
Xiaomi's annual shipments hit an all-time high, nearly three times higher overseas than in China

On January 28, there were two major events in the field of smart phones that were hotly discussed, one was that Apple's iOS 15.4 beta version finally supported wearing masks Face ID unlocked; the other was the release of the domestic smartphone 2021 report, Xiaomi increased by up to 27% year-on-year, which was the highest growth rate among all domestic brands.

Xiaomi's annual shipments hit an all-time high, nearly three times higher overseas than in China

In fact, when the past two years have been hotly discussed, the industry has also appeared for the first time in the global shipment report of smart phones in 2021. From this report, it can be seen that Xiaomi is also eye-catching, let's take a look at the specific shipment data:

Champion: Samsung, shipments reached 272 million units, market share of 20.0%, an increase of 7.0% year-on-year;

Runner-up: Apple, shipments reached 228 million units, market share of 16.8%, an increase of 11.1%;

Runner-up: Xiaomi, shipments reached 190.3 million units, market share of 14.0%, an increase of 30.6% year-on-year;

In fourth place is OPPO, with shipments of 150.6 million units, a market share of 11.1%, an increase of 22.7%; the fifth place is vivo, with shipments of 130.3 million units, a market share of 9.6%, an increase of 17.0%.

Xiaomi's annual shipments hit an all-time high, nearly three times higher overseas than in China

190.3 million units, which is a new high in Xiaomi's shipments since its inception, almost reached 200 million units. Moreover, among the top five brands in the world, Xiaomi's growth rate is also the highest at 30.6%. Here we need to tell you a problem, that is, Xiaomi is too good in the overseas market, because big data shows that Xiaomi's domestic shipments in 2021 are a little more than 50 million units, which means that Xiaomi's overseas shipments in 2021 are as high as 140 million units, nearly three times that of China, and even Huawei at its peak seems to be unable to do this. Ask which of the world's top five domestic brands can do such a good job.

Xiaomi's annual shipments hit an all-time high, nearly three times higher overseas than in China

In addition, it should be noted that comparing global and domestic data, we can find that the domestic smartphone market has been seriously saturated, and the focus of shipments of various brands is basically placed overseas. Even OPPO and vivo's overseas shipments in 2021 are larger than those in China, but the excess is not much. So you can imagine how fierce the competition in the domestic market will be in 2022.

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