
Shaoguan Yingchun Fine Arts Exhibition was launched today

Our festival, the Shaoguan Yingchun Fine Arts Exhibition, was launched today at the Wujiang District Cultural Center, attracting many citizens to visit.

Shaoguan Yingchun Fine Arts Exhibition was launched today

Members of the public visit the Spring Festival Art Exhibition.

It is understood that a total of 135 works were exhibited in this fine art exhibition. The types of works include Chinese painting, oil painting, watercolor, printmaking, sculpture, etc., covering different themes such as real life, scenic spots, emotional expression, humanistic care, etc. The works are diverse in form, novel in conception, prominent in themes, and distinctive artistic characteristics, showing the spirit of artists to be honest and innovative in creation.

Shaoguan Yingchun Fine Arts Exhibition was launched today


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Shaoguan Yingchun Fine Arts Exhibition was launched today

Chen Yuedan, chairman of the Shaoguan Artists Association, said that the Yingchun Fine Arts Exhibition is a conventional art exhibition held every year, and this year invited the city's art lovers and art professionals to participate, whose works represent the level of Shaoguan art creation, showing The landscape and cultural landscape of Shaoguan, and also reflecting the local culture and art lovers' grasp of the new characteristics of the new era in Shaoguan, and the spirit of keeping up with the times.

Shaoguan Yingchun Fine Arts Exhibition was launched today

It is reported that the exhibition will last until February 18, providing a rich cultural feast for the general public.

Micro-film version of the conscription public welfare propaganda film "Chasing Dreams of Youth"

Shaoguan Yingchun Fine Arts Exhibition was launched today

Text/Photo: Shaoguan Daily all-media reporter Wu Jianning

Editor: Li Jianqun

Editor-in-charge: Xue Baihua

Wonderful and constantly surprised

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