
The phone turns on the high-performance mode and the running speed is up! The old phone was set up like this for 2 years

In the power options, there is a high-performance mode that turns on to make the computer run more smoothly. Also on mobile phones, there is also a high-performance mode ~

When your mobile phone is used soon after, it becomes more and more stuttering, and even seriously affects the running speed. Then this high-performance mode can help you solve this problem.

The phone turns on the high-performance mode and the running speed is up! The old phone was set up like this for 2 years

If you are encountering the problem of stuttering, please do not worry about changing the phone, the New Year has more places to use money, you may wish to save a little, try to modify the default settings of the mobile phone to the highest performance, maybe there will be unexpected gains!

How do I turn on the phone's high-performance mode?

1, first we need to enter the developer mode of the mobile phone. Click Settings and find All Parameters in the page.

The phone turns on the high-performance mode and the running speed is up! The old phone was set up like this for 2 years

2. Find the version of the phone in all parameters, click 7 times in a row, you can open the developer mode.

The phone turns on the high-performance mode and the running speed is up! The old phone was set up like this for 2 years

3. After opening the developer mode, re-enter the settings page, and then you can find the option of [More Settings].

4. In more settings, find [Memory Expansion] and turn it on. After opening, the system will provide 3GB of running memory, but note that this feature will occupy part of the storage space, if your mobile phone storage space is insufficient, say goodbye ~

The phone turns on the high-performance mode and the running speed is up! The old phone was set up like this for 2 years

5. Then go to [Developer Options], find [Window Animation Zoom] and close it; also turn off [Transition Animation Zoom].

The phone turns on the high-performance mode and the running speed is up! The old phone was set up like this for 2 years

6. Pull down the page, find [Background Process Limits], and set it to [No more than 2 processes].

The phone turns on the high-performance mode and the running speed is up! The old phone was set up like this for 2 years

7, there is also the need to open the [do not retain activities] option, that is, the user leaves after the destruction of each activity, will not indefinitely accumulate data resulting in occupying space.

The phone turns on the high-performance mode and the running speed is up! The old phone was set up like this for 2 years

Through the above operations, the phone will become very smooth, if your phone begins to have signs of card change, you may wish to try these settings!

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