
Chairman Mao's visit to the Soviet Union, the delivery of Stalin's Shandong green onions, and the need to eat live fish at the banquet have a deep meaning

author:New perspective history

Chairman Mao's special train quickly passed through Northeast Manchuria, and there was already a Soviet special train waiting quietly at the far terminal in front of it, which was Chairman Mao's first visit abroad, and the country he went to was the Soviet Union at that time.

Chairman Mao's visit to the Soviet Union, the delivery of Stalin's Shandong green onions, and the need to eat live fish at the banquet have a deep meaning

When Chairman Mao arrived in the Soviet Union, the relevant Soviet personnel greeted Chairman Mao with a photograph

Before Chairman Mao's departure, Premier Zhou asked him several times to postpone his plans to visit the Soviet Union for two reasons:

News has been received that the activities of the Kuomintang reactionaries are still rampant, they are plotting to sabotage on Chairman Mao's trip to the Soviet Union, and out of the protection of Chairman Mao's safety, Premier Zhou persuaded Chairman Mao not to visit the Soviet Union for the time being.

Although the Soviet Union and we are in the same camp, Stalin is still unclear about our foreign policy, and Premier Zhou is worried that Chairman Mao's visit to the Soviet Union at this time will be politically risky.

In response to the above-mentioned two concerns of Premier Zhou, Chairman Mao said: "The plan to postpone the visit to the Soviet Union is not a solution, the president of our country will have to meet with Stalin sooner or later, and as for my security problems, it is luo Ruiqing and Li Kenong who are responsible for the matter, and I will not worry about this!" ”

Along the way, Chairman Mao has been considering a question, that is, the three treaties signed by the Previous Kuomintang Government and the Soviet Union, which are unfair to us and harmful to our interests; New China has been established, and Chairman Mao has already made a public statement in the international arena: "Our government does not recognize any unequal treaties signed by any foreign government and reactionaries!" ”

This statement was sent out, but the issues that really involved these treaties still had to be resolved through negotiation one by one, and Chairman Mao's visit to the Soviet Union had two purposes:

Negotiate with the Soviet Union to abrogate the unequal treaties they had signed with the reactionaries and to get the Soviets to return our port of Lushun and the Medium-Long Railway.

We signed a contract of friendship and mutual assistance with the Soviet Union, mutually beneficial and reciprocal, and won the assistance of the Soviet Union to us.

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Shaoqi led a delegation to secretly visit the Soviet Union, when Liu Shaoqi first talked about the issue of the old contract, but Stalin adopted an attitude of avoidance and unwillingness to talk about it.

That is to say, Stalin still wanted to safeguard the vested interests of the Soviet Union in our country, but it was not easy to speak in public, so Chairman Mao wanted to find an opportunity to completely solve the problem of the old treaty with the Soviet Union.

Chairman Mao's Soviet special train soon arrived in Moscow, and Chairman Mao was greeted at the station by Vice Chairman Molotov and Marshal Bulganin of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union, as well as our first diplomatic ambassador to the Soviet Union, Wang Jiaxiang.

Chairman Mao's visit to the Soviet Union coincided with Stalin's 70th birthday, so Chairman Mao also prepared a gift list for Stalin's birthday.

After arriving at the residence, Wang Jiaxiang followed Chairman Mao closely behind, and Chairman Mao threw his first question at Wang Jiaxiang: "Jiaxiang! Did Comrade Stalin say when he would meet me? ”

Wang Jiaxiang replied cautiously, "Chairman! Not yet, we haven't been notified yet! ”

Chairman Mao nodded and then walked toward the room, and the Simmons bed in the bedroom came into view, and Chairman Mao frowned slightly and said, "Jia Xiang! Can you replace simmons in the room with a hardboard bed? ”

Wang Jiaxiang said: "The chairman is not used to soft mattresses, I know!" I'll arrange it! ”

Just after lunchtime, soviet workers came to visit, and they said, "Hello! Comrade Stalin asked us to bring a message to invite you to meet this afternoon at six o'clock! ”

Chairman Mao smiled and agreed, and soon chairman Mao's staff brought a copy of the conversation, which was written in accordance with international diplomatic practices, and Chairman Mao simply looked at it and said, "I don't want to say such polite words!" I have my own words to say! ”

When the time for the meeting came, Stalin and the others were already waiting in advance when Chairman Mao arrived at the place, and after the two of them made a simple polite remark, Stalin said: "I didn't expect Chairman Mao to be so young and strong, which made me very envious!" ”

Chairman Mao's visit to the Soviet Union, the delivery of Stalin's Shandong green onions, and the need to eat live fish at the banquet have a deep meaning

Portrait of Chairman Mao and Stalin together

Chairman Mao smiled and said, "Comrade Stalin! I have nothing to envy! I am a long-term wronged person, what is there to envy? ”

Chairman Mao's words have a very deep meaning; from the time of the Red Army to the period of the War of Liberation, the representatives of the so-called Communist International of the Soviet Union erected many obstacles to the Chinese revolution, and the implication of Chairman Mao's words was to say this.

