
These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

Hello everyone, I am your bureau chief ~ use your mother's heart to investigate the problem of parenting knowledge, and clear the fog on the road of parenting for mothers, there is only one truth! Be sure to keep an eye on the Director.Oh~

During the Spring Festival, relatives and friends at family gatherings see cute babies, and they always can't help but feed some small snacks, such as peanuts, melon seeds, jelly, nuts, etc., but in fact, these foods can easily cause the baby to choke.

On January 12, a 1-year-old and 8-month-old baby in Hunan was blocked by accidentally eating peanut rice, and on the way to the hospital, he also had symptoms of cardiac arrest.

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

Image source: Weibo

In January last year, doctors at Qingdao Women's and Children's Hospital posted a Weibo message dealing with foreign bodies in the children's trachea, saying that "it is almost the New Year again, it is better to give children less peanuts and melon seeds and nuts."

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

Image source: Weibo Dr_ Ren

There was a news report that a children's hospital received 21 cases of tracheal foreign bodies during the Spring Festival!

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

Image source: Weibo

In the face of the feeding of relatives and friends, parents must understand the relevant knowledge of baby food selection before bravely "say NO", and today the director will come to talk to you about the baby's Spring Festival snacks.


How to eat snacks that are prone to problems?

The so-called snacks that are prone to problems are actually not that the food itself is not good, but because the baby is still too small, the body function has not yet fully developed, and some ingredients and foods may cause some adults to react after eating.

And these snacks that require special attention are often hidden in our Spring Festival fruit plates!

1. Allergens

Food sensitivities vary from baby to baby, and the chart below is a reference to the most common food allergens.

Parents should check the baby's allergic reactions one by one when they have just added complementary foods to the baby, and cross out the known allergic foods in the baby's recipe.

2. Nuts

In addition to being easily sensitized, nuts can also cause the baby's foreign body to jam its throat due to its small size and hard texture, causing the risk of suffocation.

3. Pitted fruits

Pitted fruits, especially easy to choke the baby, especially small cores, parents must first remove the core and then give the baby to eat.

4. Bamboo skewer food

"Bamboo stick pierces the lungs of a 2-year-old girl", "A 3-year-old boy is stuck in the brain stem by a bamboo stick from his mouth" "A 2-year-old baby eats oden wrestling, and a bamboo stick is inserted into the eye socket"... There are countless related news, bamboo sticks such a sharp weapon, how dangerous, please remove and then give the baby to eat!

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

Image source: Made yourself

At this time, many parents will feel that since the general snack baby will be dangerous to eat, as long as you buy children's special snacks, won't you solve all the problems?

Not necessarily, this heart is early!

In fact, many so-called "children's snacks" on the market are pit baby goods, parents should pay attention!


These 4 types of "children's" snacks in the supermarket, parents should be cautious about buying!

1, the packaging shape can be cute and lovely, and it is not necessarily a child's dish!

Many products in the children's snack market make superficial articles, and the packaging shape is cute and beautiful, which attracts people's attention.

Or, directly the children do the advertising, print the cartoon pattern on the packaging, the children pattern, implying that parents can give the child to eat.

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

However, they can not escape the fate of high sugar and additives, and even some are three-no-products, eating such children's snacks is not harmful to children's health.

Fortunately, in general, such product packaging is relatively simple, and a little attention can be identified, but the following baby rice cake is not so easy to recognize.

This rice cake is sold as "baby rice cake" on an e-commerce platform, and the product type on the packaging box and ingredient list is impressively written "flower color type puffed food", and then carefully look at the ingredient list, there are sugar, salt, various additives!

At the same time, there is no indication of the implementation standard of the product, which is not suitable as a baby snack!

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

(Screenshot of a platform)

In recent years, we have often seen products with the words "Children XX", "Baby XX" and "Student XX" directly marked on the packaging belt.

At first glance, this is not all written about children eating, there should be no problem, but in fact, a careful examination, you can see the cat greasy!

2, give the baby to eat meat floss, beware of sodium exceeding the standard!

For small babies who have just added complementary foods, because the chewing ability is not in place, many parents will choose meat floss products to let the baby "open meat".

Meat floss is a good food for babies, but most of the "children's meat floss" currently sold on the market has added sugar and salt to flavor, making the sodium content in the meat floss too high.

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

This children's meat pine, the sodium content in the nutrition composition table is up to 1200 mg per 100g, according to the 2018 edition of the Reference Table of Dietary Macro Intake of Chinese residents, it is clearly pointed out that the daily intake of sodium content is 700mg for 1 year old, and 900 mg for 4 years old, and it is not recommended for children to eat more.

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

(Reference Table of Dietary Macro Element Intake of Chinese Residents, 2018 Edition)

At the same time, many "children's meat floss" on the market is actually not pure meat, some businesses in order to reduce costs, will add additives such as "pea flour", this kind of meat floss for children to eat, not only no nutrition, but also cause harm to health.

Even pure meat children's pork floss is only suitable for occasional snacks and food companions is not recommended for long-term use.

3, zero sucrose ≠ sugar-free

Some time ago, a beverage brand apologized for "zero sucrose" and explained that no sucrose is not equal to no sugar, and some children's snacks actually make such a mistake, and this phenomenon is not uncommon in the industry.

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year
These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

The sugar-free advertised in the "sugar-free lollipop" ingredient list picture above is actually no added white sugar, that is, 0 sucrose, but in fact, there are not many added sugars, 80% of isomalt ketool and maltitol solution.

