
How to choose a healthier baby snack? It is basically correct to buy according to these 4 points

It's almost the New Year, are all the snacks for the baby ready?

Some parents may think that the child's snacking is not good, which will lead to the baby not loving to eat, malnutrition or obesity... But in fact, as long as the mother is strictly controlled, the baby eats the right snack is also helpful for growth!

How to choose a healthier baby snack? It is basically correct to buy according to these 4 points

4 criteria for baby snack selection

Within 3 years of age, the baby's stomach capacity is relatively small, a single meal requires a small number of meals, and appropriate snacks can be added between meals to alleviate hunger, replenish energy, and make the baby more energetic to participate in daily activities! In addition, snacks can also soothe children's small emotions and exercise chewing and grasping ability!

When choosing snacks for children, we must carefully look at the ingredient list, food that meets the following four standards, if the child loves to eat, you can eat it often!

Low salt

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, the intake of babies aged 6 to 12 months is 350 mg per day, and 700 mg per day for 1 to 4 years old!

It should be known that giving the baby premature intake of salt will develop bad habits of heavy taste, picky eating, and partial eating, and may also increase the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease in the future, increase the burden on the kidneys, etc.!

How to choose a healthier baby snack? It is basically correct to buy according to these 4 points

Therefore, for snacks for babies under 1 year old, do not have salt, soy sauce and other seasonings in the ingredient list, and remember to control salt after 1 year old!


If you consume too much sugar, the baby will have caries and increase the probability of obesity, so the baby within 3 years of age should control the intake of free sugar!

Low fat

Excessive intake of high fat may cause damage to your baby's heart, especially foods containing trans fatty acids can affect your baby's growth and development.

Few additives

Of course, when mothers look at the ingredient list, the principle is that the fewer additives the better, such as preservatives, artificial colors, flavorings, etc. it is best to exclude!

Which snacks can not be given to the baby

Snacks containing alcohol, a lot of coffee flavor, definitely do not give it to the baby, than if the wine, there is chocolate and so on!

In addition, some coarse grain quantity snacks, although the fiber content is high, but the taste is rough, some merchants will add a lot of food additives in order to improve the taste, and some merchants will add flavor to the food in order to increase the deliciousness of bread and cakes, these long-term eating will cause the baby to go tooth decay!

There are also children's favorite potato chips, shrimp strips and other puffed foods, due to high oil, high salt and high calories, long-term consumption of children are prone to obesity.

How to choose a healthier baby snack? It is basically correct to buy according to these 4 points

There are several principles for babies to follow when eating snacks

After knowing what snacks to give your baby, then you need to know how to eat and what to pay attention to.

Snacks are replenished between meals

According to the "Chinese Children and Teenagers Snacking Guide", it is best to have a gap of 1.5 to 2 hours between children's snacks and meals! From 9:00 to 10:00 in the morning, 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon, you can give your child a snack once each!

Do not snack before going to bed

Due to the great decline in intestinal digestion ability after falling asleep, food cannot be digested, which can easily affect the child's gastrointestinal health and sleep quality! So 1 hour before bedtime at night, it is not recommended to give snacks to children!

The amount of snacks should be controlled

According to the children's snack guidelines, the amount of snacks eaten by children aged 2 to 5 every day should not exceed 10% of the total energy, such as a 2-year-old child, he needs to consume 1100 kcal of energy per day, and the maximum snack is 110 kcal!

Pay attention to hygiene and safety

Rinse your mouth every time you eat a snack, pay attention to keeping your mouth and teeth healthy, and try not to give your child snacks when running and playing!

Every mother is a child's nutritionist, guarding the baby's health with heart! Adhere to a principle for snacks: I believe that as long as the scientific moderation is done, it can become a booster for children's growth!

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