
Race can't see on single skate shoes anymore! TheShy confessed: This hero is fun but doesn't know how to win


As we all know, the single skateboard shoe (spear of revenge) has always been TheShy's signature single hero, and whenever TheShy takes out this hero to play a single, the other party will fall into "endless torture" and even the soldiers can't eat it. In this regard, many viewers watched the WBG game, and they were eager to see TheShy take out this hero again to play a single picture. Unfortunately, it seems that it is difficult for us to see single skate shoes in subsequent competitions, what is going on?

Race can't see on single skate shoes anymore! TheShy confessed: This hero is fun but doesn't know how to win

TheShy: It's fun to get on single skate shoes, but I don't know how to win

The thing is, recently TheShy live Rank ranking process, he directly took out a hand of single skate shoes, and then said to the audience: "I like to play skate shoes, this hero is very fun, but it is difficult to win by choosing skate shoes, I don't know how to win." Obviously, TheShy thinks it's fun for the hero to play singles, but it's not very powerful in the current version.

Race can't see on single skate shoes anymore! TheShy confessed: This hero is fun but doesn't know how to win

Races may not see shoes on single skateboarding anymore

For These words of TheShy, I have to say that in the subsequent competition, it is difficult for us to see the picture of the single skate shoes appearing on the field again. After all, even TheShy himself said that he didn't know how to win by choosing this hero, which is enough to prove how weak the single skate shoes are in the current version. Therefore, in order to win the game, TheShy probably will not choose this hero in the competition, unless the follow-up skate shoes will usher in a wave of enhancement.

Race can't see on single skate shoes anymore! TheShy confessed: This hero is fun but doesn't know how to win

TheShy's sword demons, blue steel shadow and other warrior heroes also play well

But having said that, even without the hero of skateboarding shoes, TheShy has a lot of signature short-handed heroes. For example, Sword Ji, Sword Demon, Qinggang Shadow, etc., These heroes of TheShy also play very well. And these warrior heroes, compared to skateboard shoes are more stable, even if they are caught in a few waves, they still have a good effect.

Race can't see on single skate shoes anymore! TheShy confessed: This hero is fun but doesn't know how to win

Personal opinion

Seeing this, I think that although it may be difficult for us to see TheShy playing with single skate shoes in the future, this may not be a bad thing. Because in the past, TheShy had also "flipped" many times using these heroes, and was often less stable than those warrior heroes. And in S8, TheShy was famous for playing warrior heroes at its peak, when TheShy's sword demons and Jace were all good hands. In this regard, it can only be said that I hope that In the follow-up TheShy can adjust his state in the game, no matter what kind of single hero he uses, he hopes that this player can return to the peak period and lead the team to achieve good results.

Race can't see on single skate shoes anymore! TheShy confessed: This hero is fun but doesn't know how to win

Let's discuss: What do you guys think of TheShy's single skateboard shoes?

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