaobian sorted out several precautions for elderly women for the reference of netizens:

1, mental health care, as important as pregnant women nutrition, the mental health care of elderly pregnant women is extremely important, material security and spiritual comfort should be paid attention to, when possible, can be combined with prenatal education and maternal health care can be carried out at the same time as the friendly exchanges with pregnant women.

2, to be cautious in medication, pregnant women improper medication is easy to cause deformity, so we must be cautious in medication. All medications used during pregnancy should be consulted as much as possible with the doctor and try not to take other non-essential medications.

3. Pay attention to controlling sexual life during pregnancy and try to avoid sexual life. In particular, intense sex should not occur, if it is too extreme, it may cause abdominal pain and other symptoms.

4. The diet of pregnant women should be kept diversified and balanced. Stimulate larger foods, such as spicy foods, as far as possible to control consumption.

5. Pregnant women should not drink alcohol, smoke, and other bad habits during pregnancy, so as not to affect the development of the fetus.

6. Always pay attention to oral hygiene and appropriate health care measures, pay attention to the cleanliness of whole body hygiene and the protection of germs.

7, appropriate can be a physical exercise, enhance strength, maintain health.

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