
Scarier than Aomekejon? The new variant is more concealed and even difficult to detect for nucleic acid testing

Since the emergence of the new crown virus, the spread of the new crown virus has been spreading around the world, and it is constantly mutating, and they are constantly adapting to various environments, thereby accelerating its spread. At first, the new crown virus broke out, but the way of infection is still relatively single, can only rely on direct contact with the human body infection, after the virus began to mutate, it can already be transmitted through physical transmission and airborne transmission, resulting in a surge in the number of infected people. At first, Delta was the first to discover the spread from India, bringing a wave of climax to the global epidemic. The threat and impact of the Delta strain has not yet been resolved, but the Omilon followed closely behind, the first discovery of the variant Omilon is in south Africa, only 2 months of effort, the strain spread to various countries around the world, but also in a very short period of time to develop into the main epidemic strain in some countries.

Scarier than Aomekejon? The new variant is more concealed and even difficult to detect for nucleic acid testing

The new variant is more stealthy

The original appearance of the Omilon strain is called BA.1, although the concealment of this strain is stronger than The Delta, the infectivity is also greater, but it can still be detected by the new crown virus detection kit, and now another new variant strain appears, more terrible than the Omilon strain, which belongs to the new variant subtype mutation strain that has re-mutated on the basis of the Omiljun strain, and the concealment is stronger, this strain is called "subtype BA.2 strain", even accounting testing is difficult to find, This is why many countries have different tests when tested, and the results of several tests are different.

Scarier than Aomekejon? The new variant is more concealed and even difficult to detect for nucleic acid testing

There are passengers in the United States who originally tested negative, but they did not expect to be tested again in the past 24 hours but were tested positive, especially on a flight, almost all of them were positive, in this case, these people who were temporarily isolated were tested again but found that the results were negative, and only a very few people were positive. The different test results of many times have verified that the nucleic acid detection kits produced in some countries have been seriously unqualified in quality, and there is a large error in accuracy. The number of infected people worldwide has continued to increase, the demand for test kits has increased, and now some countries produce kits that are not up to standard, resulting in a shortage of such products and simply unable to meet the basic supply.

Scarier than Aomekejon? The new variant is more concealed and even difficult to detect for nucleic acid testing

There is a marked increase in cases of BA.2

In the more and more opichron cases in more and more countries, the proportion of subtype BA.2 strains has increased significantly, and this variant strain has a stronger escape ability on the human immune system, and whether there are other changes has not yet been determined, and further research is needed. It is reported that BA.2 cases first appeared on December 6 last year, as for where the source is not yet found, ba.2 has become the main epidemic strain of new cases in a very few areas, Denmark reported new case data, 65% of new cases from BA.2, it can be seen that the spread of this new variant is still very strong.

Scarier than Aomekejon? The new variant is more concealed and even difficult to detect for nucleic acid testing

The researchers found that BA.2 has a greater number of mutations than BA.1, and based on its stronger infectivity and concealment, it is also called the "invisible version of the Olmikron strain" by the researchers. The World Health Organization also focuses on this mutant strain, requiring countries to speed up the study of new variants and quickly figure out some of the characteristics of this strain so that they can respond more calmly in the next prevention work.

Scarier than Aomekejon? The new variant is more concealed and even difficult to detect for nucleic acid testing

Countries need to pay attention at all times

See if there is a need to adjust the composition of the existing vaccine, there is no more data and information to prove that the "invisible version of the Amy Kerong strain" may cause more serious diseases, but even so, it is still impossible to relax the vigilance, after all, the super concealment of the strain is likely to deceive many countries' detection, resulting in the rapid spread of the virus without being detected by countries, further accelerating the spread.

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