
To control high blood pressure, doctors have shown that taking medicine alone is not enough!

Hypertension is a common chronic disease in middle-aged and elderly people, according to the data, one in the third adult is hypertensive, and now the age of onset is getting younger and younger.

If hypertension is not well controlled, the damage to blood vessels is very large, which will increase the occurrence of coronary heart disease, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and may even endanger life.

According to the data, only 16.8% of hypertensive patients in the mainland can control their blood pressure well, and more than 80% of hypertensive patients still have an elevated blood pressure or fluctuate a relatively large range, resulting in a series of dangers.

To control high blood pressure, doctors have shown that taking medicine alone is not enough!

Doctor: If you want to control high blood pressure, taking medicine alone is not enough!

There are many types of antihypertensive drugs, and the effect is relatively good, and there is a synergistic effect between many drugs, which can be combined with each other to reasonably reduce blood pressure and avoid the damage of blood pressure to blood vessels, thereby maintaining human health.

But blood pressure is changing all the time, too high and too low is harmful to the body, and there are many factors that cause blood pressure fluctuations.

If you only want to rely on drugs to lower blood pressure, either leading to blood pressure falling too low, low blood pressure, or even coma, or cause blood pressure to not come down, thereby increasing the damage to blood vessels.

Therefore, doctors have repeatedly reminded everyone that when suffering from high blood pressure, do not just think of taking medicine to lower blood pressure, life intervention is essential.

To control high blood pressure, doctors have shown that taking medicine alone is not enough!

If you want to control high blood pressure, in addition to taking medicine, it is very important to do these 6 points well

1. Eat regularly and healthily

The study found that regular and quantitative every day, and eat more cereals, eat more vegetables and fruits, increase the intake of dietary fiber, and avoid constipation.

At the same time, reduce the intake of red meat, only about 100 grams of meat (50 grams of red meat, 50 grams of white meat) per day, and reduce the intake of salt, controlled below 6 grams, can reduce blood pressure levels by about 11 mmHg.

2. Reduce caffeine intake

Although drinking tea has a health effect, patients with high blood pressure must pay attention not to drink strong tea, and can not drink caffeine-rich beverages such as coffee, otherwise blood pressure will rise by 10mmHg.

Of course, if you like to drink tea patients with high blood pressure, you can choose rob hemp tea, ginkgo biloba tea, danshen tea and other blood vessels, blood pressure to drink, but do not drink too much, especially do not drink too strong.

To control high blood pressure, doctors have shown that taking medicine alone is not enough!

3. Regular movement

Exercise is the foundation of health, and the same is true for patients with high blood pressure, and if you can adhere to about 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, you can reduce blood pressure by 5 to 6mmHg.

Of course, patients with hypertension may be accompanied by other chronic diseases, exercise should be gradual, slight sweating after exercise, slightly accelerated breathing, can not carry out strenuous exercise, to avoid dangerous occurrence.

4. Control weight

Obesity is an important factor in high blood pressure, and studies have found that for every 1 kg of weight lost, blood pressure can be reduced by 1 mmHg.

Therefore, patients with hypertension must pay attention to eating less and exercising more, controlling the weight in the normal range, but also paying attention to not sitting for a long time, controlling the abdominal circumference well, and avoiding excessive obesity in the abdomen.

To control high blood pressure, doctors have shown that taking medicine alone is not enough!

5. Quit drinking and smoking

Tobacco and alcohol have certain damage to blood vessels, not only will raise blood pressure, but also easily increase the risk of coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction, arteriosclerosis and other risks, so patients with hypertension must pay attention to quit smoking and alcohol.

6. Maintain emotional stability

Emotional agitation will inevitably lead to a temporary increase in blood pressure, which can easily lead to a sudden surge in blood pressure, which is very dangerous for hypertensive patients with fragile blood vessels, and it is easy to lead to the occurrence of acute diseases such as cerebral infarction.

Therefore, if you want to reduce the occurrence of danger, you must pay attention to maintaining emotional stability and avoid great joy and sorrow.

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