
Understanding Che Di Spring Festival Homecoming Report: Half of the respondents plan to go home

The Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger is approaching, and despite the impact of the epidemic, going home for the New Year is still a hot topic. On January 28, Emperor Zhiche released the "Report on the Return of the Tiger in the Spring Festival", which presents the real situation of the Return of the Tiger during the Spring Festival of the Tiger based on user research. According to the report, 53% of users plan to go home during the Spring Festival, starting three days before the Chinese New Year's Eve, and 23% have to cross thousands of kilometers to go home.

On the means of transportation to return home, 80% of riders choose to drive themselves, spouses and children are the main force of peers, and the post-80s generation has become the most crowd of people who choose to return home with three generations of "old, middle and young". At the same time, returning to the hometown to promote the two-way circulation of work and hometown specialties, "going home with wine, leaving the hometown with meat" is the habit of many people.

Every festive season, the epidemic situation in many places has added uncertainty to the return home of the Spring Festival, and many people choose to return to their hometowns for the New Year under the premise of abiding by local epidemic prevention policies and doing a good job of personal protection.

A total of 3202 valid samples were collected in chedi's "Report on returning home during the Spring Festival in the Year of the Tiger", and 53%, 14% and 10% of the users who chose to go home, were not sure and did not go home, respectively. Another 1% of users said they would go out to play and not return home when they were not at work. On the date of returning home, more than half of the users said that they would leave 3 days before Chinese New Year's Eve, nearly 7% of users had to rush Chinese New Year's Eve, and 25% would not go home until after the Spring Festival began.

Understanding Che Di Spring Festival Homecoming Report: Half of the respondents plan to go home

It is not easy to return home. The report shows that nearly 30% of users travel within 200 kilometers, but 23% of them have to cross thousands of kilometers to return home. Among them, Shandong, Henan, Guangdong, Hunan and other provinces have become the most popular destinations. When choosing a means of transportation, 83% of the car-aware riders will drive themselves back to their hometowns, and Volkswagen, Geely, Toyota, and Changan are the most used car brands. With the rise of independent brands, half of the top ten user self-driving brands are domestic, and some respondents said that domestic cars continue to be popular in 2021, "queuing up to pick up cars and wait until years ago, after lifting, drive home."

During the survey, many people took root in other places, and the Spring Festival homecoming will "bring their families with their mouths". The largest number of users returning home are spouses, children, parents, and 32% of them go home alone. From the perspective of age distribution, the post-80s generation has become the most popular group of people who choose to return home together with the three generations of "old, middle and young", and is a veritable family backbone.

Understanding Che Di Spring Festival Homecoming Report: Half of the respondents plan to go home

In 2021, the mainland new energy vehicle market ushered in an outbreak, and it is expected to maintain rapid growth in 2022, with annual sales reaching 5 million. The report investigates the attitude of users to return home by driving new energy. The data shows that due to the low temperature environment and long-distance driving often faced by the Spring Festival homecoming, out of concern for battery life and charging, many users are cautious about new energy, and nearly 62% of respondents said that they would not consider this way of returning home.

According to the winter test of new energy vehicles previously conducted by The Car Emperor, in the limit environment below -20 °C, many models actually have an endurance of 300KM, which can be driven from Beijing to Shijiazhuang in one go. However, from the perspective of the mileage trusted by users, 67% of the respondents said that the actual cruising range of more than 600 kilometers will give priority to new energy.

In addition, long-distance self-driving new energy vehicles are a problem that must be considered. The report shows that nearly 95% of users believe that charging must be solved within 1 hour. Among them, 41% of users hope that the charging problem should be solved in 15-30 minutes, and 33% of users believe that the halfway charging should be completed within 15 minutes.

Image source: Understand Chedi

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