
There is a face value and strength! China's steel frame snowmobile post-00s nova staged "Fast and Furious" at the doorstep of the home

Beijing time on January 30 news, the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics Chinese delegation flag bearer set, the male flag bearer is the speed skating star Gao Tingyu, the female flag bearer is the steel frame snowmobile rising star Zhao Dan. Compared with Gao Tingyu, Zhao Dan entered the national team late and has not yet achieved impressive results in international competitions, but the project she is engaged in- - steel frame snowmobile is in line with the tastes of young people, with speed, passion, risk, excitement, Beijing Winter Olympics, Zhao Dan will stage "fast and furious" at the doorstep. ”

There is a face value and strength! China's steel frame snowmobile post-00s nova staged "Fast and Furious" at the doorstep of the home

Youyan has strength Zhao Dan achieves career "upgrade" through cross-border cross-border

Born in Inner Mongolia in December 2002, Zhao Dan was first a track and field athlete whose main event was triple jump. Zhao Dan's physical fitness is excellent and his bouncing ability is good, so he is favored by the local sports school and used as a key training object.

At the 14th Games of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the fledgling Zhao Dan was not afraid of strong enemies and won the women's U18 category jump platform and triple jump championship, so it was a blockbuster. At that time, the young Zhao Dan planted a seed in his heart and wanted to represent China in the World Series in the future.

There is a face value and strength! China's steel frame snowmobile post-00s nova staged "Fast and Furious" at the doorstep of the home

2018 was a turning point for Zhao Dan's sports career, which was also the first jump of her career. Through the cross-border cross-country policy, she went from a triple jumper to a steel-frame snowmobile team member, learning this speedy ice and snow project from scratch.

Because he has practiced track and field and is talented in the long jump event, Zhao Dan's cross-project steel frame snowmobile has a natural advantage. The steel frame snowmobile has high technical requirements for the athletes, and the overall speed can only be brought up if the high-speed starting sprint is achieved on the track.

The second technical point is the bending technique, the triple jump has high requirements for the coordination of the body, and can control the center of gravity and core strength of the body with ease, and these small details are Zhao Dan's advantages. Therefore, the cross-item steel frame snowmobile is a correct choice for Zhao Dan.

Starting from scratch, Zhao Dan achieved "four consecutive jumps" in the Beijing Winter Olympic cycle

Although the foundation of the steel frame snowmobile is zero, Zhao Dan benefited from excellent innate conditions and quickly adapted to this extremely fast sport, the Beijing Winter Olympics, she made important breakthroughs every year, and achieved the "four consecutive jumps" of her competitive career.

There is a face value and strength! China's steel frame snowmobile post-00s nova staged "Fast and Furious" at the doorstep of the home

In 2018, Zhao Dan officially joined the China Steel Frame Snow Team and became an official athlete. In the women's team, Zhao Dan and Lin Huiyang and others have been trained and sent to Canada, the United States and other places, on the one hand, they can adapt to the venue as soon as possible, on the other hand, they can compete with North American masters and grow rapidly in learning.

In 2019, Zhao Dan set foot on the international arena for the first time, and her main focus was on the Winter Youth Olympic Series, winning the first place many times and getting the opportunity to represent the Chinese team in the 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games.

In January 2020 in Switzerland, Zhao Dan participated in the international comprehensive competition for the first time, which was the ladder of her rapid career growth and the starting point of her fame. In this competition, Zhao Dan gave full play to his own characteristics, overcame unfavorable factors such as weather, won the seventh place, and lived up to his mission.

In February of the same year, Zhao Dan represented the Chinese team in the World Youth Championships and won the 14th place in the women's steel frame snowmobile. These two competitions laid a solid foundation for Zhao Dan's rapid growth. As a young athlete, Zhao Dan is good at summarizing and improving in the competition, which is the most valuable point for young athletes.

In the World Cup Innsbruck in November 2021, Zhao Dan reached the final round for her first time and finally finished 19th, after which she won the Championship in the North American Cup innsbruck, the ninth place in the Intercontinental Cup Siguda Station, and before the Beijing Winter Olympics, Zhao Dan participated in two World Cups, finishing 23rd and 20th respectively.

Back in China, Zhao Dan played well in the steel frame snowmobile Olympic trials, whether it is starting technology or cornering ability is outstanding among female athletes, there is no suspense, she won the beijing Winter Olympics ticket, practice this project for 2 years, participated in the Winter Youth Olympics, 4 years later participated in the Winter Olympics, which is the growth rate of genius.

From his debut in the national team, to his emergence in the international arena, to his participation in the Beijing Winter Olympics, to his becoming the flag bearer of the opening ceremony, Zhao Dan has high hopes and is also the leader of the young generation of the Chinese Winter Olympic delegation. The steel frame snowmobile is full of passion and speed, but Zhao Dan interprets the characteristics of the young generation of fearless forward and dare to fight, which is the gene of China's ice and snow people, and also the portrayal of Chinese Winter Olympic athletes forging ahead and winning glory for the country. (Ren Xin)

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