
My favorite touch of Chinese red | Guochao New Year red is my Style

"A single flower is not spring, a hundred flowers bloom in the spring and fill the garden."

Hanfu lover Moon has gained the biggest gain since he became obsessed with Hanfu than having a group of friends who are also enthusiastic about Hanfu and are willing to put their strength into promoting traditional culture.

My favorite touch of Chinese red | Guochao New Year red is my Style

"I still clearly remember that the first Hanfu I put on was a Tang-made full-breasted skirt, and I smelled beautiful at home for an hour or two before going out."

Although the moon at that time was not very good at makeup, she thought that "dressed in the right clothes and good character" had its own reason, "even if I didn't make up exquisitely, I was still very serious about the haircut." ”

My favorite touch of Chinese red | Guochao New Year red is my Style

Moon's real contact with Hanfu was in 2018, when she occasionally saw Hanfu on her mobile phone and thought that if she could wear it on her body, it would be beautiful.

"With this love, I finally got my first hanfu."

When you first wear it out, pedestrians on the road will feel very novel and can't help but look at it a few times, and some will even quietly talk about it, but this does not prevent the moon from dressing generously.

My favorite touch of Chinese red | Guochao New Year red is my Style

What I remember vividly is an old grandmother I met in the park who came up to me and said, 'Little girl, what are your clothes?' Dress like a fairy in the sky! "This can make the moon excited," I told my grandmother happily, saying that this was Hanfu, the traditional costume of the Chinese nation. ”

It is precisely because of such a bond in Hanfu that The Moon has met more like-minded friends.

In 2019, Moon met a small partner who was also keen on Hanfu through the Internet, because of similar interests, the two often chatted and shared their usual activities, starting with Hanfu.

My favorite touch of Chinese red | Guochao New Year red is my Style

"She's in Henan, I'm in Guizhou, thousands of miles apart but like a close neighbor."

Moon told reporters that it seems that there is an invisible force that prompts the two to meet and hate each other, and then they go to each other's cities to meet each other, "It is Hanfu that makes us across thousands of miles can also become good friends, this feeling is too wonderful." ”

However, there are often people who do not understand or even know Hanfu, thinking that they are wearing "strange costumes". The noisy sound made Moon and her friends feel helpless, but it also made them more determined to love Hanfu.

My favorite touch of Chinese red | Guochao New Year red is my Style

Cultural rejuvenation, yiguan first; it starts with yiguan and reaches Boyuan.

In the Year of the Tiger, culture is prosperous, and the moon may have made its own New Year's wish: "I hope that in the future, our people will all know what Hanfu is." ”

My favorite touch of Chinese red | Guochao New Year red is my Style

In her view, Hanfu has important significance for the inheritance of Chinese culture, clothing is one aspect of reviving traditional culture, but also an important way to promote traditional culture, wearing Hanfu is the culture behind the revival with traditional clothing as the entry point.

"Now that traditions have begun to be valued by the Chinese people, we also expect Hanfu to play a greater role." New Year Moon has prepared a new red Hanfu for herself, and this Chinese red has been deeply engraved in her life and has become her Style.

Guizhou Daily Tianyan news reporter Jiang Mingyi

Designed as Gui Hong

Edited by Hu Lan

Editor Shi Yuling

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