Stalin was a wise man, he naturally knew the meaning of Chairman Mao's words, he clutched the pipe in his hand and said: "In the past we did have improper guidance on China's revolutionary road, and now the results prove that the path you have chosen is correct, and the victor should never be blamed!" ”

Stalin said: "The victor should never be blamed!" It is also full of profound meaning, and what he means is: Now that chairman Mao is already a great victor, naturally the direction of your previous efforts is naturally correct. In addition, I Stalin was also a victor, and perhaps I was wrong on some issues in the past, but I cannot be blamed.

Then the conversation between Chairman Mao and Stalin unfolded, and the two first talked a lot about Sino-Soviet friendship and mutual assistance, and near the end of the conversation, Chairman Mao said: "Comrade Stalin! Regarding the port of Lushun and the China-Long Railway, we also hope that the Soviet Union will officially hand it over to us! ”

Stalin was silent for a moment and said: "There are many details involved in this question, so let's talk about it later!" ”

It was obvious that Stalin wanted to drag this issue aside, as Chairman Mao did not speak during liu Shaoqi's last visit to the Soviet Union, and then the first conversation between the two ended.

After Returning to his residence, Chairman Mao said: "If Stalin drags on this problem and does not solve it, I will not return to China, and I must solve this matter; if this matter cannot be resolved in my hands, will it be left to future generations to solve it?" ”

Chairman Mao said to Wang Jiaxiang: "Did we send the gift list for Stalin's birthday?" ”

Wang Jiaxiang nodded and said, "Sent it!" A cart of Hebei duck pears, a car of Jiangxi honey oranges, a lot of Xiang embroidery products, a car of Shandong green onions, these are sent over! ”

Chairman Mao nodded and stopped talking, and Wang Jiaxiang and the others all wondered why Chairman Mao would send a cart of Shandong green onions to Stalin. This gift is actually very meaningful.

At that time, the translation team advocated that Yan Mingfu did not understand his meaning, and other gifts were easy to understand, but the Shandong green onions in this car really made people wonder what it represented.

Yan Mingfu consulted many colleagues, and everyone did not understand the meaning, only one diplomat from Shandong said: "In our Shandong, there has always been a saying, if two people fight, give them green onions to shake hands and make peace immediately!" ”

It was only yan Mingfu who understood: "Chairman Mao is angry, the matter is that the Soviet Union has repeatedly interfered with our revolutionary line, which has caused us to take many detours, and Chairman Mao is reminding Stalin that we must live in harmony between our two countries!" ”

Chairman Mao's visit to the Soviet Union, the delivery of Stalin's Shandong green onions, and the need to eat live fish at the banquet have a deep meaning

Photo of Chairman Mao in the Soviet Union

Soon after, the day before Stalin's 70th birthday, he and Chairman Mao held a second meeting, this time without raising the issue of Lushun Port and the China-Long Railway, because Chairman Mao thought that the timing was not right and that it could not be resolved.

Stalin gave Chairman Mao a very high courtesy, he said: "Tomorrow is my birthday, I have arranged for you to sit next to me, and among all the foreign heads of state, I have arranged for you to speak first, and I hope you will not reject me!" ”

Chairman Mao smiled and said, "I am flattered!" ”

After a very grand birthday party, Stalin did not hold any kind of conversation with Chairman Mao for the next month, which made Chairman Mao very unhappy, and he said to the people around him: "Did I come to the Soviet Union to eat and sleep every day?" ”

The United States, which was thousands of miles away from the Soviet Union, was already busy at this time, and US President Harry Truman was extremely concerned about Chairman Mao's visit to the Soviet Union, and he repeatedly summoned the US secretary of state at the time, Acheson, who was a treacherous man, and he proposed that we should use the power of public opinion to interfere with their relations.

Subsequently, the US government issued a statement: "We are not hostile to New China, we are willing to respect New China's foreign policy, and on the Taiwan issue, we also respect New China's sovereignty!" ”

The intention of this statement is obvious, that is, to bring China and the United States closer together, so that Stalin will misunderstand our sincerity, and Chiang Kai-shek will burst forth after seeing this statement of the United States, and he will scold the Americans as shameless people and rebel!

At that time, the two great powers of the United States and the Soviet Union competed for hegemony, and who China sided with in one camp had a great influence on the other side.

But the American conspiracy did not succeed, and both Stalin and Chairman Mao saw through it at a glance.

