
Who you are, you have long been destined

Who you are, you have long been destined

Author: Insight Muye

We walked side by side in the darkness, on our respective pilgrimage paths.

Rhonda Byrne mentions the "Law of Attraction" in her book The Secret:

"When the mind is concentrated in a certain field, the people, things, and things related to this field will be attracted to it."

That is to say, when you are bent on achieving something, the whole universe will cooperate with you;

When you want to try to get better, people around you are willing to help you.

Your attitude towards life determines what kind of person you will become and what kind of life you will live.


Whatever you complain about, something will happen to you.

I've seen such a story.

There is a graduate of a prestigious school who is diligent and has outstanding ability, and is quite appreciated by the leaders.

Once the unit promoted a young cadre, the competent department recommended him, according to his academic qualifications and abilities, he is fully qualified for this post.

But he regrettably failed.

The successful candidate was a colleague who was older than him, less educated than him, and not as good a job as his.

Only later did he learn that the colleague who had successfully campaigned was a relative of a leader.

The failure of the election crushed the self-confidence of the graduate of the prestigious school.

He began to complain to the people around him, saying that he had no relationship in the company, would not shoot the leader's ass, would only bury his head in the officer, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not get ahead.

Friends have suggested that he jump ship, with his ability, can find a better company, have greater achievements.

But he was reluctant to give up the company's good welfare and comfortable environment.

In this way, in the midst of complaining, day by day I became depressed.

Later, the new recruits recruited by the company, although they are not graduates of famous universities, but with hard work, the positions have surpassed him.

And he's still complaining about the impersonality of the company and complaining that the new people have surpassed him.

Everything has gravity, and whatever you complain about, something will happen to you.

In fact, life is like a mirror, you smile at it, it smiles at you; you cry at it, it cries at you.

If you complain about it, it will bring more situations that make you complain.

In the adult world, there is no easy word.

The real strong are not without tears, but running with tears in their eyes.

Who you are, you have long been destined


What you believe, you will attract.

I especially like the saying: "The quality of life comes from the power of the heart." ”

That is to say, what you believe in your heart, you will attract, what kind of life you will live.

I previously watched a video of a TED talk by Lena Kay, a spiritual mentor.

Lena's story has helped many people get out of life difficulties and live a better life.

Lena was born in Kurdistan and was judged by doctors before she was born to be "stillborn.".

A few years later, when war broke out in Kurdistan, she smuggled herself to Iran with her parents and went to London as a refugee.

Her entire student years were filled with darkness, poverty, and embarrassment.

After work, it was even worse: relations with his family deteriorated, he suffered from depression, brain tumors, faced unemployment, and struggled to survive in a homeless shelter on meager benefits.

She also tried to change, but it always backfired and it got worse and worse.

Until one day, her heart was deeply shaken by the words "You are the creator of life and situations".

She suddenly realized that all the unfortunate encounters in life were the result of personal choices.

If so, why not choose a happy and positive life?

She began to study the classics of sociology, science, and spirituality, and then Lena discovered:

Everything in the world, including our lives, is always guided by a mysterious force, and this power is attraction.

She suddenly realized: "If I had created my own misfortune, maybe I could have eliminated it." ”

Who you are, you have long been destined

From that moment on, she believed she could change her destiny and take charge of her own life.

She worked hard to adjust her body and mind, no longer dependent on drugs; replaced television with reading; replaced complaints with actions, and actively used her management talents...

When she really changed her mind, shielded herself from the negative magnetic field around her, and firmly believed that she could jump out of the mud, her health was improved, her relationship with her family was gradually repaired, and her economic situation was improved...

Who you are, you have long been destined

Eventually, through the Law of Attraction, Lena reversed her life and lived the life of her dreams.

There's a saying that goes something like this:

"The world is your own world, and your attitude toward the world determines what kind of world you will have."

What you attract is what you expect.

Believe in the good, you will meet the good.


What kind of person you are, what kind of life you will meet.

Last year, when the gambling king Ho Hung-sun died, it was a sensation.

Everyone is talking about the hundreds of billions of dollars owned by Ho Hongshen, but in fact, the gambling king has also been poor and depressed.

Before he was 13 years old, He Hongshen was indeed a rich young master, with too much change to spend, only caring about playing every day, and every exam was at the bottom of the class.

But at the age of 13, fate played a big joke with him.

Ho's father was put into a stock scam, lost all his family property, and fled to Vietnam to take refuge, leaving only their orphans and widows.

Forced to do so, his mother moved with several siblings to the shed of the Central factory.

The 13-year-old was kicked off by a bus driver because he had only a dime in his pocket.

The toothache can only be endured, and there is no money to see a doctor.

Classmates and relatives looked down on him, and no one was willing to help them.

Who you are, you have long been destined

Many people say that Ho Hongshen's luck is good, and he has met noble people one after another in the trough, but he himself believes that life is better is inseparable from reading more, being diligent, and being willing to pay.

At that time, Ho knew that if he wanted to change his destiny, he could only do two things, study well and rely on himself.

Therefore, it only took him one semester to jump from a scumbag to a bully and get a scholarship.

At this time, he met the first noble man in his life, his father's old friend Zhou Qiannian.

Chow sponsored him to study, and in 1939, Stanley Ho was admitted to the University of Hong Kong.

Because of the aura of the university of Hong Kong and the steady and sophisticated personality, he met a second noble uncle, Ho Gantang, a well-known figure in Hong Kong at that time.

Why did He Hongshen start to meet noble people one after another at this time?

When his family went bankrupt, no one was willing to lend a helping hand.

It was because when he began to try to become better, everyone saw that he was no longer a stupid boy, that they began to look at him with admiration and were willing to help him.

Stanley Ho once said:

"No one wants to be friends with someone who has no value, it's normal.

When you are despised by others, it is not to blame others, but to change yourself first. ”

The so-called transit, but you have become better, and there are more people who are willing to help you.

There is a "Matthew effect" in economics: the stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker.

What kind of person you are, what kind of world you will enter, what kind of life you will meet.

If you are a hard-working person, you will enter an upward world and live a unique life;

If you are a lazy and negative person, you will enter a downward world and live a life that can be lived and lived.

In the end, it will always be you who decides how far you can go and what kind of life you can live.

You are the ultimate and best destination for yourself.

Zhou Guoping once said: "We walk side by side in the dark, walking on our respective pilgrimage roads." ”

In fact, what kind of life you will live has long been destined.

What happens to you and what path you will take in life depends on your inner qualities.

And your inner qualities determine the quality of your life.

If you want to change your destiny, you must first change your inner qualities and make yourself a positive person.

When you get better, you'll meet more great people and you'll have a better life.

In this world, there has never been a nobleman, and anyone's nobleman is himself.

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