
Beijing Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony: Digital Technology + Aesthetic Innovation Presents a new visual feast

According to CCTV news client news, in accordance with the requirements of simplicity, safety and excitement, the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics used a large number of digital technologies and integrated with aesthetic innovation, which will present a new visual feast for the audience. Our reporter exclusively visited the opening and closing ceremony creative base responsible for the entire visual effects.

Wang Xiaojie: At the creative base of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Winter Olympics, at the opening ceremony in a few days, everyone will see shocking visual effects, which are from a studio. Most of the creative teams of more than 100 people are post-90s and post-00s, and they have been "fighting" here for three consecutive years, which is to perfectly show our Chinese digital technology in front of the world.

Wang Zhiou, a post-80s generation, is the leader of this young team, and he has participated in the design and production of visual effects for important performances such as "Beijing 8 Minutes" and "70th Anniversary of the National Day" created by director Zhang Yimou. In his view, the entire opening ceremony is a feast of digital technology and a leap forward in China's digital aesthetics.

Beijing Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony: Digital Technology + Aesthetic Innovation Presents a new visual feast

Wang Zhiou, visual effects director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Winter Olympics: The general director's requirements for us are that we must have both the oriental heritage and the new expression of the new era, so we have been looking for this unique aesthetic, for example, we are watching a drop of water, a drop of ink to fall, both to make it gentle, but also to have weight, before and after there must be a layer.

The presentation of a drop of ink and a drop of water must be done to the extreme, both with scientific and technological content and artistic effects, and every detail, the creative team must repeatedly revise hundreds or even thousands of times.

The visual effects of some links, after several months of repeated polishing, were finally pushed back and restarted.

Beijing Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony: Digital Technology + Aesthetic Innovation Presents a new visual feast

Wang Zhiou, visual effects director of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics: This kind of original creativity is very difficult, every day does not stop, every day to subvert the self to innovate, because the general director requirements are completely original. As long as the work can be better, he does not hesitate to completely subvert the ideas of the previous year or even years.

Wang Zhiou introduced that their team covers artists, designers and digital engineers, many of whom are master's and doctoral students, and the current level has been comparable to the top digital technology production teams in foreign countries.

Wang Zhiou, visual effects director of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics: At the beginning, the general director hoped to find artists and some top digital workers around the world to create together. But then we went to creative meetings with the director again and again and came up with a lot of plans. Later, the director said that this time it seems that the Chinese team can be used, we can have such a creative opportunity, and it is really a big improvement in our Chinese scientific and technological and economic strength.

Beijing Winter Olympics opening ceremony visual effects designer Sun Belle: For me, it is like a graduation creation with a very large depth.

Beijing Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony: Digital Technology + Aesthetic Innovation Presents a new visual feast

Beijing Winter Olympics opening ceremony visual effects planning Yu Bo: Growing up with the country, because of China's development, we will also have our own new stories to tell, and we are looking forward to it.

Wang Zhiou introduced that in the past three years, they have been suffering day and night, they have not stopped for a moment, everyone has a momentum, must prove that they are OK, even in the last few days, the general director has been very satisfied, they are still competing with themselves, carefully cutting every detail, and striving to do better.

Beijing Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony: Digital Technology + Aesthetic Innovation Presents a new visual feast

Wang Zhiou, visual effects director of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics: We must first have determination and affection, and I think everyone can persist for such a long time. I hope to prove to the people of the world that we young people, we not only love the art industry, we can also use our love for this industry for the motherland, for our Chinese people to make a perfect appearance in the world, I think these three years are too worthwhile, I hope that on February 4, when our works are unveiled, let the people of the whole country and the people of the world applaud.

Edited by Xin Jing

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