But the next report from the Americans boiled the world over, fabricating facts in a false report: "It has been almost two months since Chairman Mao visited the Soviet Union, there has been no news, Chairman Mao has been under house arrest by Stalin." "This rumor is from the United States and Western countries, which want to provoke relations between China and the Soviet Union."

On this day, Chairman Mao was in a bad mood, and Li Jiaji, the head of the guards, brought a fish that had been killed and asked Chairman Mao: "Did you eat steamed or braised at noon?" ”

Chairman Mao glanced at the fish in Li Jiaji's hand and asked, "Is this fish provided by the Soviet Union?" ”

Li Jiaji replied, "Yes! ”

Chairman Mao said solemnly: "You told them that if the fish sent in the future are alive, they should not accept the fish that are sent to the dead!" ”

Li Jiaji nodded and went out, but what he couldn't figure out was why Chairman Mao had to live fish? It should be known that Chairman Mao has always been frugal, and even leftovers have never been wasted in China.

This episode was later explained by Chairman Mao's secretary-general, Li Yinqiao, who said: "In January 1949, when the Soviet representative Mikoyan came to Visit China, when Chairman Mao's good dishes and wine were served, Mikoyan pointed to the fish on the table and asked if it was alive, if it was a dead fish, he would not eat it, chairman Mao was not happy at that time! ”

In Chairman Mao's view, people respect me by one foot, and I respect people by one foot; on the contrary, we are not willing to show weakness.

On this day, Chairman Mao saw the false report of the Americans and western countries in the newspaper, and he called Wang Jiaxiang to hear his views on this matter, and Wang Jiaxiang said: "We should sternly protest the false reports of the United States and Western countries, and join hands with the Soviet Union to issue a statement to dispel the rumors!" ”

Chairman Mao's visit to the Soviet Union, the delivery of Stalin's Shandong green onions, and the need to eat live fish at the banquet have a deep meaning

Photo of Chairman Mao at the time of his statement

Chairman Mao laughed when he heard Wang Jiaxiang's words, and he said, "Jiaxiang! You still have to cultivate again!" We can't take the initiative to take care of this matter, we should not know this report of the Americans! ”

Everyone did not understand Chairman Mao's meaning, and Chairman Mao said: "We have relied on this false report of the Americans to solve the problem of Lushun Port and the China-Long Railway, and I think Stalin must be worried about this report now!" ”

What do Chairman Mao's words mean? At that time, the United States and the Soviet Union were opposed, most of the countries in the world belonged to these two camps, and this false report of the Americans caused an uproar in the Soviet camp, and the leaders of various countries called Stalin one after another to inquire about this matter, that is to say, the foundation of the alliance on the Soviet side was loosened, and Stalin was in a hurry.

Sure enough, everything went as Chairman Mao expected, and soon after Stalin sent someone to chairman Mao to discuss the false reports of the Americans, and wanted Chairman Mao and Stalin to issue a statement to refute the rumors.

Chairman Mao calmly said: "This statement must be issued, but I have one condition, that is, to return our Lushun port and the China-Long Railway and start a two-way conversation on this issue." ”

The Soviet staff reported this to Stalin, who after half a day of silence said: "Mao Zedong is too good at seizing the opportunity!" I agree to this request. ”

Chairman Mao then called the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and issued a statement in his name denouncing the Americans' false reports, and the diplomatic crisis for the Soviet Union was resolved.

It has to be said that Chairman Mao's superb political and diplomatic wisdom played a very important role at a crucial moment, and soon after Premier Zhou led a delegation to talk with the Soviet Union, the Sino-Soviet friendship agreement was formally signed, and we recovered the sovereignty of Lushun Port and the China-Long Railway, and at the same time won the assistance of the Soviet Union.

Chairman Mao's two-month trip to the Soviet Union was successfully concluded; Chairman Mao visited the Soviet Union twice in his lifetime, both to the Soviet Union; Chairman Mao's second visit to the Soviet Union was in 1957, seven years had passed since the last time, when Stalin had died and the leader of the Soviet Union was Khrushchev.

Chairman Mao's visit to the Soviet Union, the delivery of Stalin's Shandong green onions, and the need to eat live fish at the banquet have a deep meaning

A photograph of Chairman Mao in the Soviet Union

Chairman Mao's second visit to the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union gave the highest standard of diplomatic etiquette, Khrushchev personally greeted Chairman Mao, and arranged for Chairman Mao to live in the Kremlin, as soon as he entered the room, a wooden bed was placed in the bedroom, which was arranged according to Chairman Mao's habits.

This time Chairman Mao's gift to the Soviet Union was no longer an actual gift, but a grand model of a five-year plan for our future development, when Yan Mingfu said excitedly: "After seven years, visiting the Soviet Union again is no longer a thing, and our waist pole is harder than before!" ”

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