Isomaltitol, also known as yishou sugar, sweetness is about 45% to 65% of sucrose, is a functional sugar alcohol, it is not easy to be decomposed and absorbed in the human body, nor is it decomposed and utilized by the vast majority of microorganisms, and it is not suitable for children to eat this sugar.

Many of the children's snack products that claim to be "zero sucrose" mostly have a similar situation, replacing sucrose with simple sugars such as glucose or sugars such as trehalose.

Mothers are worried that their children's eating sugar will affect brain development and cause tooth decay, and the merchants have seized this pain point and played a "sugar-free" gimmick to lure mothers to pay!

4, cheese stick ≠ high calcium

Cheese has a high calcium content, known as concentrated milk, there is a saying that "10 kg of milk produces 1 kg of cheese".

Children can try cheese in small quantities after the age of 1, and more and more parents will buy cheese for their babies to eat, in addition to cheese, there are also cheese sticks, but some cheese sticks and cheese sold on the market are not the same thing!

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

Cheese is made by mixing cheese with water, sugar, additives and other ingredients.

Because of its sweet taste, it is loved by children. Many cheese stick merchants will play a "high calcium" gimmick when promoting.

Many parents who do not know the ingredients, see the word "cheese" and believe that the calcium content is very high, but in fact, it is not.

In the face of a variety of children's snacks on the market, we parents have the responsibility to help children get a good pass and remove the disguise of the so-called "children's snacks"!

So how do you choose snacks for your child?

In fact, just look at the bag!


Snack packaging bags, how to see?

On how to look at the bag, the director has talked about the identification method before, let's take a look at it!

Method one: Look at the implementation standards

For a qualified product, carefully pull the information bar, you will see that it has a string of "mysterious" code, which is the product standard number.

Infant and young child food needs to comply with national implementation standards, which are approved and issued by the national official standardization agency or the relevant agency authorized by the national government, and are unified and applied nationwide, starting with GB or GB/T.

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

Image source: Network

Products produced and sold in the mainland need to be made in accordance with the corresponding national standards.

Except for imported goods from abroad, they will also be regulated in accordance with national standards.

Regarding infant and toddler food, look for these six criteria:

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

Method two: look at the ingredient list

In the ingredient list, the higher the ingredient content, and then decreasing sequentially, the best in the top few are natural raw materials, such as milk, fruit, etc., rather than sugar or other additives.

Then if, the ingredient table is old, representing too many additives, don't choose it!

Mom and Dad looking at the ingredient list to choose a baby snack should remember this principle:

The less information the better, the simpler the ingredients, the better, and the fewer complex chemical terms, the better.

Method three: Look at the nutrition facts list

The Nutrition Facts List calculates how much energy, protein, fat, sodium, and other nutrients are in your baby's snacks.

It should be noted that foods with high sodium can easily cause a kidney burden on babies, and pay attention to checking the sodium content when choosing snacks.

In fact, in the group standard of "General Requirements for Children's Snacks" issued by the China Non-staple Food Circulation Association last year, it gives clear suggestions for snacks that are not recommended for children:

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

Regarding the amount of snacks to eat, the "Snack Guide for Children and Adolescents in China (2018)" also gives specific suggestions:

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year


Baby Spring Festival diet should pay attention

Now everyone's living conditions are getting better and better, during the Spring Festival, a variety of food is various, a wide variety, really from the first day to the fifteenth can not eat.

But in fact, for babies, some "food" may not be really "good" food.

During the Spring Festival, parents must pay attention to the following matters:

1, snacks and drinks should be reasonable

During the Spring Festival, it is still difficult for babies not to eat snacks or drink drinks, parents do not need to be absolutely prohibited, snacks are actually part of the dietary structure.

Parents can use this "Chinese Children's and Teenagers Snack Fan Noodle Chart" to pair their babies with appropriate snacks and drinks.

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

Image source: Network 0

2. Side foods cannot replace staple foods

During the Spring Festival, the dishes on the table are rich and colorful, the baby eats a little, that eats a little, and then sees that others have finished eating and left the table to play, the baby may shout full, do not eat.

Some parents may feel that the eldest New Year has eaten so many dishes, let him go.

Actually this is wrong! In the growth and development stage of the baby and child, the daily carbohydrate intake needs to be guaranteed, and the staple food that should be eaten should still be eaten.

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

3, meat vegetarian food should be balanced

Chicken, duck and fish meat is indispensable on the Spring Festival table, and some parents think it doesn't matter if the baby eats meat or not vegetables.

In fact, the baby is still small, the digestive function is not fully developed, and eating too much protein will increase the burden on the kidneys.

Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals that meat can't provide.

When parents are matching meals, they can refer to this "Balanced Diet Abacus for Chinese Children".

These 4 kinds of "most disgusting" "children's snacks" in the supermarket, everyone loves to buy for their babies in the New Year

The baby's diet should be reasonable and balanced, whether it is meat or vegetarian, it should be moderate, and it should not be overeating because it is the Spring Festival.

This issue of the Mom Investigation Bureau is here, and we will see you next time!

This article is contributed by the exclusive column "Mom Investigation Bureau" of Mom Network, the copyright belongs to Mom Network, if you want to reprint, please contact us to obtain authorization.

Edited in this issue: Y.T. Wood, Wood Wake, Natural Awakening.

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