
Miti: Inter are negotiating with Nike to double the sponsorship fee to €25 million per season

Miti: Inter are negotiating with Nike to double the sponsorship fee to €25 million per season

According to the Milan Sports Newspaper, Inter will soon receive twice as much sponsorship from Nike as they currently pay.

Inter have negotiated with Nike to increase their sponsorship revenue each season.

The current contract between the two sides was signed in 2014, and given that the current football environment has changed a lot from then, Inter hopes that the contract content can be adjusted. Inter currently receive €12.5 million per season, but that number will soon rise to €25 million.

Negotiations have already begun, inter are confident of reaching their goals and implementing them from next season.

The sponsorship contract with Nike will last until 2024, and Inter's main jersey sponsor has changed from Pirelli to this season, but will be replaced by Digitalbits next season, which is currently inter's sleeve sponsor.

(Goblin Killer)

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