
Apple iOS 16 system screenshot first exposure: new super large interactive desktop components

IT House news on January 30, it is expected that at this year's WWDC Global Developer Conference, Apple will release the iOS 16 operating system. Now that a screenshot of the iOS 16 system has been revealed, whistleblower @LeaksApplePro says that iOS 16 is ready for interactive widgets, and now Apple is developing a "big component" called InfoShack, which will soon bring more information about them.

Apple iOS 16 system screenshot first exposure: new super large interactive desktop components
Apple iOS 16 system screenshot first exposure: new super large interactive desktop components

Previously, it was reported that iOS 16 will bring major changes and will abandon a bunch of old devices. Bloomberg Gurman has pointed out that Apple has been redesigning the lock screen for iPads and iPhones, but he said some of these changes will not appear until iOS 16.

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