
The Establishment of the Chinese Sports Delegation at the Beijing Winter Olympics is the largest in history and the goal of participating in the whole project has been achieved

The Establishment of the Chinese Sports Delegation at the Beijing Winter Olympics is the largest in history and the goal of participating in the whole project has been achieved

On January 27, the Chinese sports delegation participating in the XXIV Winter Olympic Games was officially established. The total number of Chinese sports delegations is 387, including 176 athletes, 164 coaches, team leaders, scientific and medical personnel and other sports team staff, and 47 youth league staff. The Beijing Winter Olympics is the largest participation in the history of Chinese sports delegations.

Of the 176 athletes, 87 were female and 89 were male. There are 20 athletes from 9 ethnic minorities, including Tibetans, Uyghurs, Manchus, Hui, Kazakhs, Hani, Jing, Koreans and Buyi. The average age of the athletes is 25.2 years old, the oldest is 37 years old (men's ice hockey Ye Jinguang), and the youngest is 17 years old (men's freestyle ski He Jinbo, women's ski jumping Peng Qingyue). 131 athletes participated in the Winter Olympic Games for the first time, accounting for 74.43%; Xu Mengtao, Jia Zongyang, Qi Guangpu and other 3 athletes will participate in the Olympic Games for the fourth time, which is the athlete who participated in the Olympic Games the most times in the delegation.

The Chinese sports delegation completed the task of "participating in all 7 major events and 15 sub-events" of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and won a total of 104 sub-events and 194 seats (including 4 "in-competition" sub-events that need to be reconfirmed by other minor events of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games), accounting for 95.4% of all 109 sub-events. Compared with the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, 2 major events such as ice hockey and bobsleigh, 3 sub-events such as Nordic biathlon, and 47 minor events such as speed skating women's 5000 meters have been added, and the number of participating small events and athletes has increased significantly.

"The overall level of competition in ice and snow projects has improved, key projects have maintained competitive advantages, and some difficult projects have achieved historical breakthroughs." Ni Huizhong, director of the Winter Games Center of the State General Administration of Sport, told reporters that due to the impact of the global new crown pneumonia epidemic, the mainland ice and snow project preparations face great difficulties and challenges, and had to miss all snow sports and bobsleigh events in the first half of the Olympic qualification period 2020-2021 season, and the participation pressure is mainly concentrated in the second half of the Olympic qualification period 2021-2022 season, and the number of qualifications (World Cup, Grand Prix) in this season is limited. 28 national training teams for ice and snow projects, more than 1,100 people (more than 450 athletes, more than 200 coaches, more than 460 auxiliary support personnel such as scientific research and team doctors) cohesively, through scientific training and hard training, and finally achieve the goal of participating in the whole project.

(Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, State Supervision Commission)

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